
Kiss him Kiss me


You know that feeling you get when you feel like you want to smother someone but don't know how to do it without being a prime suspect and possibly get caught trying to hide the body?

Well that's how I felt when Octavian tried to clean an invisible dirt of my face. My nose twitched when he again, tried to touch my nose.

We were currently in Octavian's room, A.K.A the exquisite restaurant.

A short round table divided us.

I keep staring at the gorgeous man who kept sneaking nervous glances at me and then turning his head to glare at Octavian like he was the root of all his problems.

Despite knowing Octavian for only a few days, I was pretty sure Octavian really was.

"So, how is this dinner going to be, are we sitting quietly and staring at each other while the food gets cod?"

Octavian sighed and palmed his face. "So this is what's going on, Josh here likes you but doesn't know how to approach you."

If I had been drinking, I was very sure I would have choked, saying I was stunned would be an understatement.

Where was this going?

"I also like you, and I'm pretty sure you like me and find Josh attractive."

Josh groaned and almost smacked his head on the table.

"Well hold on a minute, I never said I liked you, I never said I found josh attractive —"

"So you don't?" Octavian asked with a smug look.

"That's not the point." I snapped, feeling irritated. "Sure you are both handsome, sure I'd like to be between you both, but that doesn't mean I want to."

Octavian nodded like he understood what I was trying to say. "So what you're saying is you don't want us, but you need us?"

"Oh my God!" Josh stared at Octavian in disbelief.

"Where did you get that from everything I said?" I asked, confused and slightly irritated.

"So if Josh kisses you now are you saying you'd push him away?"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I stood up from my seat. Now I was pissed.

Octavian just stared at me like I was a child having a tantrum which just made me more mad.

"Answer my question Valeria, if Josh kisses you now would you push him away?"

I didn't know what to say and it was obvious josh was as shocked as I was with the way he was staring at Octavian.

"Josh." Octavian called. "Kiss Valeria and then kiss me."

"Are you crazy?" Josh asked, his mouth still opened in shock.

"Do it." Octavian's voice was stern as his eyes flashed hazel.

Josh physically swallowed and my eyes was drawn to the movement of his throat.

Josh stood up and stared at me like he couldn't believe what he was about to do. His stare held me in place even though my mind was screaming at me to do something but my body remained in place.

He gently held the sides of my head and leaned closer, he stared at my eyes as if he was asking for my permission. I closed my eyes and it was all the sign he needed before his lips met mine, soft but firm. He took my mouth like he owned it, his tongue danced with mine in a sensual move.

My hands roamed his chest and squeezed, I moaned into his mouth as he took my hair in a vise like but gentle grip to pull me back.

I was pretty sure he'd kissed me senseless.

He took a step back away from me and turned to Octavian who was now standing behind him with a feral look.

Octavian growled and took a hand full of josh's hair and forced his mouth on his.

I watched them kiss, I couldn't tear my eyes away. They looked so hot.

God, what had I gotten myself into?