
BTTH: Emperor Yang

A transmigrator into the universe of «Battle Through the Heavens.» Without a system or overpowered cheats, but with good talent, steadily achieving their goals. Continue reading 300+ chapters for free at the link: https://ficcult.com/category/battle-through-the-heavens/battle-through-the-heavens-emperor-yang/

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Chapter 39: Night Theft

The city of Black Rock remained bustling even at night.

It was only until the early hours of the morning that the commotion began to fade away.

In the southern part of the city, in a secluded corner, stood a rather peculiar building.

This was the residence of Gu Te in Black Rock City.

In a hidden shadow, two figures cloaked in black robes stood, their bodies concealed in the darkness, their eyes fixed intently on the strange building ahead.

They were none other than Wei Yang and Ye Xian'er.

At this moment, Wei Yang looked up at the moon, now beginning to tilt towards the horizon, and listened carefully to the gradually quieting streets in the distance.

«It's almost time,» Wei Yang said, glancing at Ye Xian'er beside him.

Ye Xian'er, her small head hidden under the cloak, nodded lightly and produced a small jade bottle with a flick of her hand.

Seeing this, Wei Yang instinctively took a step back.

It wasn't fear of Xian'er, but fear of the thing she was holding.

Ye Xian'er turned slightly, seemingly rolling her eyes at Wei Yang.

Wei Yang could only offer an awkward smile, revealing a row of white teeth in the darkness.

Ye Xian'er gave a small humph and opened the bottle.

Immediately, something seemed to drift out of it, but in the darkness, it was invisible to the naked eye.

In reality, what floated out of the jade bottle was a very faintly colored smoke. It was colorless and odorless, specially concocted by Xian'er for tonight's operation.

She then circulated her Dou Qi, guiding the faint smoke towards the strange building not far ahead.

Silently and imperceptibly, the smoke seeped through the gaps in the windows and doors.

A moment later, Xian'er put away the jade bottle and whispered, «Brother Yang, it's done.»

Wei Yang took two steps forward, approaching Ye Xian'er again, and asked softly, «Xian'er, are you sure this will work? The target is not only a Dou Master but also a Tier 3 Alchemist. If we can't knock him out quietly and he makes any noise, we might have to flee overnight.»

Xian'er whispered a reassurance, «Brother Yang, don't worry. This sleeping smoke is colorless and odorless. It will mix into the air and enter his body silently with his breath, ensuring he falls asleep without noticing anything unusual.»

Hearing this, Wei Yang nodded, feeling reassured.

This was the terror of a Poison Master! And an Eradicating Poison Body at that.

Such an existence specifically targeting a Dou Master and a Tier 3 Alchemist shouldn't fail.

This was why Poison Masters were both feared and loathed.

Why had Wei Yang instinctively stepped back when he saw Xian'er take out the jade bottle earlier?

Because now that Xian'er was a Nine-Star Dou Master, the poisons she concocted were already a threat to Wei Yang, prompting his body to instinctively react.

He didn't want to be knocked out by accidentally inhaling the sleeping smoke before the action even started.

That would be utterly humiliating.

«When should we go in?» Wei Yang asked.

Xian'er, her small head under the cloak, shook it gently and whispered, «We have to wait a bit longer. The sleeping smoke in the air needs time to disperse on its own.»

Her voice sounded cheerful, indicating her good mood, «If you go in too soon, Brother Yang, you might get caught by it too.»

Wei Yang rubbed his nose and fell silent.

This little girl was becoming a bit arrogant now that her strength had improved.

«Hee hee.» Xian'er seemed to giggle in delight.

Wei Yang turned to look at the strange building, pretending not to hear her.

He suddenly felt a sense of melancholy, like his little treasure was growing up and about to leave the protection of his wings.

He felt happy, accomplished, and proud, but also a bit sad.

The Eradicating Poison Body was really a bug, growing so fast! It made Wei Yang's sense of accomplishment from nurturing her diminish greatly.

In the blink of an eye, Xian'er was almost a Dou Spirit. It wouldn't be long before she would catch up and then surpass him.

Any innate talent paled in comparison to this kind of physique.

Wei Yang even felt a strange sense of relief, joking to himself that it was fortunate he hadn't met Qing Lin earlier. Otherwise, he'd have to face a double blow in the future. Being constantly outdone by two younger girls! Though the idea of riding on their coattails wasn't entirely unappealing…

After waiting quietly for a while longer.

Xian'er tugged on Wei Yang's arm and said, «Brother Yang, we can go in now.»

Upon hearing this, Wei Yang took a deep breath, shook his head slightly to clear his mind of random thoughts, and grabbed her small hand, «Let's go.»

The two of them tiptoed to the building, and Wei Yang whispered, «Xian'er, be careful once we're inside. I heard this guy likes to set all kinds of weird traps in his house.»

«Mm.» Xian'er nodded earnestly.

Wei Yang extended his soul force, slipping it through the gap in the door to unlock the latch from inside.

He gently pushed the door open.

However, before they could step inside, a fierce energy burst forth, carrying a wave of black powder from the dark interior.

The sudden change made them both take a cautious step back.

Just as the black powder was about to spill out of the room, Wei Yang raised his hand.

But Xian'er stepped forward, «Brother Yang, let me handle it.»

With a wave of her small hand, a powerful suction force emanated from her palm.

The black powder that had been surging towards them was instantly absorbed into her palm, forming a small black sphere.

Xian'er looked at the small sphere of black powder in her hand, sniffed it lightly, then took out a small jade bottle, stored the powder, and put it away.

«Brother Yang, this black powder isn't fatal, but if it touches your skin, it will make you itch terribly,» Xian'er explained.

Wei Yang nodded, muttering, «That old guy is indeed a bit of a pervert.»

They hadn't even entered the house yet and had already faced a warning shot.

«Hmph.» He gave a light snort, took a step forward, and released his soul force into the room.

After a few faint clicking sounds, Wei Yang retracted his soul force.

«Let's go. I've disabled the traps inside,» Wei Yang said, pouting.

Setting traps to harm people? He had no qualms about not playing fair.

Taking Xian'er's hand, they stepped inside.

The interior was a mess, resembling a garbage dump.

A musty, moldy smell permeated the air, causing both of them to wrinkle their noses and hold their breath.

With a wave of his hand, Wei Yang silently closed the door behind them, securing the latch.

Scanning the chaotic room, Wei Yang shook his head, «What a slob. Let's go.»

Carefully avoiding the trash and debris, they navigated through the room.

They climbed several rickety, seemingly ready-to-collapse wooden stairs, heading upstairs.

Along the way, Wei Yang used his soul force to disable the traps ahead of them.

Finally, they reached the top floor of the building.

At the end of the last staircase, they saw a wooden door at the end of the corridor.

«We're here.»

Listening to the silence inside the room at the end of the corridor, Wei Yang smiled and walked forward with Xian'er.

(Chapter End)

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