
Building A New World

Every monster species has a powerful essence they draw from for strength. It comes from a primordial force dormant in their bodies that allowed their ancestors to rival the demon clans throughout the dark ages. Long ago they were completely controlled by these primordial instincts. They would fight among the other species over land or human mates. As time went on the demon clans began to feel threatened by the increased number of monster species appearing around the world. Worried they would one day be overwhelmed the demons took action. The demons began to oppress humanity and culled their numbers as much as possible. When the other species saw this they began forming factions to engage the demons. The result was a constant war waged among the lands. Humans scattered across the world trying to find places to avoid their extinction. Some humans found sanctuary in the elven cities hidden within the forest. Seeing them on the verge of extinction elves taught humans magic to protect themselves, but it wasn't enough. These battles plaguing the earth caused the angels to descend to protect humanity. As the demons, and angels clashed it almost broke the world. This led to a ceasefire, and a treaty was established. The world was rebuilt into a new landmass for the survivors that remained. This event came to be known as the first dark age and occurred over a thousand years ago. Since then three more dark ages have plagued the land. Due to this history, many humans consider these monster species to be evil, and it's why so many conflicts exist today. This story follows a young Nephilim named a century after the fourth dark age. After a tragic loss, Zack has had problems of opening up to others. Because of this, he's traveled alone for the past two years, but one day he meets a demon that changes everything. --- https://discord.gg/8zjAdmNtHB Has polls that involve the story, character list, the R-rated scenes marked, and a full-size pic of the cover.

MrBrightside · Kỳ huyễn
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359 Chs

Chapter 19

"We would welcome anyone wanting to live peacefully, but don't you have to be close to the sea?" Zack asked.

"It helps to have it close by, but Ren says your place isn't too far from here," Shiro asked while she watched Tanya play.

'The road could easily bring some rowdy people'

"Can you two stand to the side so I can try something?" Zack asked.

They weren't sure what Zack was going to do but still listened. The others with him were called off to the side for safety. Zack called his spear piercing the earth to set up a small barrier to help mask his power. His grace was unleashed as his wings illuminated behind him. A small earthquake began as a large crack appeared from the shore. With a flare of his power, a wide hole opened that was rapidly filled with the sea.

The result of this was a small river leading to their home. Zack even created small pockets large enough to be ponds along the way. The only thing he would need to alter on the way home was a bridge where the road meets.

Altering this much land caused Zack to exhaust a heavy amount of stamina. His control was reaching new levels, but his body would still need time to adjust. He was recovering so casually, but his observers were speechless at the sight before them.

'So he's not human.' Karin observed him closely.

What Zack didn't know is even with the barrier Bartholomew twenty miles north felt the light flare. Knowing it had to be related he began his journey back. Trouble would surely reach home, and no one was aware of impending crisis.

Shiro walked up to him examining the new path he created. She jumped in to check the depth of the river. After a half-hour, she returned with a few friends. There was a total of five nereids including a young girl Tanya's age. They were all covered with loincloths, and chest wraps provided by Ren.

"These are my companions, and if it's okay with you we would like to visit your home," Shiro requested.

"You gonna follow?" Zack asked Karin

"I won't be staying, but I'm curious to see," Karin replied.

After collecting the catch for today they set new nets before leaving. On the way home everyone took close note of the new terrain. None of them expected the waterways to extend so far inwards. They never heard of an angel capable of shaping the earth unless it was from destruction.

One of the things fueling Karin's interest was his origin. She was relieved things didn't go badly for her earlier. It didn't take a genius to know her attack wouldn't have been too effective, and his power would easily overwhelm her.

They came across the road and saw a wagon halted at the new river. Down from the wagon stepped a young man as his pregnant wife smiled from her seat. When they saw Zack's group they were rather calm. Most humans would take caution when seeing other species along the road.

"If you give me a moment I can fix it. Can you back the wagon up slightly?" Zack asked while walking forward.

"S-sure."The man replied.

Zack closed his eyes, and with a wave of his hand, he created a sturdy bridge made from bedrock.

"Thank you for the help. My name is Mark, and this is my wife Carla. Could you help us with directions? We are looking for the nearest town. Any would do we just need to prepare for the baby." Mark asked while helping his wife into the wagon.

"The closest town is about half a day's ride. You would need to head down this road for about an hour before a fork will appear. The road to the right leads to Stormhaven, but the inns are usually filled by nightfall, and bandits are a common thing around here. If you're okay with my current company we could offer you shelter." Zack told Mark.

"We use to live in Blackreach so we are familiar with coexisting. We left due to the taxes rising so much. We have the coin to pay for a room if you can spare it." Carla asked.

"You can keep the coin. The only thing we ask is for secrecy. Just follow us it's not too far from here." Zack replied.

"Where do you live? Can you help me hide my tail, and ears better?" Tanya asked while walking close to Karin.

"I live with some friends in a small village. I'll give you a few tips when we reach a stop okay?" Karin responded with a smile.

They arrived at the barrier with only a few hours left of daylight. As they approached the gate they realized the river narrowly stopped at the wall.

"I wanna adjust some things first before catching up, but my friends can show you around," Zack said while waving goodbye to Tanya.

Ren was leading the couple to a place they could stay and after begin the tour for Shiro's group.

"I had fun today, but I didn't see you much. Can I stay with you? " Yu asked while clinging to him.

"Sorry I was so distracted. Are you gonna stay here tonight?" He asked.

"Do you want Yu to stay?" She responded while looking up at him.

"Of course I do. Let me finish this, and we can go somewhere together." Zack said while patting her on the head.

Zack activated his power once again causing the end of the river to expand into a large lake. Through the mirage, it looked like the river started down from the mountain. With the new waterways secure they went inside walking towards the forge.

"Do you wanna have more clothes?" Zack asked as they walked along the inside.

"I can have more?" Yu's face lit up.

All day she was playing and doing her usual behavior with one difference. She was careful in doing so to make sure her dress stayed as clean as possible. It was the first time she had something pretty of her own and wanted to keep it safe. This place was filled with new things, and she knew exactly who to thank for this change of lifestyle.

"I was wondering when you would return. Did you run into some trouble on the road?" Rolen asked while walking out of the forge.

"A little scuffle in the forest, but that's all. Did you manage to use the forge properly?" Zack replied while introducing Yu.

"I did, and I even finished your first request. There's something I wanted to ask you first. I heard we are debating staying here, and have a few weeks to make our decision. Regardless of what they decide, I would like to stay here. I'm not forsaking my family, but I would like to build something that can benefit my people. I'll work extremely hard to ma.."

"You're welcome to stay however long you want. If you need anything to make things more efficient just let me know. I've spent the last few years hoarding, and never had much to spend it on anyway. So if you have any suggestions just ask." Zack stated while reaching his hand out.

"Thank you. I think everyone will agree to stay, and if that was the verdict I would like you to consider something. Only one elven city still stands, and those living outside it aren't so lucky. Would you be willing to welcome other tribes?" Rolen asked as he shook Zack's hand.

"I don't see why not," Zack replied.

"Catch," Rolen said while tossing a sturdy staff.

It was the same length as Yu's spear and felt light in his hand. The craftsmanship was something that would normally take a few days for an average smith, but their family has developed techniques to increase productivity given their nomadic nature.

With a simple glance of the staff, Zack realized how talented Rolen truly was while examining the weapon. One side of the staff was a flat end, and the other was a golden orb. Throughout the staff, were intricate engravings in gold. Twirling it around it began to glow with the same light of the forge.