
Is Octavian really Gay


The look Diana gave me when I entered her room said so much that for a moment, I was afraid, she wasn't her father, but she was as scary as he was, so when she gave me that look that said, 'start talking' I spilled everything.

"He's my mate, we've claimed each other but I know I can't be with him."

Her left eyebrow lifted and she pursed her lips before speaking. "If you weren't going to stay with him then why the hell did you claim him?"

A very valid question, so I said what came to my mind. "His scent was very hard to resist."

Diana snorted, then frowned, "how are you going to feed if we're going to be under surveillance two-four-seven?"

I didn't know, and that scared me, even though we weren't exactly being guarded, I knew we were being watched carefully, and there was no way the Alpha was letting us go without an answer to what I was doing in his home.

"How many days before you really really need to eat."

I estimated the time I thought I killed Octavian and the rays it'll take me to get hungry.

"Maybe six days from now."

"Did your mate see your beast?"

I stiffened and of course, Diana saw it. "You didn't tell him what you are?"

"There wasn't exactly any time to talk."

"So you are going to tell him when he comes back?"

What was her problem anyway, snooping into my personal life like it was her business, sure I took her father as my father and he often liked to snoop around my life, but that was her father not her, our relationship didn't go beyond that of a master and servant.

"Are you planning on telling him or not, if you're his mate he should at least know what he's getting into, seeing as he's the beta and all."

I felt like there was an indirect abuse in her words somewhere.

"I'm not sure if I'm staying, so I don't see the reason why he should know."

We both knew I was lying through my teeth.

The truth was I was scared of showing him who I truly was, scared he might freak and I wasn't ready for that.

It wasn't like I was staying or anything, so why should I care what he thinks of me.

"Anyways, did you see the girl beside the alpha?" I knew who she was talking about but pretended not to.

"The power coming off her was something, and she really looked like your mum you know."

Yes, she really did, and didn't that just make things all the weirder.

Valeria Hortensius

What the fucking hell, what the fucking shit was going on.

My dad still hadn't calm down from his agitation, I mean who the fuck wouldn't feel stressed over the shit going on, his step son and his daughter had been in the same room with him and yet he could do absolutely nothing.

Not to talk the idea of werewolves being real, I was going to have a nightmare no doubt, thinking over the way everyone was growling and snarling, fucking werewolves were real.

Andrea was never going to believe me.

A knock on the door stopped my father from moving while I moved to open.

Octavian stood there looking all dashing and daring.

"Just came here to check on you guys, there's a problem in the pack that's why the Alpha hasn't answered me yet, you know, one problem at a time." He smiled.

My father scoffed, "shouldn't it be first come first served?"

Octavian's smile didn't reach his eyes, "the Alpha gets to choose who he sees first."

"Why can't we see to ourselves?" Father asked, the anger and impatience clearly in his voice.

"He didn't give you permission, he will see to you when he sees fit." Octavian answered curtly.

His eyes turned to me flashing with what looked like carnal excitement.

"You look beautiful in your gown," his hand trailed my shoulder, "but I think it would look great with a blue belt." It moved to my cheek and caressed, my lips suddenly felt dry so I licked it. His eyes suddenly flashed as he followed my tongue.

He moved back, his hand lingering for a moment before he dropped it.

"If you leave the room, don't go beyond the gates, there's a mosquito on the loose, and he only feeds on pretty ladies."

He smirked and left, I stared at the door moments after it closed behind him.

"Stupid shifters and their alphas." My dad muttered under his breath.

Was Octavian really gay?