
I Am

" Hey;my sweet and lovely neighbor sister ....."

"Hey amy my sweet friend..... I missed you..."

"I missed you to.....well your mother told me that she is going somewhere and told me to look after her one and only child..."

"well well who is this gorgeous friend of yours ..Alex" he was curious know who she really was

"this is Amy my childhood friend and neighbor also..."

" so Alex whose is this hottie by the way and i have never seen him here...."

" I will tell you later first get in.."

Amy was suspicious and looked him back and forth

" well ladies have some chat while I make some tea for you

suddenly with curiosity and anxiety Amy came across me and asked " who is he"

I replied with a smile " he is my boyfriend" she again asked " seriously"like got an electric shock..

I smiled and said " it's a joke"

she was relieved ..she calmly sighed

" he is just a friend and like new neighbor also "

Amy replied with a joy " seriously he is our neighbor ...oh my God I can't believe this ....it will be so much fun ..he and me will be perfect don't you think..."

with narrowed eyebrows " I don't think so.. hmp.."

Amy understood which I didn't ...but she was teasing me all over till he came ...

"hello ladies here you go and first smell and drink this ..that is the way my coffee taste"

all begin to drink but at first I didn't believed him but when I started to do as he said ...it was like a taste I never remembered like I'm seeing the coffee world myself...

"it was the best ever coffee I ever tasted ..."

"yaa hottie superb..mind blowing"

after we drank coffee we chatted and chatted that he suddenly got a phone call and was whispering silently..that no one can here ..Amy felt suspicious but remain silent for while after the call ..he was hurried to go back and said " well ladies I think I might go as per an urgent came up.." as he was leaving

I followed him and asked " is everything ok....

he didn't want to answer that but he replied with a fake smile " yes"

he saw my gloomy face so he hugged me

and said " we will meet again"

something was beating inside like non-stop..and that can not be controlled...I don't know I was smiling ..when I turned back I saw Amy clenching teeth together ..I was helpless and was about to run but there was no where to run ..she thought I lied but infact I didn't...I didn't know myself either....