
All that for you?

Words couldn't express what I was feeling. Why me of all people, why me of all shifters, why me of all girls.

I was Jerome's mate-there was no denying the fact.

And I ran away from him, which basically means I rejected him

This was fucking messed up.

I sighed when I saw the cottage.

I got to the entrance and shifted, I pushed open the door and groaned. The crazy Rabbits were here again.

The whole place was scattered. The kitchen was worse. The small brown couch had been ripped apart. And my clothes were all over the floor.

I didn't have the time to waste so I only picked the clothes I'd need.

A short jean skirt and a sports bra, then a blazer jacket. This should


Now what was I going to do about my eyes? I had no intention of buying contact lenses, cause if I wanted one I'd have to go to the city. so the only solution I could think of was making sure the color of my eyes does not change when I'm around anyone.

The color of my eye changes when I'm sad, angry, scared, confused, nervous, frightened, hungry. Basically all emotions and feelings.

And the world makes it really hard to stick to one emotion.

I sighed. Life was just getting worse.

I turned around and went out the door. I've lived here for almost four years alone. And everytime I stare at it I still can't believe it's real. This life is really real. I was alone and practically always in danger of being caught.

I walked to the back of the house, I stared at my power bike, I really hoped it had enough fuel to get me back into town.


"How can someone like her disappear just like that?." Gary asked.

We were all gathered in the town square all wondering where my mate could have disappeared to. Sure we found her clothes but we weren't able to trace her. How fucked up was that!. It was like she placed a spell on her scent or something.

"Just remember, if you see any new face you let us know, or even anyone suspicious." I declared.

I turned to go but the sound of a bike stopped me. Literally everyone turned to look.

A woman was riding a bike and coming towards us. Her face was covered with the helmet she wore. She had strawberry blonde hair that floated off her back in waves. She parked the car near Grace's workshop.

We all watched in what seemed like anticipation as she removed her helmet.

My breath caught in my throat as I finally saw her face. She was by far the prettiest of all women I've seen in my whole life. She had an aura of confidence and grace with the way she carried herself. She came down from the bike.

My eyes trailed down and up accessing what she wore. The cloth she wore was revealing and I found myself hating the fact that all my pack mates were looking at her. I should be the only one allowed to do that.

Grace, the owner of the bakery she parked her bike in, approached her.

They said something and then she turned to me.

She seemed to flinch under my gaze but held her composure.

"Alpha." She greeted me. "Sorry for barging in on your territory but I'll leave as soon as I can."

God her voice, her voice made me think of sinful things like hearing her scream when she came on my cock.

I still didn't say anything. She took my silence as a yes then turned to grace.

"Five cupcakes, two pieces of bread, and three milkshakes to go."

Grace was clearly surprised at what she ordered.

"All that for you?." Grace asked.

"Ee...." She seemed to be thinking of an answer which made me suspicious. "Yes, that's all for me. It's going to be a long day so I'm getting what I can." She finally answered.

Vincent approached me. "She looks suspicious." He said. "Do you think she's the one."

"I doubt it, cause someone who ran away not long ago wouldn't come back so quickly, except, except she needed food and this woman seemed to be stocking her pockets full of food."

"Cara." I called. She came forward. "Could she be the one?."

"It could seem so, I mean did you see the way she greeted you from afar. She didn't try to make any conversation. It looked like she didn't want you near. And she's suspicious, how about you do this?."

Cara whispered the plan to me and vincent. I had to smile. It might work.

Grace came out moments later with what she ordered. She gave Grace the money and attempted to walk back to her car and that was when I acted.

"Wait!." She stopped but didn't turn back.

"What pack are you from?." This time she turned but didn't meet my eyes.

"Mercury pack." She answered.

"I've never heard of it before," I said. She bit her lip but still didn't meet my eyes.

"It's a small pack." She answered

"What's the name of your Alpha?." Her face paled and she looked ready to run.

But then like she changed her mind she looked me in the eye and sighed out loud.

"I don't want a mate." I felt my heart ache. "I'm trouble, believe me you don't want me, I don't want to be a mate to you and then make you wish you'd never met me, just let me go, pretend you never met me." She finished.

I felt Vincent lunge at her before I saw him. But God she moved so fast I barely saw her move sideways before Vincent reached her.

"I wouldn't attempt to force myself if I were you, let me go in peace."

I scoffed, Like I was letting that happen.

On my signal my enforcers tried to grab her but she side tracked them again.

"You don't want to capture me, you'll forget you ever saw me, you'll forget any of this ever happened." I saw her eye color change, it looked like the blue color that was there before melted and became brown.

"You don't know me." It took me a moment to figure out what she was doing. My enforcers and the rest of us present were looking at her in confusion.

Then Vincent turned to me.

"Who is she?." He asked. I was amused and enraged at the same time. She made them think she was a stranger. She had powers alright, but why didn't it work on me.

Then she looked at me and smiled. "I'm not your mate, you never met me, you'll let me go." I found myself smiling back and watching her go. She climbed the bike still smiling. Her eye color changed again to golden yellow. Then she rode her bike off and when she got out of sight I was back in control of my brain and so were the others.

"How the fuck did she do that?." Vincent asked.

"Octavian said she might be powerful, so it shouldn't be a shocker that she was able to confuse us."

"Josh." I called. "Did you get the chip on her?."

He smiled. "Of course." He looked at his phone. "She's heading south."

Josh had stayed back according to plan and when we were conversing with her he flew the chip to her bike.

"She won't escape us now, should we go after her?." Cara asked.

"No, she could escape again, you saw how easy it was for her to do it, we need a plan, or try to figure out something that would make us immune to her powers." I said.

"Octavian might know something though." Cara said.

"Yeah he might." I answered. Now just to think of more reasons why she would choose to hide when she had powers."