
Danica's powers


I didn't know what to say, all this shit, the pain, the torment, just because a man wanted to die.

I grabbed Danica's head and settled it on my chest.

"What does he hope to achieve? Is he hoping that he'll terrorize you enough for you to go after him?"

Koala answered, "that's not exactly what he wants, a Hikrata, when angry and hurt beyond explanation becomes invisible, a killing machine, now add that with a Sehirah which is already a killing machine, sometimes unstoppable, there's a high chance if we combine our powers together we'll kill him, but before Danica can become invisible, that is; angry enough to reach another level of her powers, he'll have to have been hurting her, tormenting her and so on, to the extent that Danica would become tired of being tormented, to the extent that she'll crave revenge."

"I don't understand." Vincent said. "If he's just tormenting only Danica why would you want to fight him?"

"It's true that Thanos experimented on me and his son stole me from him there by, sort of adopted me, my master still told me all there is to know about my origin, so I also carry hate for Thanos...."

"That still doesn't explain anything."

"If you'd let me finish." He pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes at Vincent. "On a scale of one to ten Danica is three percent stronger than me, therefore because Danica is an Hikrata and has years perfecting her mind control powers, if she puts all her strength into it and commands me to fight with her if she feels she wouldn't be able to defeat Thanos alone I would succumb and fight with her." He held his hand up when I opened my mouth to speak. "And before you say anything I know Danica in her right senses wouldn't control me like that, but the Hikrata in her would."

"You said something about mother locking away my powers." Valeria ask, cleaning her eyes with the back of her left hand.

Danica nodded on my chest.

"Do you have any idea how to unlock it, or what the power is?"

"You won't be unlocking anything." Danica's father said, sternly his eyes red and swollen.

"We have to unlock it."

"What." Danica's father said, his gaze on Koala.

"We have to unlock it." Koala repeated, "we might need her."

"You don't know what her power is.'"

"As a matter of fact I do know the powers she has."

"So you really need to unlock it." He sounded broken.

"I wish we didn't have to but we need to."

"What powers do I have." Valeria asked her hands clenched to her sides in what appeared to be anticipation.

"Portal." The sharp intake of breath of almost anyone was almost comical if not for the fact that I was as shocked as almost everyone was.

"Really." Valeria asked, giddy.

"Yes, you can create portals and tell where a person's weak spot is."

"Ooh, can I shift?"

"Regrettably, no, you and Tara are the same, Tara can't shift also."

I rubbed Danica's forehead with my thumb, "you know if it's that your family was healthy, you'll be the most feared family in a century."

Danica snorted, "I know."

"How are you gonna unlock the powers?" I asked.

"Danica and Tara are going to do it." Koala answered.

"How do you know so much about all of this." Vincent asked, grinning at his mate.

Koala tried smiling back but it didn't reach his eyes. "Let's say I spent most of my life reading."

Vincent winced and took koala's hands in his own and rubbed it affectionately.

"We still have the Alicia matter on ground though." Josh said.

"I'll speak with the moonstone packs's Alpha female, she knows something."

Josh shrugged at me but his gaze lingered on Octavian who was smirking at Valeria who looked like she was trying her best not get flustered.

Danica squeezed my hand so I looked down at her.

"Let's go to our room."

"Sure." I said bluntly even though my heart gave a jerk at the use of our.