
BTTH: Emperor Yang

A transmigrator into the universe of «Battle Through the Heavens.» Without a system or overpowered cheats, but with good talent, steadily achieving their goals. Continue reading 300+ chapters for free at the link: https://ficcult.com/category/battle-through-the-heavens/battle-through-the-heavens-emperor-yang/

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Chapter 41: A Great Harvest

Wei Yang reached into the white jade box, his fingers lightly touching the mutton-fat jade bottle.

As soon as his fingers touched the jade bottle, his eyebrows twitched.

The area he touched was icy cold. In the blink of an eye, his entire palm was covered with a thin layer of frost, which quickly began spreading up his arm.

Wei Yang quickly withdrew his hand as if electrocuted. Feeling a bit uneasy, he rapidly circulated his Dou Qi through his meridians, directing it to his palm.

Instantly, a dark red flame rose from Wei Yang's palm, burning fiercely. The flame fought against the cold for a moment before quickly melting the frost away.

With a flick of his hand, he shook off the moisture and extinguished the dark red flame.

«As expected of the Ice Spirit Cold Spring, it's really cold!»

Satisfied, Wei Yang carefully closed the white jade box and stored it away.

He sensed the remaining four items in the ring and took them out as well.

Two of the items were scrolls. Upon opening them, he found they were alchemy recipes.

One was the recipe for the Dou Ling Pill, a fifth-tier pill.

The Dou Ling Pill could increase the strength of a Dou Wang by one or two stars without any side effects. It was an extremely precious pill that no Dou Wang could resist.

As for why it was called the Dou Ling Pill, he didn't know.

The other was the recipe for the Royal Extreme Pill, a sixth-tier pill.

This pill was even more precious, capable of increasing the strength of a Dou Huang by one or two stars without any side effects.

However, these two types of pills could only be taken once per tier.

Without a doubt, these two recipes were very valuable and precious.

Wei Yang glanced at the recipes before storing them away.

His gaze then fell on the remaining two items.

They were two jade bottles.

«Could they be pills?» Wei Yang's interest was piqued.

If they were carefully stored in a special ring, they were likely not ordinary items.

Opening one of the jade bottles, a rich blue fragrance quickly filled the room.

Even Xian'er, who was busy sorting precious herbs nearby, turned to look.

Wei Yang looked inside the jade bottle.

Inside, a round pill the size of a dragon's eye lay quietly.

It was a blue pill, with three mysterious lines encircling its surface.

«This is a Three-patterned Green Spirit Pill!» Wei Yang immediately recognized the pill.

And this was not an ordinary Three-patterned Green Spirit Pill.

The Three-patterned Green Spirit Pill was a fourth-tier pill.

Ordinary Three-patterned Green Spirit Pills could help Dou Shi break through to Da Dou Shi.

For Da Dou Shi, it had a slight chance of increasing their strength by one star without any side effects.

The Three-patterned Green Spirit Pill came in three grades.

Each grade formed a line on the pill's surface.

If there were three lines, it was the highest grade of the Three-patterned Green Spirit Pill, like the one in Wei Yang's hand.

This pill should be used with caution by those below Da Dou Shi.

For a Da Dou Shi, it could potentially increase their strength by three stars. However, there was also a chance of side effects, which could reduce their strength by one or two stars, though it posed no life threat.

To refine the highest grade Three-patterned Green Spirit Pill, three different flames were needed, each requiring skilled control.

This pill could be taken once at the Da Dou Shi level and again at the Dou Ling level.

Taking it as a Da Dou Shi had a chance of increasing strength by three stars.

Taking it as a Dou Ling had a chance of increasing strength by two stars.

With these thoughts, Wei Yang closed the jade bottle and stored the highest grade Three-patterned Green Spirit Pill away.

Without a doubt, this was a precious pill.

It was the kind of pill that could make many Da Dou Shi and Dou Ling go crazy with envy.

A pill that could potentially increase a Da Dou Shi's strength by three stars.

A pill that could potentially increase a Dou Ling's strength by two stars.

If auctioned, it would surely spark fierce competition.

Even the recipe for the Three-patterned Green Spirit Pill, according to the original text, could be exchanged for high-level Xuan techniques or even Earth techniques.

Although the highest grade Three-patterned Green Spirit Pill might not be as valuable as the recipe, it wasn't far behind. To someone in desperate need, it might be equally valuable.

Wei Yang thought about his current level of seven-star Dou Ling. This pill came at the perfect time!

Perhaps after taking it, he could directly reach the nine-star Dou Ling level.

There was a good chance of that!

Considering his innate talent and powerful soul, his success rate would be high.

Additionally, since he had never taken a pill before, this alone could significantly increase his success rate.

But thinking about his rapid progress from one-star Dou Ling to seven-star Dou Ling in just three months, he decided to hold off for now.

Better to wait and let his strength settle.

Next, he opened the last jade bottle.

Immediately, a purple light flashed, and a rich purple fragrance slowly rose, forming a purple mist at the bottle's mouth.

«What a rich colored fragrance, another high-level pill!» By now, Xian'er had finished sorting the precious herbs and walked over with a satisfied look, curiously looking at the jade bottle.

Wei Yang looked inside the jade bottle, where a purple pill the size of a dragon's eye lay quietly.

«Purple Heart Barrier-breaking Pill!»

Wei Yang's eyes narrowed slightly, reflecting a purple light, as he softly spoke the pill's name.

«This is a pill that can rival a fifth-tier pill.»

«Fifth-tier pill?!» Xian'er's eyes widened, taking the jade bottle with her small hand and curiously peeking at the purple pill inside.

«Just in terms of value, it can rival a fifth-tier pill. It's still a peak fourth-tier pill,» Wei Yang explained.

The Purple Heart Barrier-breaking Pill was a peak fourth-tier pill, like the Three-patterned Green Spirit Pill, used to directly increase strength.

However, its effects only worked for Da Dou Shi, not Dou Ling.

For a Da Dou Shi, taking the Purple Heart Barrier-breaking Pill would undoubtedly increase their strength by one star.

It rarely failed and had no side effects.

Most importantly, at the Da Dou Shi level, two Purple Heart Barrier-breaking Pills could be taken consecutively without significant resistance.

In other words, if one obtained two Purple Heart Barrier-breaking Pills, they could steadily increase their strength by two stars.

This was a value not inferior to the highest grade Three-patterned Green Spirit Pill, and perhaps even surpassed it.

Although the Three-patterned Green Spirit Pill could potentially increase a Da Dou Shi's strength by three stars, it was only a possibility and carried the risk of side effects, deterring many.

At the Da Dou Shi level, many would prefer the guaranteed effect of two Purple Heart Barrier-breaking Pills over one Three-patterned Green Spirit Pill.

Of course, the exact value and importance of the two would vary by individual.

Wei Yang closed the jade bottle and stored it away.

To him, they were all valuable treasures.

(End of chapter)

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