

The sound of gunshots echoed in the room " You are just mine, your blood, breath,body ,mind , your everything is just mine, No one has the right to take you away from me, I've been waiting for you for so long, I'll make you mine whether you like it or not." Emir drank a glass of water " This water will not quench my thirst, only your tears can quench my thirst, only your tears Miss Eda Ertan " _____________________________________________ "I lost him , I lost him " Eda crying like a baby " I lost him Firuze " "Eda don't be sad , everything will be settle trust me, If your love is true, it will be found, your love will not be empty your love will be return to you may be in different ways, in different shape or may be in different face but it will diffidently come to you " Firuze comforted her " How can you say ?" " you will see honey " Firuze said --------------------------------------------------------------------- Beautiful and delicate girl like fragrant flowers, Eda , who was hungry and desirous of love which she never got before . She was out to find love for herself and got stuck in an many year-old rivalry . It was her misfortune or her test, she got love but the one she loved turned out to be her worst enemy.She was caught in the beautiful trap of a hunter who was already waiting for her to unleash his revenge fire. Will she ever be able to get out of the trap of fake love and hatred? Will her flower of love bloom in the desert of hatred or will she lose her love in the burning fire of revenge? Will she get her love ? -----------------------------------------------------------------------

SiBa_Lili · Thành thị
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14 Chs

Chapter #05 : Punctual

After receiving Emir's order, everyone was waiting for the next shift of the interview inside the office.Emir was still sitting in the Deniz's office observing some important files to discuss it with Deniz .

" May I come in sir " Deniz asked

" Yes, you may, this is your office "

Deniz entered in room and sat beside Emir on the couch, Deniz wanted to say something but he shut his mouth off after seeing his boss discussing about their new and very important project.

" Deniz do you want to say something? " Emir said while maintaining focus on files

" Yeah, Actually that people" Emir didn't let him complete his sentence, he knew that what Deniz want to say " That people, I know they are not going to be interviewed. You have punished them for being late.But we cannot let them stand outside "

" Hmm... Out of the people interviewed, only two people are able to work on our new project " Deniz explained

" What about those people who is waiting for their next shift that will never come " Emir was still checking the files

"I have the files of two of them, both are girls and I liked their files, they have good qualification and experience " he stood up and picked up two files from his office table and handed over to Emir " This first file belongs to the girl whose file I liked the most Eda Paşa. I think she will handle the job quite well if we appoint her for this job "

Emir took the file and started to read , Emir narrowed his eyes when he saw Eda's small size picture on the top right corner of the curriculum vitae ' I... I have seen this girl before but where ' he thought and gazed at the picture as if he wanted to recognize her face , a smile appeared on his lips when he remembered where he saw this girl.

"I also like this girl, I mean her file " Emir said and stood up

"OK, then I will interview him " Deniz said

" No, there is no need I have a meeting about the project in two hours. You should check everything one last time " He said nochantly, at first Deniz felt weird but after he went out Deniz started to recheck all files .

Eda was sitting their waiting with everyone, she gazed at the man who stood Infront of her, he was in formal suit " Ma'am" He said Eda stood up and said " Yes ? "

" Are you Eda paşa" He asked politely , She gazed him " Yes I'm "

he gazed at her and smiled " Actually Ma'am, I work in this company as a manager of employment department in which you have come for an interview , I have been ordered by Boss to go to you and if you have come for interview then take you to Boss." He explained

She raised her right eyebrow , After thinking for ten seconds, she nodded slightly to indicate that she is agree to go with him. He smiled at her and started walking, she followed him silently

" So many people were waiting outside for the interview, why didn't they let them in before" She asked

"You will also know that our company is very big and it is very difficult to get a job, but once you get it, it is very beneficial. We have many candidates for one vacancy. Only one of them is chosen, punctuality is observed first, every second is precious . Those who came ten seconds later are also standing outside " Hearing his words about punctuality Eda lowered her head because she also was the one who came late, but his words raised another question in her mind ' If that's the case, I'm already fifteen minutes late, then why did his boss call me in for interview '

" I am also 15 minutes late then why did he call me for an interview ? " Eda said and waiting him for answer her question, but this time he didn't reply

" did he like my resume" She asked with sparkling eyes .

"I don't know but I think , our boss better will tell you what he liked about you " He said

' what did he mean ? ' She thought and followed him . James took her to the top floor where was the Emir office room .

There was a table right next to the door of the Emir's room which was being handled by a girl, he went to her and said " Tell Sir that the girl whom he called for interview has arrived "

Girl narrowed her eyebrows and said " But the interview is not happening here, Mr James"

James glared at her " Do as much as I have told you " He said annoyingly.

The girl heard him make a call from the telephone on his table and then she said "Kaya sir is calling this girl in his room "She answered him

" Hmm " He hummed while glaring at him and went to Eda who was standing their calmly.

" Sir is calling you " He said

Eda nodded and went towards the room, she held the door handle and slightly pushed the door inside , she stepped in the room and welcomed by a silence there was no one in the room , she went in and said " Hello is there anybody" but there was still silent She was about to go .

" So miss Eda you came " Someone whispered in her ear with deep and husky voice

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