
Bullets and Wines

Inka was known to be a successful woman. She worked hard for it because she believe that one day, those who had belittled her and left her behind would regret the things that they did to her. Read wasn't the type of guy that changes woman everynight. He is a man with dignity and moral yet behind his Greek God physique and unreadable eyes is a life that revolves around blood, guns and brotherhood. What will happen if Read had set his eyes to the most successful woman in all time? Would he take the risk and love her till death do they part? Or would he just forget about it because of his dark life?

Exousia_Chamilos · Thanh xuân
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
15 Chs


Somewhere at the city of new jersey, a group of men where busy shipping some weapons and drugs.

"Sir, the shipments had been completed." His Second in Command said at his phone.

"Well done, how about our other objectives?" A voice so deep answered.

"We already burned his headquarters, Sir. His brother is already dead and some of his men are quitting out."

A dark laugh was heard until the line went out.


Inka's Point of View

I heaved a sigh for the ninth time as I arrange some of my paperworks. I looked at my phone and there was still no notifications, no messages, not even some missed calls.

Read had been busy this past few days, our last encounter was when I was at his penthouse. Though he didn't told me anything, I saw how determined he was when Wayne left.

After that day, he dropped me off at my condo unit, bid goodbye then left.

I don't even know why I'm being clingy towards him. I shook my head and focused back at my work. Maybe, I need to let out some steam since it had been a rollercoaster from the couple of days.

I picked my phone up and called Nova.

[Yow! What's up?]

"Hey! Uhm, do you have some plans today?"

[Hhmmm. Just gonna chill at my unit. Why?]

"Great! Wanna hit at the bar later?"

[Woah woah! Are you alright?]

I chuckled. Wow, this girl really knew me.

"Yeah. Just stressed out."

[Okay then. I'll pick you up at your unit later.]

"Okay. Thanks Nova!"

[No problem, girl!]

The call ended, I leaned back at my chair and turned around. My office has a wide view of the city so its kind of cool and relaxing to see it.

I stretched my arms and stood up. A beep startled me, I pushed the answer button as my secretary talked.

"Ma'am, an appointment had been received today saying that you have a schedule of dinner meeting with Mr. Felix."

I heaved a sigh and pressed the button again.

"Cancel it or better yet, reschedule it. I have some plans for today." I answered

"Noted Ma'am."

I looked at the clock as it says 6:42 PM. I fixed my things and made sure that my papers are all in order then went out.

"David, you can go home now. Just make sure that everything is in order and please email me my schedule."

He nodded and smiled.

"Okay, Ma'am. Have a great night."

I walked towards my elevator and pushed the 6thB. The lowest basement is reserved to all of the staff and employee on my company.

The elevator goes *ding* and it opened, revealing the eerie parking lot. Only a few more cars are in here since most of my employee's out is 6PM.

I found my car and tried to fished out my keys at my bag but I can't find it. I opened my bag and put some of my things out.

Did I left it at my office? I remember putting it here after I locked my car door this morning.


I was startled by the voice behind me that I dropped my bag at the floor.

"Oh my-- Sorry. You just startled me." I chuckled and picked up some of the things that went out of my bag.

"Here, let me help you."

He picked up my phone and wallet and we both stood up.

"Thank you." I said and smiled at him.

He smiled back at me showing his little dimple.

"No problem. Also, I think this is yours?" He stated and handed me my car keys.

"Oh, where did you get this?"

"I saw it outside of the elevator door and your the only one who's here so I assumed that it was yours." He answered

I nodded but still confused. I didn't opened my bag when I was outside the elevator nor inside the elevator so how come I dropped it?

"Anyway thank you Mr--"

"Lee. I'm Andrew Lee." He offered his hand as I shake it.

"Thank You Mr. Andrew. I was looking for this and had become worried that I might lose it."

He chuckled lightly.

"Well good thing I found it. Anyway I should get going, I still need to meet someone."

"Oh, sure. Thanks again."

He waved his hand and started to walk away, I looked at his back and followed his movement until he was out of my sight.

He looks kinda familiar. Have I met that guy before?

I shrugged my shoulders and opened my car. My phone rang again so I answered it before starting the engine.


[Where are you?]

"Read?" I asked. Unsure if its him since it sounds like him but the caller is not registered.

[Yes, now answer me. Where are you?]

"At the parking lot of my company. Why?"

[F*ck. Get out of there now! I'm on my way, meet me at the lobby just get out of there!]

"What are you--"

Suddenly the line was cut off and I feel nervous. I looked around the parking lot and went out of my car. Why do I feel like someone is watching me?

Chills ran down my spine. I glanced at my phone and saw that I have no service.

Okay, I really need to get out of here. A lady's instinct is always right and my instinct says get away from here.

I ran towards the staircase when I heard some footsteps running too.

"Aww don't run away from me, darling. I'm not going to hurt you." A deep voice say behind me.

I turned around and saw a man wearing a mask while pointing his gun at me. Fear and alertness crawl unto me as I looked around for a weapon to protect myself.

"You can't ran away now. Death is the only way out."

He was about to pull the trigger when I heard a gunshot coming from my back. I screamed as fear consumes my system.

"Oh God! Miss are you okay?"

My vision was blurry as tears started to stream down on my face, I looked at the one who killed my suppose to be killer and realized that it was Andrew.

"A-Andrew." I uttered as I tried to find my strength.

"Sshhh. Its okay. Your okay now." He whispered as he guided me towards the stairway.

"T-Thank you."

He just nodded and smiled.

"Who was that?" He asked, concern written on his face.

"I-I don't know." I answered honestly

"Do you know anyone who could have done this?"

I shook my head.

"Inka! Inka where are you?"

I looked up and looked around as I heard Read's voice.


The moment he saw me, he ran towards me and hugged me tight.

"Oh God! Are you okay? What happened?" He asked as he raked his eyes over me, checking if I am injured or not.

"I'm okay, Read. Andrew saved me." I said and pointed at Andrew who was looking at us.

I saw how Read's face turned into a serious and intimidating one.

"The Prodigy." He uttered

Andrew smirked and said a word I never heard before.

" The Berserker"