
Building Overlord with Beyonder Blueprints

Gods, all-mighty beings with great power, some of them are born with great power and others cultivate it and become reborn as immortal beings on par, or superior to gods themselves, but where do these all mighty powerful beings live when they want to relax, and restore their power. Housing, great shrines, fortresses these are the places gods and cultivators need to rest but the lack of proper builders is a concerning matter to the world of Afreya. "Madam demon lord your castle is too worn out let me remodel it," I said "oooh so old man sword master you wish to build a tomb to be found by a potential successor to inherit your cultivation techniques then leave it to me I shall build it" "A shrine you say to be able to let a god rest in, then say no more I will build it" BOBB BUILDER SYSTEM *activated* -what do you want to build. Join Tema a reincarnated architect and civil engineer genius with a builder system, to create infrastructure and become the greatest god builder of the universe. He can build anything, never seen before structures and solve problems in unconventional ways. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MartinDauthor Your support will help in my writing, thank you.

Archaic_Scribesage · Kỳ huyễn
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43 Chs

Chapter 32: Cat and mouse

Levitating in mid-air, a light tower shining brightly in the dark underworld, illuminating the wall and Terra kingdom's stone houses, and the remaining two towers of Slith and Hella. Slith's tower began to crumble and fall from the air crashing into a portion of the wall under it when it crash-landed, creating a huge opening.

A blue scroll was floating in front of the 4th tower master, releasing a saintly profound aura, then Digrooth paid attention at the opened blue scroll, "T-T-That is a saint scroll blueprint for a Saint-level power residence, and it's for a beast class," Immediately Greed could be heard in his tone.

"Hahahaha such luck! Presenting a treasure like that in front of me!? Is that why the light temple brought you here? Did you steal that from their Treasury and get thrown here in this damned place?" Asked Digrooth with an excited tone

"Let me guess you plan to exchange that scroll for your worthless lives, Don't you light user?" Said Digrooth with an amused smile.

The robed 4th tower master nodded her head, "Will this allow us to be set, free senior?"

Tapping his fingers on his star nose, an evil grin appeared on his mouth, "Human you are too good-hearted for your own good, What makes you think I can't kill all of you and take that treasure for myself?"

Placing her jade-like hands that were extremely captivating with pink nail polish on the scroll a cruel giggle escaped 4th tower master's robed head, "Hehehe, then I Will have to detonate this treasure scroll, and you will never get your hands on a saint treasure in the future ever again."

Digrooth remained calm and stretched out his hand, "Fine then, hand it over and the one that created the armor for the succubus. Then all will be Dealt with," Said Digrooth in a nonchalant tone as though he had Lost in a bargain at a shop stall.

This caused the 4th tower master's body to twitch involuntarily, "Do you think I'm stupid? Let's make a blood contract and then the scroll will be yours together with that cursed dwarf," She said in an angelic tone.

But before she could even levitate to Digrooth a chill ran down her spine, as a paw rested on her shoulder she turned and saw an Orange tiger with a murderous gaze slowly sinking its claws into her shoulder blade like a hot knife cutting through butter.

"Wait! Leo don't kill her, Take the scroll and let's focus on that Guy in front of us with the star nose," said a dwarf that was on the back of the tiger.

Digrooth froze sensing the aura of the orange tiger and as he levitated backward, then Tema seeing that he wanted to leave said out loud, "Hey blind rat didn't you say you wanted to see me? I'm the one who made the Armor for the succubus. What do you want with me?" He said

The 4th tower master looked at him but felt a sting on her shoulder as she removed her hand from the scroll. The tiger still looked at her with a deep frown, "Oho! A light user no wonder I did not catch you when stealing That treasure of mine, looks like your light speed helped you run free, But as punishment, I think this Will be enough," Said Leo

Taking a deep breath he breathed out a burst of flames from his mouth at point-blank to the face of the 4th tower master, combusting her robes to flames.

"Aaaaah!" With a scream the saint level flames burned the robes into dust revealing a jade beauty, with glimmering cream-like skin, pink long hair cascading down her shoulders, and a flat valley chest but that was compensated by the bountiful full-bloomed planetary level rear-end, truly a marvelous display for the eyes, but shortly after

She burst with light energy blinding both me and everyone else before seeing her face, 'Truly a perverted tiger, but she really is pink even between hehehe, damn it! Concentrate Tema."

"Y-Y-You damned! Perverted Tiger, why did you do that all of sudden?" I said.

Leo held a Grin licking the blood from his paws and retrieving the levitating scroll, "Punishment"

Leo then looked at the Molen king Digrooth, "Now to kill you, rat boy, for even thinking of coveting the scroll I had so much trouble acquiring,"

The mole king Digrooth looked helpless and in an indignant and wronged tone blurted out, "But why do I deserve this Senior, I didn't even touch it, I'm innocent," He said flying backward.

"Shut up, and die you even wanted to kill the kid on my back for creating something, he is the one who is going to make this treasure for me from the scroll, those who want trouble with those affiliated with me will die, case closed. Now come here and kowtow to daddy and maybe I will leave your corpse intact together with your whole clan, rat king,"

Gritting his teeth Digrooth shifted his blindfolded eyes towards me, "So it was you? Mark my words you will not escape Terra alive, because by that time the tiger won't be here to protect you, little boy, at the mortal release realm," then he released his titan Body golden image and rocketed to the ground "Golden drill titan body,"

Looking at the fleeing Molen king, a look of disdain appeared on Leo's face, "Humph! You have some guts to threaten someone I deem as a friend in front of me, Here then take this strike and if you survive you will be a good stepping stone for him after I take him to that place and train him,"

Vwa! Vwa! Vwa! Vwa!

An energy ball Of orange fire color formed on Leo's mouth and like a rocket-propelled itself at full speed toward the moving ground that Digrooth was escaping with.



Like a wounded dog, Digrooth was caught by the blast and a smoking charred black figure bolted into the third tunnel. Then a murderous voice permeated the air with pure hatred, "Mark my words dwarf I will come back and rip your head off, hahaha,"

"What the hell did I do? It's Leo who did you dirty not me damn it," I said shaking my head.

Leo smiled at me, "That is how things are boy if the enemy can not beat you they will go for those close to you in an act of revenge,"

"Well, that is stupid. You have the scroll so what do we do now? I heard you said something about training me. What do you mean by that? I mean I haven't really done anything for you have I?" I said with a tilted head.

"Hahaha you are abnormal and very powerful for someone at the first stage of the mortal release, what do you say about coming with me to where my friend said to guard? I am confident you can pass the trials and attain what he Left and in return, if you succeed it will be good training and free me from the contract with my friend,"

He continued, "Then after that, your debt of me saving your life will be paid, and you will no longer feel obligated towards me, What do you say?" Said Leo with a smile, his whiskers combusting like a matchstick dancing excitedly as he gazed back at me.

After thinking of the devour queen and her power I then nodded, " I'm free from being a slave and can do whatever I want, but can you wait for me to take care of something right now before we can go?" I asked.

Leo smiled and responded, "Sure take your time"



Looking at the center of the fortress a pillar of light raised itself up high

"It's that light user, she is using a space teleportation treasure to escape while we were talking," Said Leo after sensing the space ripples.