
bully the bullies

I was bullied since I was a child for being fat for being different and for a lot more reasons I fell in love but I was bullied by my first love love makes you weak but mine made me strong the love of my life loves my bestfriend my otherhalf my soul sister and it hurts but it's time to heal my story from being bullied to being a bad bitch

reemrose1 · Thanh xuân
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1 Chs

chapter 1

"you look so fat just look at yourself no one gonna like you or marry you"

these are the words that I grown up listening to

I've been bullied because of my weight my whole life

I have a birth mark on my face which is probably 3 to 4 inches big I been called a lot of stuff because of that too

is being over weight bad is having a birthmark that you have no control on bad

I always thought looking different or being different was bad but now that I'm older and wiser I know that looking different or unique is not bad it is beautiful