
I see you

oh God!! I forget my ID ...

Murmuring:" what will I do ? without Id I can't enter the school"

"where will it be in school or on that bus...ohhhh! I can't even figure out that" "ahhhh " crying.....

"'Alex come down I have something to tell you "--- Alex mother

"coming mom"with stressed voice

my voice couldn't even come out due to over stress and fear.....the ID was no were in home

vigorously thinking -- " could it be in the bus stop or in the school...

" Alex what happened?... why are you so stressed out" mom asked with narrowed eyebrows

" mom I can't find my ID I think I forget on the school or bus stop....." with stressed voice that is even not clear to hear

"oh my !" wait till Monday and apply for another ID"

"ok mom ..may be you are right" sighed like got calm on the spot

" Alex I have something to tell you ..that I am going on a trip with my colleagues ...so won't be here so please be careful and your dad is in foreign so I can't even send you there...so please look after yourself.""

"don't get nervous mom .I will be alright you can completely Trust me on that " with bright smile I replied

" ok then ..iam leaving bye "

" bye " with bright smile she sent her off

after she left she give calm sigh....

after she left the door bell rang ...

"who is it"----clank.. door opened

"ohh your that Mr weirdo...."with a pleasant smile she welcomed him please

"Are you following me or something..."

" Actually kinda like that ..I am here to give your ID ...."

" oh !! thank you... I was looking for this all over here ....." with the relaxed feeling she thanked once more

" Actually it is not good for you especially for lonely girl like you to open the door before even checking who it is ...it is very dangerous out here ....so next time just check before opening the door ok " his eyes were narrowed with curiosity like he wants to know more about me more about my place...

With smile I replied " ok Mr weirdo" hahaha we laughed

"so you came here all the way from your place to return this"

"Actually no . I cam here is because we are neighbors...I am living in next street and when

were going in bus I got your ID and knew we were neighbors in the end ..." he looked with delight towards me..I could see his eyes sparkling as stars and his gentleman look made me even more curious to know him..

" well first if a guest comes in house in my place we ask and give tea ..so in here how is it like?..." with some inner meaning he was saying that I understood....

" oh !my bad ...I didn't even asked you for tea or coffee .sorry ..... unfortunately if I tell you a truth you won't say bad hah...??with an innocent face I asked as like kids.....

"yes proceed..pls" calm and quietly he was listening to my every word

" well actually I don't know how to make coffee or tea....heh with innocent smile I looked him.....his eyes and eyebrows narrowed and he was silent ..then he laughed..

" haha haha haha ha " laughter continued

and I also joined...

with laughter he replied ..he couldn't even control his laugh that it came even when he was trying to say something ...

" you are hah...such a haha... Silly girl!!

" forget that .Then I will make it...." with smile he replied

"want any help" I asked with a smile on my face

" no..sit here and I don't like second hands .For me it could ruin my taste..."

with a smile I said " yes your majesty"

again laughter but for small period..

while we were talking there was a door bell again...teee teee.door bell rang...

door opens clank.....

WHO COULD IT BE ...........