
Chapter - 35

Adriel flickered open his eyes which he immediately shut with a groan. He held his head and opened them again. He was a little shocked to find where he was. He looked around the room to find the guy who was supposed to be there. His eyes landed on the little guy who sat leaning against the wall on his left. Still in his briefs, hugging his legs to his chest.

What made it weird to Adriel was the face he was pulling. Usually Ricky gets scared whenever the Froster is around. No matter how Ricky tried to hide it, he knew the little guy feared him.

So it doesn’t make sense to Adriel why the guy is looking at him in pity. But..how he ended up here in the first place. The last thing he remembers is having a drink at his home.

“The fuck you looking at?” Adriel spat with his raspy voice and winced at the sudden headache.

“It's a hangover. You were drunk last night.” Ricky spoke softly which irritated the other more. Adriel gritted his teeth and sighed.