
Burning-Hood Deviant

This world is too normal.... Day in Day out, Everyone is just living for their survival. Where's the fun in that?, Wasn't living supposed to be fun?. I need a change...No this world needs a change. And miraculously, The change i needed occurred in an unusual way. *BOOM* At that sound the world changed. 30% of the countries population awakened powers of different attributes. What do I do now that I've got the change I needed?.... There was no need to think...No matter the change....Humans are still humans. There will always be those who can't see the full picture and commit silly crimes. And also those who see the bigger picture and have bigger agenda's. But who will stop them?, Everyone is becoming the antagonist of the story without knowing... We all know a story wouldn't be balanced without someone to go against the antagonists. My eyes as the author came across a young teenage boy like all the others was one of the chosen few... Awakening fire abilities, he chose to use it for fun without knowing he is the one keeping the balance of the story. He and friend Sasuke with child like mentalities became Vigilantes. Join Them as they continue to keep the story in balance while facing increasingly stronger enemies as the story progress. Author's Note: √ Hey Author here, I rewrote the synopsis and I will be apologizing to my readers for the unpredictable release of chapter's one through forty, I had school, family issues and also I'm the only child so you should get but... I'M BACK!!, and I promise to release appropriately from now on. The release rate will be 7 chapters every two weeks please bear with me. I would really love to take down the first forty chapters as I wasn't on balance and just wrote whatever came to my on the spot cause it stakes on my mind as an author but as a person I'm leaving it on so I can use it remind my self of my growth as this is the first novel I've written. Good news...The story I've always wanted to write or had planned to write starts from chapter 41 but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read the first forty chapters, it's good being sincere, you can just call it the beginning chapter's as it just laid the ground work for the actions and main story plot of the story. Also this might sound selfish but please leave a review and umm...power stones, for my growth cause I've got two stories that I know will shake webnovel as a whole so for it to be perfect I'm going over it slowly and thoroughly, you should expect either late 2023 or early 2024. I will give you all an update when it's out cause I should be done with Burning-hood deviant before they start. Anyways thanks for being kind enough to listen to this poor authors note and complaints I really appreciate it and will do my best from now on as I keep on writing you can also you can leave a comment on ideas you have that I can implement into the stories growth. Your's Faithfully, Top_Tier. (•‿•)

TopTier7 · Võ hiệp
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45 Chs


He got shot to death over and over again by an endless amount of bullet as He kept dying and reviving at the same spot. He died over fifteen times and I decided to give him a break cause I still need him to talk.

"W-Whats happening to me?...did I just die in a world I control?"

"How did it feel to experience death over and over?...that was just a little out of the many you've done to me and the others you've killed, But I'm not going to keep snapping my fingers or waiting for you to keep dying by a Gatling Gun since my finger would hurt and I'm not a patient type"

I grabbed his hair to raise his head upward as I squat down to look at his face glaring at him intensely like I could literally see his soul.

"But this...this will be real painful"

I let go of his head as He uses it to smash against the floor breaking his nose.

I stretched out my hand as I opened my palm wide and a few meters from me a large butcher knife gets created, his body levitates a few centimeters above ground level.


The tip of his toes in both legs got cut off horizontally like it was cut by a knife, And then his body continues to get cut from his feet up to his head by a distance between each cut being at least 2cm, He screamed a lot from the pain as he watched his body continuously get cut into pieces till death.

He died and appeared again like nothing ever happened to his body but He fell down in an instant like He lost control of both his legs, But that should not be possible since this is the world in our mind, He laid on the floor terrified as He removes his neck from facing the floor.

"How are you able to do all this in my illusion world"

"Oh is someone terrified, Well you were the one who gave me the clue, You said it your self you are making my mind show me what you want it to show me"


"Oh you can still shout after having your body cut into tiny minuscules, But seriously dude it's still my mind so it was all just in my head, And all I had to do was take back control of my imagination"


Now I'm gonna ask you this and you already know what I need, You already lost connection with your cerebellum so even if we both wake up to our real body you won't be able to stand talkless walk and I can just keep killing you till you die of shock, So I will ask you this calmly....Where's did you take the girl you took?"

"I can't tell you"

"So you won't talk, You must think that I'm soft that I won't do it"

I stretched out my hand as I opened my palm wide and a butcher knife as tall as an adult was formed hanging on the air.

"Now I'm gonna count from one through five, every second you don't answer me you lose one limb"

"WAIT, I'm n—



His left hand got cut of right from his shoulder and he screams in agony.





"You are already down two arms and you still won't talk, Your legs are next so talk if you don't want any more pain..THREE!"


'He's really tight lipped'



His right leg got cut off from his lap, Heavy tears trickled down his face as He tried to bear the pain while bitting his lip.





He bit the collar of his Shirt as the amount of tear coming out increased now He's lost all his limb leaving only his head.

"Dude just make this easy for me and yourself and just tell me THE GODDAMN LOCATION!!"

"I can't tell you*SOBS*it's not my fault"


"I DON'T KNOW...I don't..know"


I bit my lip very well but blood just didn't come out as blood didn't come out when I died and when I cut of all his limbs. I increased the size of the butcher knife made of flame as it burned more intensely. He looked very terrified as He looked at it, I am only increasing the size as a stimulus to make him tell me and I just need a little more. I made the butcher knife move back ward to create a distance of seven meters and I made It come at him in full speed aiming for his neck as it rotated, However the world starts to fade away like a dust before it hit him.

The entire world vanished and I got Isolated in a blank space, But I could hear the sound of something even though faintly, So I decided to move towards the faint noise. Every

where is currently dark but I can tell that I'm running on water, I'm not sinking and I'm imagining how?, But everything him and I have been doing so far has been impossible.

As I ran the sound began to get louder. and finally I saw something, It was like a video in a large smokelike television moving like dust in the air it contained content of places I haven't been, people I haven't seen. As I continued to run it was becoming more and more, There were alot of smoke like televisions hovering in the air, But all of them were talking at the same time so I couldn't make out what they were saying however one thing was clear these are all his memories, I remember him saying the world starts to fade when a person dies, I'm still alive so does that mean He's the one who's dead?, BASTARD!!, He didn't tell me where momoi was...Wait these are his memories so maybe I can find it in here, I mistakenly touch one of the smoke memories and I entered inside it and I found out I can literally watch the world play from a third person perspective like I was right there live but they couldn't see me.

I watched the memory play, It seems it's a memory from He was a kid, it seems I'm going to be busy for a while but still how do I leave after I'm done or is there a time limit till I return back to my original consciousness. I tried to find memories that might be recent.

'This one seems recent'

I touch the memory and it was like I got sucked in, as I began to watch the memory play, He seems beaten up as He laid on the floor looking at someone, The person was a male in his mid-twenties, there are ice everywhere and I can tell it must be chilly, But I think it's this person's ability as the illusion guys body has some freezed part.

"Your ability is to create illusions interesting"

The guy who I believe has freezing abilities says as He looks down on the illusion guy.

"How the hell did you do that?" (illusion guy)

"What's your name?"

"It's Yeowun...Kim Yeowun"

"So you must must be Korean"

"My mom's japanese, Anyways what's your deal man?"(Kim Yeowun)

"Ok then Kim Yeowun, what do you think about the current wor—

Before I could hear what He was going to say, the memory dissipates like dust vanishing out, I got out of the memory only to see the other memory also dissipating.

'Shit I spent too long in that memory since I didn't know how to leave, but I need to find out about Momoi'

All the memory begin to vanish except two that was quiet wide like a Cinema screen. I touched the first one that I saw but I couldn't enter it but it was like it got absorbed into the tip of my finger, But I didn't have time to think about what just happened as I ran for the last one, The world behind me starts to dissipates slowly like how the other memory became dust, I was running just one step ahead from the memory world which was fading away, And i was just four steps away.

'Three steps'

'Two steps'

Finally I jumped into the large screen like memory.