
Building Overlord with Beyonder Blueprints

Gods, all-mighty beings with great power, some of them are born with great power and others cultivate it and become reborn as immortal beings on par, or superior to gods themselves, but where do these all mighty powerful beings live when they want to relax, and restore their power. Housing, great shrines, fortresses these are the places gods and cultivators need to rest but the lack of proper builders is a concerning matter to the world of Afreya. "Madam demon lord your castle is too worn out let me remodel it," I said "oooh so old man sword master you wish to build a tomb to be found by a potential successor to inherit your cultivation techniques then leave it to me I shall build it" "A shrine you say to be able to let a god rest in, then say no more I will build it" BOBB BUILDER SYSTEM *activated* -what do you want to build. Join Tema a reincarnated architect and civil engineer genius with a builder system, to create infrastructure and become the greatest god builder of the universe. He can build anything, never seen before structures and solve problems in unconventional ways. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MartinDauthor Your support will help in my writing, thank you.

Archaic_Scribesage · Kỳ huyễn
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43 Chs

Chapter 30: A true king

S10 Released her hands from her face, her eyes became wide open seeing the blood-soaked old man Reece kneeling in front of the golden robed Molen king Digrooth, a smug look on Digrooth's face as he watched Reece spurt out a mouthful of blood.

"Insects, all of you before true power are nothing, demons, humans are all below the food chain, all of you belong in a well gazing up towards us beasts as toads, with your little shelters you are all nothing before true power and all of you are just meant to be stepping stones for the beast clans"

He continued gazing with disgust at the crying women and children and glanced at the tower that now was nothing more than rubble that had crashed on the wall of Terra kingdom creating an opening.

"Humph! My subjects I, your king, summon you to rid this place of these insects and find the one who created the armor of the changeable eagle" said the king with clear resentment towards the People of Terra kingdom.


A horde of Molens came running from the tunnels like a stampede of wild boars, to trample anything in their way from the 1st tunnel, 2nd tunnel and 3rd tunnel, molens came pouring out and stomping on each other. Overflowing out of the opening of the tunnels.


Thump! Thump! Thump!

Despair appeared on everyone's faces as children started to stain their clothes yellow and some soldiers had trembling legs as their pants became muddy brown with lumps sticking at their rears,

The sight of complete annihilation by these flesh-eating beasts was like a nightmare from hell, the violent, beastly killing intent became visible as a dark after image of a devil appeared above the stampede.

"The dark attribute Hells beast spirit, these beasts truly plan to finish us all," Said Hella

She grit her teeth and ran towards the old man Reece falling from above, "My lady!?" screamed Emily.

"Hahahaha all of you will die tonight. My children, all of you must feast,"


"Not so fast Digrooth," said a melodious tone then a bright light sparked and shone all over Terra.

"Light tower power residence"


Like rabid rodents, the molens when exposed to the light started convulsing and some of them returned back into the tunnels even killing those that were on their way,

"Digrooth you're too cruel, what have we done to deserve annihilation like this? Are you not afraid of receiving divine punishment or being reincarnated as a parasitic leech," said the voice of a female, then a hooded black-robed individual appeared with a tower lighting up like the sun levitating up in the air.

"Light power, I never thought someone still existed down here who cultivates such power, but if you think that can stop me with your peak Ascension stage cultivation you are surely wrong," Said Digrooth as the ribbon covering his eyes lighted up with profound golden runic light a tinge of darkness.

He gnashed his teeth hearing the noise and shrieks of his children running away and being Burned by the light energy.

Spreading his hands, he shot nails that rocketed towards the woman,

"Light tower Speed"

The tower behind her lit up and she sidestepped with a breakneck speed that not even Digrooth could follow

"Humph! Are you only good at running, I will make you regret showing yourself before me and even hurting my children human," Said Digrooth.

He then lit up with a profound golden light, his giant omega titan body appearing behind him.

"Gold Star nosed disk blade shuriken,"


Shwaa! Shwaa!

Like lightning, the star nose disk blade made from his pure energy made their attack to her light tower.

"It's the Titan Body ability that gravely injured master Reece," Said S10 with balled-up fists.

'Light shield'

A hexagonal magic array appeared in front of the robed 4th tower master which visibly sucked the energy of the tower behind her and like an immovable mountain, the shield stood in mid-air and blocked the star nosed disk shuriken.

While in the process managed to hold back the star nosed disk for a moment long enough for the 4th tower master to evade the attack.

'Light tower mirage clones'

About 3 hooded clones formed in mid-air all holding the same amount of power, Aura, and formed a triangular star-shaped formation which formed an orb of light ball energy with a tinge of pink in the center.

"Light tower lantern Tri-Ascension blast"

And like a shooting star, the ball of light got blasted toward its main target. Digrooth.

Even though the king was acting calm he cursed his misfortune of meeting his rival attribute. Despite his golden appearance the Molen beasts live underground for one reason to avoid the light energy,

These beasts are mostly affiliated with the darkness attribute. him included, despite his talent of wielding the golden attribute and dark attribute. The light energy is his weakness and polar opposite attribute but luckily his opponent was only 2 realms below him and unless they have a treasure equal or greater than the omega realm he has nothing to worry about.

Watching the robed woman manage to dodged and barely escape his star nosed golden disk using her fast Light tower Speed infuriated the molen king Digrooth and now an energy ball of light was coming his way even if it would not deal any damage to his Omega body cultivation the thought of not being able to hit the enemy caused a vein to pop up his forehead.

Pointing a nail toward the ball of Light he created his own ball of energy combined with the golden element and the dark attribute.

'Dark shine golden radiance'

Vwa! Vwa! Vwa! Vwa!

Charging up with energy pulses it blasted with full force and the Light ball only lasted a moment with its struggles and helplessly got swallowed by the twin attribute ball of energy causing it to be unstable and exploded causing a double golden ring-like an atom to appear creating a dazzling spectacle.

"The light attribute is truly upsetting even that scholar breath Reece did not last that long with me, but you a peak ascension stage can be happy and congratulate yourself for lasting this long, but now I'm tired time to end this, and find that despicable forger,"

After that, he madly blasted multiple barrages of disks that were still dodged effortlessly by the 4th tower master.

"So do you only have talent in running with your tail between your legs, how typical of one who comes from the 'Light Temple," Spat out Digrooth with a smirk that did not even hide his disdain.

This provocation caused the dodging robed 4th master to stop, and in that dark Hood Digrooth sensed a gaze full of hostility. He then grinned "Oho! I might be blindfolded but to be stared at like that will even make me a little bashful," he teased.

A smile appeared on his face spreading his arms he released yet another barrage of star nosed disks.


Shwaa! Shwaa! Shwaa!

Sending four disks to all four directions of the 4th tower master from the top, bottom, left, and right an evil grin unconsciously appeared on the molen king's face, "Die"

The fourth tower master then sighed, "Truly frustrating to pull out a treasure at this time but I have no choice since you are an Omega body expert plus a beast with the title of king it's worth it," Said the fourth tower master with spring filled harmonious voice as she pulled out a

'Blue scroll.'

Thank you for the 42 collections, Appreciate all of you that are following the story, and also the comments, will work harder on this first novel of mine and hopefully get better with time.

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