
Bullied By The Billionaire

Megan Arrey is a graduate of the University of Douala and has just acquired a job at a Newspaper house. She has the task to have an interview with the most influential Businessman Nicholas Larry, the Owner of the best wine company in the country. Work brings them together, but fate tears them apart after a one-night stand. Megan is torn apart when she can't find Nicholas when she rises the next morning. Will she disclose the paternity of her baby to the man who wasn't around through her restless days and sleepless nights?

Eyong · Thành thị
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145 Chs


"Alright, so you girls should start by telling me if I am a good boss or not, what you'll like about me or not Please, be since with our answers, I promise that I wouldn't judge you for speaking the truth about me to my face," I announced.

I was very eager to know what they had to say concerning me.

I looked at them with a broad smile as they contemplated amongst themselves to see who is going to start first.

Avoid my gaze from theirs, I picked a chunk of pawpaw a d stuffed it into my mouth enjoying the taste.

This is how I love to eat m fruits, chopped up and put in the fridge to cold. Jeeez... it makes me want to leave on fruits for the rest of my life.

One thing I was kind of skeptical about was late-night eating, in as much as I kind of detest it because of the indigestion of the meal before bedtime, I went in with this one because it was fruits.