
Building a Pharmacutical Empire

Vijay Roy from India studying MBA he is reborn 6 months ago in this body. In his privious life he is CEO of big pharmacutical company in India. Read the book to know how he build a pharmacutical empire from scratch.

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27 Chs

Virat Excitement Chapter 5

As the sun rose on the morning of June 29th, 2011, Vijay Roy found himself immersed in a whirlwind of activity. With only one day left until the university opened its doors to welcome its first-year students, Vijay and the entire faculty were busier than ever, ensuring that everything was in place for the big day.

From finalizing class schedules to preparing orientation materials, every detail had to be meticulously attended to. Vijay, with his characteristic dedication and attention to detail, was at the forefront, overseeing the preparations and ensuring that everything ran smoothly.

As the day progressed, the excitement and anticipation continued to mount, palpable in the air as the university buzzed with activity. With each passing moment, the sense of anticipation grew, building towards the momentous occasion that lay just around the corner.

Finally, July 1st, 2011 dawned, and the campus was abuzz with excitement as the first-year students and their parents began to arrive. With their hearts filled with hope and anticipation, they made their way to the dormitories, eager to begin this new chapter of their lives.

In front of the dormitories, faculty members stood in line, welcoming the incoming students and assisting them with the check-in process. Among them was Vijay, his presence a reassuring sight as he greeted each student with a warm smile and words of encouragement.

One such student was Virat, hailing from a small village in Gujarat, accompanied by his proud parents. Despite the challenges they faced, Virat's parents had worked tirelessly to provide him with the opportunity for higher education, and today marked the culmination of their dreams.

As they completed the admission formalities, Virat and his parents applied for a scholarship, hoping to alleviate some of the financial burden of his education. To their delight, they discovered that Virat's outstanding academic performance, with marks exceeding 90% in both 10th and 12th grade, made him eligible for the scholarship.

With the scholarship in hand, Virat's tuition fees were reduced significantly, allowing him to pursue his dreams without the burden of excessive financial strain. Grateful for this opportunity, Virat's parents beamed with pride as they received the news, their hearts filled with hope for their son's future.

With the entry procedures completed, Virat was handed a key with his room number written on it. Together with his parents, he made his way to his assigned room, excitement bubbling within him as he unlocked the door and stepped inside.

To their delight, they found the room well-appointed with modern amenities, including an air conditioner, a study table, chairs, and a comfortable bed. Virat's parents looked around in awe, their hearts overflowing with gratitude for the opportunities that lay ahead for their son.

After unpacking their belongings and settling into their new surroundings, Virat and his parents made their way to the Roy Bank branch located on the university campus. As they had been informed by the faculty, it was time for Virat to open a bank account, a crucial step towards financial independence and responsibility.

At the bank, they were greeted by friendly staff who guided them through the account opening process. With Vijay's vision of providing seamless banking services to the students in mind, the bank staff ensured that the process was smooth and efficient, leaving Virat and his parents feeling reassured and supported.

With his bank account opened and his room unpacked, Virat felt a sense of excitement and anticipation for the journey that lay ahead. As he looked around at the bustling campus and the smiling faces of his fellow students, he knew that he was embarking on an adventure that would shape his future in ways he could only imagine.

As the day drew to a close and the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the campus, Virat and his parents made their way back to their dormitory, their hearts full of hope and optimism. With each step they took, they knew that they were not just entering a university but a community—a community that would support them, inspire them, and help them realize their dreams. And as they settled in for the night, Virat's parents whispered words of encouragement and love, knowing that their son was on the path to a bright and promising future.

As the time for departure drew near, Virat's parents embraced him tightly, tears glistening in their eyes as they bid their son farewell. It was a bittersweet moment, filled with love and pride, as they watched him embark on this new chapter of his life.

Surrounded by his roommates, each hailing from different states and cultures, Virat felt a sense of camaraderie and unity as they stood together, united by a common goal—a desire for a better and brighter future.

One by one, the roommates completed the process of opening their bank accounts, each step bringing them closer to independence and self-reliance. As they exchanged farewells with their parents, there was a sense of excitement and anticipation in the air, tempered by the bittersweetness of parting.

Despite the miles that separated them, each parent shared the same hope and dreams for their children—a hope for success, happiness, and fulfillment in the years to come. And as they said their final goodbyes, their hearts filled with love and pride, knowing that they had given their children the greatest gift of all—the opportunity to pursue their dreams and build a better tomorrow.

After bidding farewell to their parents, Virat and his roommates exchanged introductions, sharing their names and hometowns, forging bonds that would last a lifetime. As time passed, evening descended, and the clock struck 9 PM, signaling the start of dinner service in the university canteen.

Following the earlier instructions, Virat and his roommates made their way to the canteen, their appetites whetted by the day's activities. Inside, they found a diverse array of culinary delights, with options ranging from vegetarian to non-vegetarian dishes, accompanied by staples like roti, rice, paneer, chicken, milk, curd, and pickles.

Satiated after their meal, Virat and his companions returned to their room, the excitement of the day slowly giving way to a sense of contentment and anticipation for the future. Engaging in light conversation, they shared their hopes and dreams for the days ahead before finally retiring for the night, their hearts brimming with optimism and the promise of a bright future ahead.

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