
Buffy: Self insert

Cyrus Knight arrives in Sunnydale with a secret.Struggling to blend in while subtly guiding events, Cyrus faces the challenge of earning their trust without revealing his knowledge. As Buffy and her friends grow increasingly wary of the mysterious new figure, Cyrus must navigate the delicate balance of protecting them from the shadows. Support me: patreon.com/NeverluckySMILE

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Chapter 16: A Day Off and a Night to Remember

The battle had been long and exhausting, but they had succeeded in sending the sorcerer to a hell dimension and disrupting the ritual. As Cyrus lay in his bed that night, he felt a sense of relief wash over him. The threat was averted, at least for now, and he had earned a day off. 

The next morning, Cyrus awoke to the gentle rays of the sun streaming through his window. He stretched, savoring the rare sensation of waking up without the weight of imminent danger on his shoulders. He decided to make the most of this respite. After all, who knew when they'd get another break?

School passed in a blur. Cyrus attended his classes, participated in discussions, and spent time with Buffy, Willow, and Xander. There was a new sense of camaraderie among them, strengthened by the battles they had faced together. But as the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Cyrus knew he needed to spend some time focusing on himself and his own abilities.

Returning to his modest rented room, Cyrus closed the door behind him and set his backpack down. The room was tidy, with books on demonology and magic neatly arranged on a small bookshelf, and a few personal mementos scattered around. It was his sanctuary, a place where he could practice his magic in peace.

He settled down in the center of the room, crossing his legs and closing his eyes. Focusing his mind, he began to channel his energy, feeling the familiar tingle of magic coursing through his veins. For the next three hours, Cyrus practiced various spells and incantations, honing his skills and pushing his limits. He levitated objects, conjured small flames, and practiced protective wards. The more he practiced, the more confident he became in his abilities.

By the time he was finished, the sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow through the window. Cyrus stood up, feeling a sense of accomplishment. He knew there was always more to learn, but for now, he was satisfied with his progress.

After a quick shower and a change of clothes, Cyrus decided to head to The Bronze. He felt a rare sense of freedom and wanted to enjoy the night. The Bronze was bustling with activity when he arrived, the sound of music and laughter filling the air. Cyrus made his way to the bar, ordering a soda and surveying the crowd.

That's when he saw her—Cordelia Chase. She was standing with a group of friends, laughing and looking as glamorous as ever. Cyrus couldn't help but feel drawn to her. She had a presence that was hard to ignore.

Gathering his courage, Cyrus approached her. "Hey, Cordelia."

She turned, her eyes lighting up with recognition. "Cyrus, right? From school?"

He nodded, smiling. "Yeah. Mind if I join you?"

Cordelia's friends exchanged curious glances but didn't protest as she nodded. "Sure. Why not?"

They talked for a while, making small talk about school and the latest gossip. Cyrus found himself genuinely enjoying her company. Cordelia was sharp, witty, and surprisingly easy to talk to. He could see why she was so popular.

After a bit, Cordelia's friends drifted away, leaving the two of them alone. The music shifted to a slower, more sensual rhythm, and Cordelia looked at him with a playful smile. "Wanna dance?"

Cyrus's heart skipped a beat. "I'd love to."

They moved to the dance floor, finding a spot where they could lose themselves in the music. As they danced, the world around them seemed to fade away. Cyrus felt a growing attraction to Cordelia, and it seemed the feeling was mutual. Her eyes sparkled in the dim light, and her movements were graceful and fluid.

After several songs, they found themselves in a secluded corner of The Bronze. Cyrus could feel his pulse quicken as they moved closer together, their faces inches apart.

"You're a good dancer," Cordelia said softly, her breath warm against his cheek.

"Thanks," Cyrus replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "You too."

Their eyes locked, and in that moment, the distance between them disappeared. They leaned in and kissed, a gentle, tentative kiss that quickly deepened into something more passionate. Cyrus felt a rush of emotion, his heart pounding in his chest. 

They pulled back slightly, their foreheads touching. "Do you want to get out of here?" Cyrus asked, his voice husky with desire.

Cordelia nodded, her eyes dark with intensity. "Yeah. Let's go."

They left The Bronze hand in hand, the cool night air a stark contrast to the heat between them. Cyrus led her to his room, his mind racing with anticipation. Once inside, he closed the door and turned to face her.

"This is nice," Cordelia said, looking around. "It's cozy."

Cyrus smiled, his nerves starting to calm. "Thanks. I like it."

They moved towards each other again, their lips meeting in another heated kiss. Cyrus's hands roamed over her back, feeling the warmth of her skin through her clothes. Cordelia responded eagerly, her fingers threading through his hair.

As the kiss deepened, they moved towards the bed, their movements becoming bolder. Cyrus felt a heady mix of excitement and nervousness. He wanted this, but he also wanted it to be special.

They broke apart briefly, their breathing heavy. "Are you sure about this?" Cyrus asked, searching her eyes.

Cordelia smiled, her expression tender. "Yes, Cyrus. I'm sure."

With that, they came together again, losing themselves in the moment. The outside world faded away, leaving only the two of them and the intensity of their connection. It was a night Cyrus would never forget, a night where he felt truly alive and connected to someone else.

As they lay together afterwards, wrapped in each other's arms, Cyrus felt a deep sense of contentment. He had faced many challenges since arriving in Sunnydale, but this moment was a reminder of the good things life had to offer.