
Business System

Everyone already knows how this goes guy gets transmigrated > Meets Rob > Rob gives power > Wakes up in anime world. !!!!!WARNING!!!!!! If you are looking for a good plot and even better writing skill please leave this fanfic because this isn't for you, my writing skill is at best slightly better than the average stuff you can find in webnovel (which to be honest isn't that high of a rating) and at worst it's at least somewhat legible. Romance is most likely going to be rushed as fuck and (if) there's character development it's going to be very poorly written. but if you somehow don't care about these stuff then, well, welcome aboard!

Smoking_Krab · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

Chapter. 2

[Welcome Host, To the Business System!]™

[My Main Job is to help you make a successful Business/Shadow empire to control the world from the shadows!]


"Wait just, hold on for a mo-"

[There is no time to think, User! Downloading Host Bodies Memories...]

"Motherfuc-" William tries to insult the rather rude system, but it's cut off by the flood of memories that came crashing on him.


William Wyndall..., 18 years old and next in line to the inheritance of the Wyndall House, receives an urgent letter from his father asking him to return home, and that he will be waiting for him in his study. He quickly takes a dagger that he bought for self defence after being mugged once from behind the wardrobe before heading out to his horse.

Once he reaches his House, he discovers that His father has been shot with a bullet from behind in his study, his murderer nowhere to be found. 1 year passed since then and his relationship with his Mother, Julia, had just worsened


William and his mother Julia always had a tumultuous relationship, he always seeking her approval, trying to please her at every turn and every little thing and yet she feeling always showed disappointment, a feeling which multiplied due to his father's death. She entered a drinking stupor, wasting the family's coffers on expensive drinks and lavish food, while leaving the house to 'rot' because the servants were too busy taking care of her to take proper care towards the house, and even in the moments where the servants weren't being pestered by their mistress they simply didn't have the permission nor the fund's necessary to fix broken furniture and among other things.

The day before Thanksgiving, while William was away, due to a recent fight between the two, he receives a letter saying that his mother, Julia, died of Alcohol Poisoning. After the funeral, he discovers that his father had left both a final letter and a will for him, that Julia, his own mother, had hidden it.

In his father's final letter he wrote that due to some complications with some of his past business partners he fears for his life and for that reason he wanted to write this letter so that either Julia or one of his few Truly trustful friends give him this letter, explaining that he always was proud of him, and that he had very different opinions of him compared to his mother, he said that he also wished he had been a better father for him and that he had been more present in his life, that he regrets not saying how he loved him and how he always supported him. He also asked that I took care of my mother Julia, because, despite the way she acts, she still loved him and only wished him well, even if she couldn't express it very well.

By the ending of the letter he was doing his best to hold the tears in and failing miserably judging by the wet spots on the letter. After he finally finishes reading his legs give in, and he falls to his knees, clutching the letter dear to his chest while he wept for what seemed like hours, regretting the fact that he, too, did not say how much he loved his father and only now did he realize what he had truly lost.

After he manage's to stop crying he finally starts reading his father's will, it stipulated that he acquire a wife by the time he reached 28 years of age if he wanted the full inheritance. Due to his already high emotions from his mother's death not too long after his father assassination and from the fact that she had hidden his father's final letter he couldn't bear to be in his house any longer, and he runs to his 'small' private cabin in the forest to cool off and properly organize his emotions.

A few months later, William returns to the mansion and finds the place in dire need of repair after his mother's death. He then has thoughts of marrying an outsider who can handle the estate and also fulfill the inheritance stipulation, before deciding to contact Isabelle, a friend of his deceased mother that lives nearby and ask her for help to find someone to marry, to which she offers her daugher, Aria, and asking him to come see her and see if he liked her, he agrees and they start seeing each other while he does renovation work on the house.

Upon reaching Isabelle's House, he get a look at what Aria looks like, she was a cute, young girl. She had blonde, shoulder-length hair topped with a fluffy, light blue accessory and blue eyes. She wore a white, long-sleeved shirt with a light blue ribbon on her neck. He was immediately smitten with her, already jumping at the opportunity to talk to her and to get to know her better. Eventually, they fall in love, and they decide to marry.

everything seemed to be going well after, he managed to invite some of his father contacts for the party, but during their engagement party, William sees Aria with another man. He follows them and see's that they are heading towards the more secluded area of the area of their engagement party, more specifically the deeper parts of the Garden.

Moments arriving he quickly hides behind a tall bush and strains his hearing to hear what could they be doing all the way back here, though after hearing moans and kissing sounds, his heart drops and his mind freezes. he jumps out of behind the tall bush to see them kissing each other rather passionately, half of Aria's shirt already unbuttoned. William, feeling a deep, and profound sense of betrayal is rightfully enraged and confronts her, who due to the surprise is unable to tell a convincing lie, decides to tell him the truth that she was seeing Edgar, the man she was consorting with for a few months already. Feeling the betrayal of his beloved he attacks in a fit of rage the noble who was cheating with his soon ex-wife to be, unleashing a flurry of blows until the noble's face was but a mess of blood, snot and tears, he himself wasn't much better with a broken nose and a busted lip.

By that point most of the party had already heard the sounds of the fight and the screams of Aria, the guards who saw the scene quickly separated the two, William then declares the end of the party and starts marching through the surprised crowd with a firm scowl on his face. Later on after the party, Aria tries to ask for forgiveness, that was just a fluke, a thing of the moment and that she only loved him instead, she says that she ways forced to do what she did, and that she did not enjoy a single moment of their time. Williams bitterly ask if the kisses, the groping and all the 'I love you's' that were being thrown around were her attempts at saying "no" to that 3rd rate noble.

Aria wisely chooses to keep her head down in shame and not comment any further, while William massaged the bridge off his broken nose, thinking about the headache that she caused, a dark and cold expression made it into her face before quickly going back to her face full of shame. This goes on for a few minutes before he dismisses her and tell that when he is in a better state of mind they will talk about it. She gives a tiny nod and goes to her room.

After some thought, William decides to make official the cancelation of their engagement and search for another, more worthy, wife. a myriad of emotions crosses Isabelle's face upon receiving the notice. Shock, regret, anger, sadness, among other emotions, and he made it clear that no amount of begging and or crying will change his opinion on the matter. Days later, with her things packed with the help of her own personal maid she boards the carriage without even looking back, feelings on both sides soured and bridges burned beyond reconciliation...

Days later, he receives a letter from a merchant who was a dear friend of his father, stating that he will visit his home to see if he could help him get started in the world of business, as a way of repaying his debt to his now deceased father.

[Host Body Memories Download Complete!]

By the end of the download, his eyes had gotten slightly red as tears trails down on his face

"Shit...man, this guy's life is a fucking disaster, seriously, what the hell?! Father assassinated, mother who also died AND hated her only son, and as the cherry on top his fiancee cheated on him. Dear god, who did this guy fucked with in his past life to make his life so unlucky?" he says while wiping his tears from his eyes. then taking the Cigar from my mouth, and extinguishing it in the ashtray.

"Man, not even 5 minutes in this world, and I already am filled to the brim with problems." he lets out a short, depreciative laugh before shaking his head and looking at the calendar on the wall "Hm, it seems that today is the day that he will come to help me...what a coincidence, huh" I say with a raised eyebrow at this coincidence

Alright, I think I have some time to see more about the System before he comes here..."System! Show me a brief explanation of your functions."




"W-what?!" William almost jumps out of his chair due to the sudden knocking on his door, "who is it!" he shouts after recomposing himself and making sure that he wasn't crying anymore and that he was presentable.

"Sir," one of the few maids that still work within the mansion said behind the still-closed door, "it's Sir Gable of the Famous Gilham Family." The maid waits for a few seconds before continuing, "Your father's friend, m'lord." And then it dawns on him that this 'Sir Gable' was the guy in the letter!

"Well, why didn't you start with that then?! Forget it..., just-just let him in and go bring us some appetizers or something." William says, unused to ordering others and to the common noble speak. As the maid opens the door allowing Gable to enter, he couldn't help but be somewhat embarrassed by the fact that he forgot the name of one of his father's greatest friends. But he dismissed it just as quickly as it came, after all he had just finished receiving this body memories, and even then it was more of a quick recap than a full-blown flashback, he would need to check it properly and more calmly later.

"Uhm, welcome to my humble abode err, Sir.. Gable, if you could wait just a moment my maid shall bring us appetizers to make this conversation more comfortable," he says nervously while trying to maintain his character in front of his guest

"Oh, there's no need for that, but if you insist," he gives a friendly chuckle "I heard very well your order to that maid, so there's no need to repeat yourself, and please, call me only Gable, Because Sir this Sir that can get pretty boring quite easily and on top of that, aren't we friends? There's no need for formality. " He finishes with another chuckle, making waves upon his fat, giving a friendly aura that puts William at ease and makes his stiff shoulders and back relax quite a bit.

"Well, if you insist, Gable, I myself find it quite bothersome to call people by their titles too." he smiles, feeling much more comfortable now that he won't make some sort of blunder in the eyes of a noble.

And so, after a few minutes, the maid finally arrives with a cart full of snacks and drinks, allowing them to continue talking about non-important things like the weather, the prices of food and clothes, and the overall situation of the Empire while enjoying the food.

And that's another thing that William Noticed, "Empire"... He only knows a few world's with Empires, and all of them are terrible, nightmarish places to live in.

"Well, I think it's time we finally start talking about business, yes?" he says while wiping his lips with a handkerchief that he took out of his pocket, to which William finally stops daydreaming and loses his jovial expression and gives a firm but also somewhat nervous nod at him, signaling to the maid to take the cart and leave the premises so they can talk business

"Alright, so let me explain the situation for you first, as you may know, an unfortunate accident befell your father, making it so that all of his possessions go to the next parent or your mother in that case," He then starts in a sad and sorrowful tone of voice, before he lets out a sigh and continues

He winces as he mentions my mother

"However, your father death caught all of us unprepared, and so many of us didn't take it really well, and your mother was one of those people who didn't take the loss very well, choosing to enter a drinking stupor, and on top of that she wasn't as well versed in the world of business as your father was, and that in return caused quite a few properties that were under her name to go bankrupt, forcing her to sell them for a rather cheap price. And this went on and on until her regrettable alcoholic demise, which made whatever scraps remained from your father's legacy be turned in your hand." He finally finishes it, before looking me in the eyes and waiting for my reaction.

The moment he mentions my father the original body feelings came crashing unto me like a tsunami, but I held on, barely, but I did. After a few moments with my eyes closed and taking deep breaths, I then wipe the slight amount of tears in my eyes before nodding at him to continue.

Seeing that I was already recovered, he continues "And so, normally, you should be on the brink of poverty, with losing your home and everything in it being only a matter of time due to the Empire's taxes. Fortunately for you, I am here to help you take your baby steps in the world of business, first with this," He then reaches into his inner pockets and takes out a paper and a pen, which both he lays on the table for me to read, so I lean forwards to read it

In it, it reads; "From the moment__________ Signs this contract, I, Gable Gilham, from The Noble and Ancient Gilham House, agrees to loan to him about 300 thousand of Gold, Silver, and Copper coins in total value. He is to pay at least 65% of the total value by the end of a duration of 4 years. If the mentioned percentage is not paid in due time, Gable Copperfield is allowed to take any remunerations from the other party from which he loaned the value mentioned above, until either the remaining amount to be paid is properly remunerated."

I then quickly look at him with wide and surprised eyes, and just I was starting to say something, he interrupts me "Now now, I know that that amount surely looks quite the amount of money, but to us? True merchants from old and ancient houses that date all the way back to the day the Empire was first declared to be? This is but mere change." He finishes with a shrug and a careless smile.

I look at him with an even more impressed and shocked look, as I simply silently try to understand just the sheer scope of how money these Nobles have. I myself in my past life did not have this much money in my bank account! I mean, if you did count all the money that I ever gained and spent then maybe yes, the amount of money should be near 300K but still, that's a lot of money to be considered just change!

As I continue musing and digesting this information, Gable fakes a cough to draw my attention and gestures to the pen, "So, this should be more than enough to jumpstart your business, yes? And is the time to pay me back also enough, or would you like to get more time? there's no need to be afraid to ask for more, it is quite a chunky amount of change, especially for a beginner such as yourself." he finishes with an understanding and sympathetic gaze at me

As I look at it, I think for a moment before looking back at him with a somewhat embarrassed expression on my face before answering. "W-well...if you say so, I would like to extend the time period to be of 8 years, is that acceptable or do you think it is too much?" I ask, a bit nervous as I anxiously wait for his response.

He then widens his eye's a little bit, as if actually surprised I would take his offer and raise the time of payment instead of simply accepting whatever terms he laid out for me, before he takes a moment to think before answering "Yes... I do think that 8 years is a bit of a stretch, how about... 6 years?" He makes a counter-offer to me, to which I instantly agree with.

He nods, pleased with himself before gesturing to the contract on the table once again, motioning for me to sign it, as I nod at him before proceeding to write my name on the contract.

"There, is there anything else that I should sign before we are done?" I ask after siging my name and handing him the paper back.

He then takes a moment to look over everything on the paper, before nodding and standing up, while pocketing the contract in his vest. "Yes, seeing as I don't want to burden you yet with the pain in the ass that is bureaucracy, this should be more than enough for such a basic contract." he pats his clothes a little bit, as if removing dust from his it before walking to the exit.

But just as he was about to exit, he stops and says in a very monotone voice "Oh, and also, I heard about what happened at your wedding, my condolences for discovering the acts of adultery from your ex-fiancee, but perhaps you should consider it a blessing in disguise... what with who you were with." and then he finally walks away without waiting for any sort of answer from him.

William just watches him leaving, His fists clenching and unclenching as he remembers the events of that day and tries to decipher the hidden meaning behind his parting words. he continues looking in a daze for a few more seconds before he snaps back to reality thanks to the system notice.


[Congratulations on acquiring 300K In Gold, Silver, and copper coins!]

[Would you like to store it inside the system coffers? by paying 8% of the total amount monthly you can access it. It is a recommended action as it is the safest place you could place your money on, to prevent robbery and theft.]

"Wait-what?" He says as he watches the golden screen in front of him confusedly, before remembering of the system's existence and smacking himself on the face for having forgetting its existence.

he takes a moment to think before he shakes his head "I…no, don't do that. at least not yet. let me invest at least a part of it."

[Understood! Would you like to continue to see the System functions in the meantime?]

I rub my chin in thought before shaking my head and saying, "No, at least not right now, I need some time to process…all of this." I then get up from my seat and walk towards the exit of my study, hoping to find my… Or William's room. I continue walking aimlessly before just asking a maid that was just finishing to clean a vase to lead me to my room.

Upon arriving at the entrance of the room, I nod at the maid, and she bows at me, going back to clean the house and maintain what little of it remain intact. I then push the door open and find a luxurious room, which makes me wonder if I am still in the same house anymore, especially considering the state of the rest of the house.

"Well, this is weird…" I say as I feel nostalgia at the sight of the room despite never having lived in it, remembering things that I neither should nor could remember.

I then look in the mirror in the wall and see myself, my new self. I have a light blue, disheveled ponytail. Not only that, but I also have really light pink or very light purple eyes… I have some sort of weird thingie on my ear…something that I am definitely taking out later on.

"Huh, talk about looking…exotic, heh, I look like a anime character…" I then I instantly lose all amusement in my voice, after all, this person who looks like an Anime character is me! So I do my best to try to find someone that looks like this, to make sure that I didn't get reincarnated in the main character's body,

Unfortunately, I couldn't remember any anime that had someone that looks like me in them. Something that doesn't surprise me at all, after all, there is simply a lot of anime that I didn't have the chance or the interest to watch.

I then sigh and plop back on the bed, letting my now long hair free as I unmake the ponytail.

"Alright, System, you can show me your functions."





[Situational Gacha](New!)

I raise my eyebrow at the Situational Gacha before deciding to check its functions in a decrescent order, leaving it to the end.

"System, Status."




[Total Wealth; 8K (321K) (6,2K- Monthly)]

[Inventory; 1x Gacha Ticket (Character) LV3, 1x Upgrade Ticket(Power) Lv3. 3 slots Available.]

As the system display my stats, I can't help but raise a eyebrow at the...simplicity and how bare bones it is. where are the classic S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats? and also, that total wealth thingie, it seems useful, but does it have any other function aside from displaying how much money I have? and why do I have a minus 6,2K? and Monthly? is that how much money I am losing?...System, Give me a brief explanation on everything on my Status Painel.


[Body: Is the Stat that governs the more physical aspect of you, For example your Strength, Endurance, Agility.]

[Mind: Is the Stat that govern's the more logical aspect of you, For example, Your Inteligence(The Calculative/Logical one, not the strategic one.), Charisma and Perception]

[Soul: Is the Stat that govern the more metaphysical aspect of you, For example your Will or Luck.]

Your Total Wealth; How much money you have, and how much you are Earning/Losing.]

"I...Hum, I see." I say while eyeing those tickets in the inventory, before deciding to leave those for later, after I have finished checking all functions in the System.

"Show me the Shop."

And not a moment later, the screen that was showing the explanation of my stats dissipated and in its place appeared another one.


[Section; Earth]








[Section; Your current World]







The moment I see the Bloodline option my heart start to beat faster, I then instantly choose it to see how much is an Uchiha or a Saiyan bloodline, and while I am confused as to why the current world shop that I am in is locked I don't think too much about it, instead focusing on earth's shop.

[Bloodline's available;]



And as I watched the list grow just a bit more, the disappointment started to grow, before I tried to use the search bar for a sharingan or Uchiha, but the result was still nothing. I tried the Saiyan, but still, nada. I then proceeded to try a bunch of other bloodlines that I could think of, most of them came from naruto but still, no matter what I wrote in the search bar, it always gave me empty results.

Growing frustrated with the system, I ask, "System! Where are the OP bloodlines?! Where is the Uzumaki, the Kryptonian, The Martian or whatever other Strong bloodline in this damn shop?!"

It then responds [User, The shop will only display things that existed within your world. And seeing as there were no Saiyans, no Uchihas nor any Kryptonians, you can't buy their bloodline.]

Seeing this message, my already diminishing excitement has been completely extinguished, like someone just threw a bucket of ice-cold water on me. I let out a sad sigh. "But what about my current world? why is it still locked?"


[Because you didn't complete your main mission yet, the moment you finish it, everything will be unlocked.

Another way to unlock it is to just pay a certain fee or complete the main quest, of which depending on the percentage completed, it will transform into a permanent discount for the things in this world.

Example; You have 55% of the world under your rule, this means that once you complete the quest, everything in the shop will have a permanet 55% discount for things of this World.]

"Interesting... Does this mean that if I can control a large percentage of the Naruto world, does that mean that everything will have a discount too?"


As I read the System message, My gloomy expression quickly is replaced with a one of anticipation. I start to daydream a bit about all the OP powers that I am going to get once I get to those world's before shaking my head and dismissing those thoughts, deciding to focus on the now. On this world in specific, after all, who is to say that this world isn't already the Naruto world?

"Alright, after finishing inspecting the system I will do my best to discover clues as to which world I am inside, if it even is Anime and not instead a Movie or a Video Game universe…"

I then decide to skip races entirely, because if it was going to show only the stuff in my old world, then it wasn't going to give me anything interesting anyway, so why bother wasting my time instead of checking the next thing, which is…Gacha.


[Gacha rewards are divided by the tickets Level, A level one would get you a useful but still common and random item, and only costs One ticket per spin. To get higher and better rewards, an appropriating ticket is necessary, so you won't be able to get anything above Rare with a Level 1 Ticket.]

[Situational Gacha]

[Due to the raised level of randomization on the normal Gacha, The Situational Gacha was created. It provides an item according to the situation at hand. For example, you are injured and in need of healing, then you use 3 Lv1 Tickets (The price is 3 Tickets for a single spin), what may come out of it could be a clean, Sterilized Bandages all the way to a medium grade healing potion. But what you can be sure of is that It will have something to do with helping you in your current situation. Different situations will give you different rewards.]

"Wait...the Randomization was increased? what do you mean?! how am I supposed to get a Ridiculous and overpowered Power/Item/Ability from something that was only supposed to look like it was actually Random?!"

[Luck. :)

I just stare at the System response, before waving my hand and dispelling the message while Massaging my head with the other. I stay like this, laying on my bed for some time until I heard a knocking on my door. I get up to sit on my bed and ask still with a sightly angry tone due to the Systems answer "What is it?"

A old, aged masculine voice comes from the other side "Its your lunch, sir." he replies in a calm and respectful tone, seemingly not bothered nor intimidated by my tone of voice.

it takes me a few moments to recognize the owner of the voice, before replying back "Oh, in that case, enter." I say, as I simply continue sitted on the bed, my hair undone at my shoulders as I watch thr old family butler enter my room with a tray of snacks and such. As he prepares the food trays I have an Idea.

"Hey, Henry, Do you have today's newspaper?" I ask him, to which he replies without stopping what he is doing,

"Yes, sir, I imagine that you would like to read it while enjoying your Snacks?" I nod at his question and he nods back, after finishes placing the tableware in the food trail, he goes out of the room and a few moments later he comes back with a roll of paper under his arm.

"Here it is, Sir, after you are done eating and reading, you can just call me and I will come. I shall be waiting outside the door." he then puts it on the tray and goes out of the room, closing the doors as he exits.

After he exits, I grab the journal and open it, finding it to be in Japanese… I think. There's a lot of kanji and stuff like that, so I assume that it is Japanese, but either way, thanks to my host memories I was able to read it.

In it, it reads "The Empire Protects!" in the Title, and this quickly concerns me, because I don't remember many worlds where having a Empire in it and also being a safe world.... in fact, I don't think I can remember not even one world where the world 'Empire' and 'Safe' are in the same sentence!

I then continue to read the rest of the journal, calmly, so that I don't get anything wrong and start to get precipitated conclusions. But as I read it, I gain less and less information, instead it is talking about how X and Y nobles are so good and charitable, and how the rate of disappearances in the capital is increasing.

That last part quickly drew my attention, so I mark it so that I can come back later. I also mark a few other names that seem Familiar to me, Like Prime Minister Honest. I feel like he was someone important…just like Bolic, he seems to also be part of some kind of religious organization, 'Path of Peace', I made sure to remember that… A little more downwards, I see written "Night Raid Attacks another innocent Noble! When will this bloodshed be finished? When will these criminals be brought to justice!? Please, if you see any of the following, report to your local guard station, and do not interact with such criminals on your own, they are vicious and brutal psychopaths who would kill anyone on sight!" And below these words there were posters of people.

"Akane; Dead Or Alive"

"Bulat; Dead Or Alive"

"Mine; Dead Or Alive"

"Sheele; Dead Or Alive"

And on the back were some more posters of people I didn't recognize, but the most critical thing was, I recognized the world I was in.

It was fucking Akame Ga Kill.