
Burning Passion Love Never Dies

Mingshu was so addicted to a novel that she forgot to eat and sleep; she had taken to heart the plight of the villainous emperor within, whose fate was appallingly tragic! After angrily writing a thousand-word negative review, she woke up to find herself transmigrated into the book, becoming the freshly minted, unfortunate Noble Consort of the Tyrant. Confronted with the living and breathing emperor before her, Mingshu's mind was a whirlwind— Isn't this my kid? 〣( ºΔº )〣 In the eyes of everyone else, the emperor was bloodthirsty by nature, ruthless and cruel, a Living Yama whose very name sent shivers down spines! Through Mingshu's eyes, the emperor was: afraid of the dark, terrified of thunder, loved to act spoiled, lacked a sense of security, was inherently kind, and had a life-or-death need for sweets... What kind of supreme cutie is this?! Wahhh, baby, mama loves you!! In order to change her son's dreadful ending, Mingshu, overflowing with maternal love, transformed into a child-protecting demon! She brazenly confronted the Empress Dowager, furiously scolded court officials, and fought imperial consorts with her bare hands... But wait, why were the kid's glances at her becoming more and more peculiar? —— As a child, Si Chu always dreamt of a young girl who taught him to read and write with patience, tended to his wounds with care, and gently soothed him to sleep on every stormy night. Then one day, the girl disappeared. He searched high and low but couldn't find her. So, obsession turned into a demon, his eyes blood-red and crazed, he went mad. Just when he lamented the world's boredom and contemplated destroying everything, He came across a pair of bright, sparkling, talking eyes. With a gloomy and obsessive look, the emperor's lips curled into a cold smile: Fine, you've come to me of your own volition. —— Everyone knew: The emperor detested beautiful, delicate, and arrogant women most of all. No one knew how long the dainty Noble Consort would last. * When you visit this world, remember to take a look at the sun.

Cloudy · Lịch sử
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
207 Chs

Chapter 157: Who Am I to You?

Once the noise from the conversation in the next room quieted down, someone walked out of the side chamber, their footsteps fading away, and the corridor returned to its previous silence.

Zhui Ying carefully glanced in the direction of his Majesty, waiting for instructions.

Si Chu's eyes were downcast, the flickering candlelight cast on his sharp profile, the luminous shadows pulsating in the depths of his eye sockets, casting a faint shadow that rendered him somewhat enigmatic.

After a while, he rose calmly, leisurely dusted off his sleeves, and said in a tone that betrayed no emotion, "Let's go, the play has reached its most thrilling part, it's time to verify the results."

Zhui Ying detected an undercurrent of roiling waves in his calm voice and, understanding, bowed his head respectfully, "I will arrange it at once."

Having said that, he slipped out of the window silently.