

That sound... a sound that no one ever expects to hear at 14:00pm at the back of their school yard. Normally, you would hear mostly chatter and pointless noise at this hour, but today... today the school yard was completely silent... excluding the loud siren noises that were fading away, as the ambulance left the school and rushed to the hospital,while Xander is laying inside, Unconscious.

What do you even do in a situation like this? As you could've probably expect, Reggie got suspended from school, at least until Xander would regain consciousness. But what Xander is about to experience... is way beyond ordinary.

As Xander got into the hospital, he was rushed into some tests, just to confirm the paramedics prediction. Xander was suffering from Cerebral hemorrhage, He needed to undergo on an emergency surgery. Xander's mother rushed to the hospital as soon as she heard what happened, while she couldn't stop the tears from flooding her eyes. Her little baby was in such serious condition, just because some jerks in school thought it would be funny to mess with him.

While waiting, Xander's Mom got all of his school supplies. Xander once made his mom swear, that she wouldn't go through his Sketch notebooks, they were the closest thing to his heart, he didn't want anyone seeing how he portrayed his thoughts, and what was he really was thinking about when would just sit silent for hours, filling page after page in those exact note books.

Xander's Mom couldn't help but remember that happy little child, who would just run up to her, with a smile as bright as a sunshine, and show her his latest drawing, that he drew with some crayons, and was so proud of. She missed seeing Xander so happy all of the time, she used to wish he could stay the little happy and naive boy he was... Until the world around him... Changed him.

After the operation was over, Xander stayed in a comma-like state for about a two and a half weeks. He was in a Borderline state, and No-one could have know if he would make it through another day.

But through all of that time, one guest kept coming to check on Xander, At first, Xander's Mom didn't want anyone but the hospital staff around Xander, But that guest was stubborn, and eventually, Xander's Mom had no choice but to let her visit Xander. That guest... was the same girl who stood up for Xander in class. She felt horrible for not being there to help Xander against Reggie, and even the fact that Reggie was dealt with by their school couldn't comfort her.

She used to stay there, just watching Xander, hoping he would finally wake up, and after that period of constant fear, Xander moved! His fingers started to wiggle a bit, and soon enough, his eyes started to open! Xander and that girl really couldn't be happier at that exact moment, it was a real medical miracle! or... was it?