


I groaned in pain and rubbed my aching head, my eyes opened but I closed it back due to the flash of light.

"Don't pass out on me again". I heard a voice say. Don't pass out?, why did I pass put in the first place?.

It all came rushing down and I jumped up and moved away from whoever was talking. My first thought was that the alpha caught on to me. But as I blinked open my eyes again I gasped. The girl I saved was staring back at me with an amused expression.

She smiled at me. "Hello I'm...." She scrunched her face up in confusion as she seemed to think about what to say.

"I'm..." She repeated. "I'm".

Oh no, I saved a brainless powerful don't know my name person.

"I don't remember my name".

The words sounded like a question to me.

I finally stood up and stared carefully at her. Her bloody clothes were gone and she was wearing mine. And that was when I took in my surroundings. I was at home again.

"So are you going to tell me how you found me?". She asked.

"Oh sure, I found you in the forest dying". I answered, a brief encounter of me and her wolf cane into my mind.

"Nothing else?".

"Yeah, so is it okay if I say you don't seem to remember anything".

"Oh believe me I'm trying to, but..... My memory seems hazy, the more I try remembering the more I forget".

"Sounds like a case of — The more I try to remember the more I forget Itis".

She smiled.

"You're funny".

I shrugged. "I try, are you hungry?".

"Starving actually".

"I'll need to go out to find something, I was actually on my way to find something to eat when I found you".

"I don't mind, I'll wait here".

I nodded and headed out the front door even though I still felt really dizzy.

I sighed as I stopped the bike, I felt more dizzy than before I that was even possible. My head ached, my whole body ached, everything ached and yet here I was rushing home to bring food to the stranger I met few hours ago.

I pushed open the door and stared in surprise, all my years of living in this cottage it was never as clean as this. The clothes that were always scattered on the floor had been packed, the kitchen rearranged, the couches and everything else looked dust free, everything was sparkling clean.

The girl smiled when she looked back and saw me.

"I got bored of sitting down". She said and also roamed her eyes all over the place. "So what did you buy?".

It took me a moment to remember she was talking to me. "I hope you like cup cakes".

She grinned. "They are my favorite, my mum makes them for me".

She remembered her mum? "So you know who your mum is?".

"Yes, she's......"

And we are back to the beginning.

"I don't remember". She frowned. "Why do I keep forgetting?".

I looked at her like she was a ghost, was she seriously expecting me to answer that.

"How did you almost die?". Let's hope she remembers this one.

"I think I was stabbed or something" she answered.

"You do realize that's not exactly a valid answer". I said.

"I don't remember okay, I just know I was kidnapped from my house in......"

"In what or where?"

"I don't know, but I could have sworn it was on the tip of my tongue to say it".

"Can you shift?".I asked and she turned confused.

"Shift?, want do you mean shift".

Oh God, did she loose her memory or was she playing a shitty game with me.

"What, you don't remember being able to shift to a wolf?". She suddenly started laughing.

She held her stomach and laughed until tears fell out of her eyes, I didn't exactly know what was funny so I just let her laugh to her heart's desire.

When she saw the look on my face she stopped.

"Wait, are you serious?". Her question made me think I was hallucinating when her wolf talked to me. Or maybe my power doesn't work anymore.

"Do I look like I'm joking?".

"Are you for real?, werewolves don't exist".

"So you don't know about mates?".

"I have a mate he's name is Casper".

"How can you have a mate when you believe werewolves don't exist".

"I didn't say I have a mate". She denied.

"But you just mentioned having a mate called Casper".

"I never said anyone's name".

"But you did".

"I didn't".

But she did say the name Casper, I heard her say it, she said it, why was she denying it.

"Are we eating or what?".

I nodded still staring in confusion. She did say she had a mate named Casper. I heard her say it. There was something wrong with her, and I was going to get to the root of it.