
BTTH: Soul Emperor started with the latest chapter of the script

**This is a translation** During his seclusion, the Soul Emperor was hit by a book falling from the sky. Upon picking it up, he saw the title: "Battle Through the Heavens." Curiosity getting the better of him, the Soul Emperor opened the book and began to read. He was deeply attracted to the protagonist, Xiao Yan, but as he read on, his pupils suddenly contracted, revealing a grave expression. ... Closing "Battle Through the Heavens," the Soul Emperor let out a long sigh, saying, "This guy named Xiao Yan must die." ... **There would be six chapters per week** **Support me and get early access to chapters here: p@treon.com/gfdsa ** ... Raw Link: https://www.uukanshu.com/b/159446/

Gfdsa · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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216 Chs

Chapter 208: Hun Xiao, Hun Zi

"It's two daughters, very beautiful," Hun Tiandi also had a smile on his face. 

Two daughters?

Naturally, Hun Tiandi counted the Heaven Swallowing Python that was coiled around the baby's arm as well.

This Heaven Swallowing Python also had a certain bloodline connection with him. It could be considered as his offspring, just with a different form. 

The form itself wasn't important. What's the big deal with a snake? Medusa was a snake too. It was normal for her to give birth to both a child and a snake. 

Just because it's a snake, he shouldn't deny the identity of others. After all, this was his bloodline too! 

And as for the snake's identity, a Transformation Pill could easily solve that. Just a mere Transformation Pill, he could easily provide one in the Soul Clan.

"Two daughters?" Upon hearing this from Hun Tiandi, Medusa was momentarily puzzled. 

If she remembered correctly, she seemed to have given birth to only one child. Two daughters? Where did the other daughter come from?

Unable to comprehend, Medusa also noticed the Heaven Swallowing Python coiled around the baby's arm. Although it was very young, it emitted the breath of life. This was another small life.

At that moment, Medusa finally understood why Hun Tiandi said it was two daughters. Indeed, it was two daughters.

Medusa asked, "Husband, have you decided on names for them?"


"For you, we'll stick with the names we had planned earlier. If it was a boy, his name would be named Hun Xiu, and the girl would be Hun Xiao. But since this time there are two little girls, we need another name."


Medusa nodded. These names had indeed been decided long ago. Having an extra baby was truly an unexpected delight for them.

"Husband, what name have you thought of for the other little girl? Have you decided?"

Hun Tiandi looked at the small baby coiled around the arm and said, "Let's call her Hun Zi."

"Hun Zi?"

Medusa murmured and then nodded in agreement, saying, "Alright, let's call her Hun Zi!"

"Hun Xiao, Hun Zi, my two treasures!"


The next day, news of the chief's wife giving birth to a pair of twins spread throughout the entire Soul Clan. The whole clan was filled with the joyful news, and the entire Soul Clan knew that this was a joyous occasion.


In the Soul Clan's main hall, Hun Xuzi stood respectfully.

Hun Xuzi raised his storage ring, and three jade bottles appeared within it. The three jade bottles floated gently towards Hun Tiandi, suspending themselves in front of him.

Hun Xuzi respectfully reported, "Reporting to the Clan Leader, two of these bottles contain the Ninth-Grade Profound Pills you requested to be refined. The other one is the Transformation Pill you wanted."

Ninth-Grade Profound Pills?

Naturally, they were refined using the blood of the Nine Serene Ground Python Clan's Yao Xiao Tian and the Great Elder. 

These were not just any ordinary Ninth-Grade Profound Pills; for serpent-shaped magical beasts, they were the supreme divine pills.

These pills contained their primordial strength. As long as one could refine them, they were enough to elevate someone to the level of a Dou Sheng within a short period.

Of course, these pills were only important for those who can consume the blood of serpent-shaped magical beasts. 

If their bloodline wasn't strong enough, ingesting these pills would cause them to explode.

These two Ninth-Grade Profound Pills were prepared by Hun Tiandi for Medusa.

Medusa's true form was the Heaven Swallowing Python. In terms of bloodline, she was not inferior to the Nine Serene Ground Python Clan.

So there was no need to worry about the Nine Serene Ground Python Clan bloodline in the pills causing Medusa to lose control and explode.

If the bloodline was weak, there would be an explosion.

At the same time, if one's strength was not strong enough, forcibly ingesting a Ninth-Grade Profound Pill containing tremendous power would also lead to an explosion.

A Ninth-Grade Profound Pill, even a Dou Sheng wouldn't dare to swallow it lightly. One slip and the terrifying power contained within the pill could backlash, resulting in a self-detonation.

Of course, this referred to ordinary Dou Shengs. For those above the Five Stars level, they might not need to worry about backlash.

The power contained within the Ninth-Grade Profound Pill was tremendous, but in the end, it was just a pill. It couldn't escape being swallowed and refined.

Medusa's current strength was only at the Dou Zong level. Even with his help, there would be considerable risk in refining the pills. Therefore, these Ninth-Grade Profound Pills would need some time.

Waiting until...

Medusa becomes a Dou Zun.

Even as a Dou Zun, she still wouldn't be able to refine the Ninth-Grade Profound Pills herself, but he could help her refine them. 

With his assistance, as long as Medusa possessed the strength of a Dou Zun, he could help her completely refine the Ninth-Grade Profound Pills!

One couldn't help but admit that having a powerful force was inherently advantageous compared to those who struggled to cultivate throughout their lives. It was like having a head start in a race.



Hun Tiandi nodded and said, "Hun Xuzi, you've done well. If I'm not mistaken, your soul power has reached the pinnacle of Heavenly Realm for many years now, right?"

"Reporting to the Clan Leader, my soul power has indeed been at the pinnacle of Heavenly Realm for many years. It's been several centuries since I last made a breakthrough."


"This time, you've made great contributions by refining two Ninth-Grade Profound Pills for me. Go find Hun Sha and have him accompany you to the Soul Hall."

Hun Tiandi continued, "All the soul bodies within the Soul Hall are yours. With these soul bodies, you should be able to elevate your soul power to the Emperor Realm."

"Thank you, Clan Leader. Thank you, Clan Leader!"

"I will definitely not disappoint the Clan Leader."

Upon hearing Hun Tiandi's words, Hun Xuzi's body trembled slightly, and his heart quivered like a lake in a storm. He was extremely shocked. At this moment, he couldn't express his excitement in words.

Emperor Realm soul power?

That was the soul power countless alchemists dreamt of.

Legend had it that only Dou Di-level experts possessed Emperor Realm soul power, and having such power was capable of refining legendary Emperor Grade pills.

In the Dou Qi continent, where the Heaven and Earth Origin Qi was lacking, even if one had sufficient materials for Emperor Grade pills, they wouldn't be able to refine them. 

However, once one's soul power reached the Emperor Realm, refining Ninth-Grade Profound Pills would undoubtedly become much easier.

The soul bodies within the Soul Hall were collected for Void Devouring Flame.

The purpose was to help Void Devouring Flame's soul power reach the Emperor Realm.


Void Devouring Flame had already been refined by Hun Tiandi.

The Soul Hall was no longer collecting soul bodies.

But the previously collected soul bodies hadn't been discarded by the Soul Hall.

After all, they represented centuries, or even millennia, of effort by the Soul Hall.

Even though Void Devouring Flame didn't need them anymore, they couldn't just be discarded.

Discard them?

That would make all the previous efforts of the Soul Hall go to waste.

These soul bodies were a crucial factor in enhancing soul power. Although Hun Tiandi himself no longer needed them, as his soul power had already reached the Emperor Realm after visiting the Heavenly Tomb.

From Hun Tiandi's perspective, the soul bodies collected by the Soul Hall had no better candidate than Hun Xuzi.

Hun Xuzi was currently the most powerful in terms of soul power within the Soul Clan, aside from Hun Tiandi himself.


Hun Xuzi was an alchemist.

If his soul power reached the Emperor Realm, it would greatly benefit the Soul Clan.

So, there was no one more suitable than Hun Xuzi to devour those soul bodies from the Soul Hall.

Hun Tiandi had thought about this issue before, but it had been in the back of his mind.


It was the perfect opportunity!

Hun Xuzi could refine the soul bodies from the Soul Hall.



Observing the excitement in Hun Xuzi, Hun Tiandi nodded faintly and said, "You may go now. Don't disappoint me!


Hun Xuzi left excitedly upon hearing the instructions.

The thought of his soul power reaching the Emperor Realm filled Hun Xuzi with an indescribable excitement. As an alchemist, soul power was crucial to him.

There was no alchemist who didn't hope for their soul power to reach the Emperor Realm.

Only with Emperor Realm soul power would he, Hun Xuzi, have the confidence to become the number one alchemist on the Dou Qi continent and have the opportunity to refine the legendary Emperor Grade pills.

Just thinking about it made his blood boil with excitement!

Leaving the main hall...

He stepped outside, where a gentle breeze brushed against him.

The wild joy on Hun Xuzi's face was slightly alleviated by the breeze, but his excitement and happiness were still evident.

Hun Xuzi murmured to himself, "It feels like I'm in a dream!"


Happiness could come too suddenly, making it hard to believe.

Hun Xuzi turned to look at the direction of the main hall.

He pinched himself, eventually confirming one thing.

This was definitely not a dream.

Since it wasn't a dream!

Without hesitation, Hun Xuzi quickly departed.

He was eager to reach the Soul Hall. However, before going there, he needed to find Hun Sha first.


Before Hun Tiandi were three jade bottles. He put away two of them, then stood up and held the last jade bottle. He disappeared from the main hall.


Medusa's room-

"Clan Leader!"

Hun Tiandi's arrival startled the maids who were taking care of Medusa. They quickly bowed slightly in reverence toward Hun Tiandi.

Hun Tiandi didn't speak.

He simply waved his hand.

These maids, who were caring for Medusa, understood and left the room gracefully, leaving it to Hun Tiandi and Medusa.

Hun Tiandi approached Medusa's bed, his voice is gentle as he inquired, "Wife, are you feeling better?"

Today, Medusa was much better compared to yesterday.

Her cheeks were gradually regaining their rosy hue.


"Feeling a bit better."

Medusa struggled slightly and tried to sit up.

"Let me help you!"

Hun Tiandi went over and assisted Medusa in sitting up.

Medusa was a Dou Zong herself.

Moreover, she was a Seven-Colored Heaven Swallowing Python.

Together with the foundation of the Soul Clan, sitting up posed no problem.

After all...

Medusa was, in essence, a peak-level beast of the Beast World. Her recovery ability was astonishing.

Medusa, now sitting up, looked towards the cradle in the room and said, "Can I see our two children?"

"Of course you can!" Hun Tiandi smiled.

He stood up and walked to the side of the small bed in the room. 

Looking at the sleeping child within, Hun Tiandi gently picked the baby up and moved to sit by Medusa's bedside. He softly spoke, "Wife, look at how adorable our children are!"


"They are indeed very adorable!" Medusa also gazed at the sleeping child, a sweet smile forming on her lips. Within that smile, there was a hint of a maternal touch.

"By the way…"

At this moment, something occurred to Hun Tiandi.

His visit wasn't just to see Medusa and the baby, there were other matters he needed to attend to.

Hun Tiandi held one of the babies in his arms and used his other hand to touch the other baby, who was wrapped around the wrist of the first.

He caressed the baby's head.

Sensing something through the connection on its wrist, the baby slowly opened its eyes.

Then, with Hun Tiandi's guidance...

The baby followed his finger and "flew" towards him.

Halfway through the journey...

The baby floated in the air, looking utterly perplexed. Its eyes revealed a sense of confusion.

This was completely different from what it had imagined.

In its imagination, this wasn't how it was supposed to be.

"Husband, what are you doing..."

Hun Tiandi's actions intrigued Medusa.

Unable to contain her curiosity, she asked.

Hun Tiandi said, "You'll find out in a moment."

Watching the puzzled baby, Hun Tiandi couldn't help but find it incredibly cute.

With a wave of his hand...

A pill appeared in the room.

An aroma of medicine immediately filled the air, pervading the entire room.

"This is a Shapeshifting Pill..."

Medusa recognized the pill.


Hun Tiandi nodded in acknowledgment.

Indeed, it was a Shapeshifting Pill.

This little baby was also his offspring, her daughter.

She had been in her "snake" form for far too long, affecting her condition.

The Shapeshifting Pill gradually shrank.

Finally, it reduced to a size that the baby could swallow. Slowly, it flew towards the baby!

Seeing the approaching Shapeshifting Pill...

The baby looked puzzled.

It also appeared frightened.

Subconsciously, it tried to avoid it.

Eventually, the baby realized that the Shapeshifting Pill didn't pose any danger. It cautiously approached the pill, showing a cute and cautious demeanor.

Seeing this, Hun Tiandi's eyes twinkled, and he smiled from the depths of his heart.

A genuine smile.

He softly said, "This is such an adorable little one!"


The baby gradually moved closer to the pill. After ensuring there was no danger, it sniffed the pill with its nose. Its pupils brightened, and then it opened its tiny mouth and swallowed the pill.

Observing this, Hun Tiandi extended a finger, channeling a force towards the baby.

Despite being a baby, it wasn't guaranteed that it could digest the Shapeshifting Pill through its own efforts. Sometimes, external assistance was needed.

As Hun Tiandi's power enveloped it...

The baby's body shimmered with a rainbow-colored light. Eventually, its original serpentine form vanished, replaced by a cute baby form.

Hun Tiandi made a gesture with his hand.

The baby landed in his embrace.

Hun Tiandi glanced at the little girl who was looking at him with her bright eyes. In response, the little girl blinked her eyes innocently at him.

Hun Tiandi smiled.

He said, "Little one, from now on, your name will be Hun Zi."

The baby seemed to understand Hun Tiandi's intention, and a smile appeared on its cute face.

"Husband, quickly let me see. I want to see what little Hun Zi looks like." Medusa, at this moment, looked at Hun Tiandi holding two baby and couldn't help but feel envious. She wanted to hold one too.


Hun Tiandi handed over Hun Zi to Medusa. She received the baby from Hun Tiandi's arms, gazing at the smiling Hun Zi in her arms. 

Then she glanced at Hun Xiao in Hun Tiandi's hand and said, "Husband, the two little ones look so much alike!"

Hun Tiandi laughed and replied, "Well, they are twins. Shouldn't they look alike?"