
Building Overlord with Beyonder Blueprints

Gods, all-mighty beings with great power, some of them are born with great power and others cultivate it and become reborn as immortal beings on par, or superior to gods themselves, but where do these all mighty powerful beings live when they want to relax, and restore their power. Housing, great shrines, fortresses these are the places gods and cultivators need to rest but the lack of proper builders is a concerning matter to the world of Afreya. "Madam demon lord your castle is too worn out let me remodel it," I said "oooh so old man sword master you wish to build a tomb to be found by a potential successor to inherit your cultivation techniques then leave it to me I shall build it" "A shrine you say to be able to let a god rest in, then say no more I will build it" BOBB BUILDER SYSTEM *activated* -what do you want to build. Join Tema a reincarnated architect and civil engineer genius with a builder system, to create infrastructure and become the greatest god builder of the universe. He can build anything, never seen before structures and solve problems in unconventional ways. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MartinDauthor Your support will help in my writing, thank you.

Archaic_Scribesage · Kỳ huyễn
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43 Chs



Before I could even finish reading the notification after the old man Reece rushed into the teleportation circle like a madman, the area he left created a glass-like shatter in space like a mirror cracking, then exploded and attracted other objects and individuals towards it like a magnet to create a ball. Leo who despite his size was blown away the moment the transparent glowing glass ball burst.

The shards of mirror-like pieces pierced my bronze skin and beard sending flakes of hair in the air like it was raining hair, the blast sent my body flying backward like a test dummy Doll as I felt immense pain enter my muscles and veins.

"Aaaaah!" Screamers of agony filled the room of those remaining, watching by the side as intestines passed by me in the air, and Severed limbs with fresh blood paste.

'Is that Lester?' I thought seeing the severed human head of the guard that welcomed me in my second life with his whip to my bareback.

Panicking I activated all of the protecting skills I could think of at the moment

*Skills activated*

Elemental origin manipulation

Ice Ki

Tetras skill

Creators charismatic aura

Defense: 55

Taking the hammer and used Ki manipulation to block, The Ice skill I used and the other skills all seemed to have doubled in power when I paid more attention I had activated a skill I had ignored and had not paid not much attention to because I did not understand it well the charismatic aura that I only used once when I first forged the Avarian armor.

It seemed to amplify the other skill doubling their range, As the ice Ki created a longer wave wall and then I activated my TITLE for Wielder of the hammer.

*Control of skills amplified by the charisma aura support stack skill*

Using the middle of the long hilted hammer I rapidly spun it like a high-speed turbine

Trying to cover myself, with whatever I could use, the Tetras skill built a wall made of blocks in front of me to repel the shards, also the tough snakeskin cape I covered myself with got shredded and even other space shards could phase through the objects I had thrown in front of me, all that I had thrown could not spare me from the mirror shards that tore through all the defenses like cutting butter with a hot knife.

My only hope was dodging to avoid Vital points being hit to at least have a chance to heal with vitality after all this commission was over. It took everything I had to hold on to those few seconds,

*Origin energy depleted: -60*

My vitality could not keep up with the consummation rate

*Extra Origin energy, do you accept*


*Incurred origin debt of 30*

Not a second had passed till even my hammer got knocked away


*All Origin energy potential power borrowed now exhausted, Origin energy will be locked till debt paid*

*System Overheat*

As if fate was playing a cruel joke on me the explosion resided back as I got buried in the rubble bloodied and my vision hazy, I went back to the darkness of rest.


With a ringing in my ear, I woke up to the orange-faced Leo wearing a concerned frown, "Hey! boy don't die on me I still need you to free me from the debt of my old friend. Damn It! You look like crap but I should be happier that you even survived that space explosion,"

He continued, "Now sit where you are I will give some flame to you so that your recovery will be faster," Said Leo as he breathed out orange flames to the rest of my body.

*Heat Resistance: -5 stamina"

Then I hear a yell, "Aaah! Kid this looks troublesome your body seems to have absorbed the space shards and now you have Space sickness, Such a disaster will make you disappear from existence in a matter of hours I can only suppress It now with my Saint-level flames,"

"What do you mean, disappear from existence," I asked

Leo only took a glance at me but continued breathing fire into my body to replenish it. but this time the white flame in my mind realm did not react even to how I was in my condition right now, But I still remembered the words of the sage-like youth from my mind realm telling me of how the white flame of Creation is a mysterious attribute.

After a while the fire had helped to alleviate most of the pain, my body felt a warm sensation, the ant-like biting pain in my mussels was gone and the vitality slowly closed some of my wounds.

Leo's whiskers twitched and his golden eyes wore a heavy frown between them, "Damn, space sickness at this time and these humans did not even take their time to build this teleportation fortress the right way, now the candidate I had finally found unexpectedly to relieve me of my Friends debt is now infected with the space sickness,"

Slowly pushing away the rubble I got up sitting On my buttocks, looking at Leo's anguished face I thought of what he meant by sickness because I felt just fine right now.

I then continued to clear and push rubble away, even grabbing some blank paper scrolls and a white tip brush, then as I was about to touch a stone rock my hand slipped right through it, "Ah! What the hell is this?" I said

Taking away my hand again, And heard Leo talking in a mad tone, "That is space sickness, A rare occasion that happens to less Than 1 out of a million people in Afreya, that will terrorize your life.

He continued, "It is a blessing and cursed at the same time, It will grant you split seconds of impenetrability, But also if not treated your body will slowly be overtaken by the space law attribute of the world, confusing you as one of its own and throwing you into the other side of space, the dark space realm,"

After hearing his explanation I furrowed my brows, "This is truly bad then, so what do I do to get rid of the shards from my body?" I asked Leo.

The big tiger then tapped his chin as if thinking of something, "Maybe my friend knows how to get rid of those shards in your body and help you get back to normal again, but from now on you should be careful when you pick an enemy to fight since that sickness gets worse as Time continues,"

I gulped down as a shiver ran down my spine. If I do not solve this problem immediately I will end up disappearing, and thanks to the warm flames from Leo the sickness has been suppressed.

I gazed at Slith and asked, "Then how long do I have till I disappear to the dark space realm?" I asked worriedly.

Leo sat down gazing at me with his golden eyes from above, "With the saintly flame power I have bestowed in your body. You have a good 3 days to figure out a way to cure yourself, but know that in the 1 million cases of those diagnosed with space sickness only 1 out of 500 000 survive, so I have heard," Said Leo.

My world and hope to live was now crushed, "What the hell 3days How the hell was I supposed to heal myself in that short amount of time?" As if he could read my mind Leo then Smiled and puffed out his chest.

"But there may be a way, from my friend, he should be able to help you. Why not go to the fourth tunnel and try your luck? But first, let's get you some clothes to wear. Those shards shredded everything, I'm tired of seeing your naked butt, plus there is a problem with your power you seem extremely weak even though I used my flames on you,

You should not be this weak,'' said Leo.