
BTTH: Emperor Yang

A transmigrator into the universe of «Battle Through the Heavens.» Without a system or overpowered cheats, but with good talent, steadily achieving their goals. Continue reading 300+ chapters for free at the link: https://ficcult.com/category/battle-through-the-heavens/battle-through-the-heavens-emperor-yang/

noslnosl00 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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Chapter 35: In Hand

After a while, Wei Yang calmed his emotions.

He stepped back, looking at the slender roots left behind.

«I'll take the Green Lotus with me, leaving the roots here as a chance for new life. Perhaps in a thousand years, another Green Lotus Heart Flame will be born here…»

Except for the top three on the Heavenly Flame Ranking, most Heavenly Flames are not unique.

Wei Yang took out a small jade bottle and carefully placed the eleven lotus seeds from the lotus platform into it.

Next, he took out an empty storage ring from his pocket. Its internal space was about ten square meters, roughly one story high.

The space inside looked like the size of a room.

He placed the Green Lotus into this storage ring.

A Heavenly Flame could incinerate the space inside a storage ring completely.

However, the Green Lotus Heart Flame, nestled in the lotus platform, was very calm, showing no resistance.

Obviously, this Green Lotus Heart Flame, although it had developed a bit of spirituality, wasn't highly intelligent, driven only by instinct.

Otherwise, it would have resisted when Wei Yang was picking the lotus.

After finishing everything, Wei Yang stored the ring and let out a long breath.

He finally relaxed.

After all this effort, the Green Lotus Heart Flame was finally in his hands.

Actually, to Wei Yang, the most important thing was the lotus seeds. He finally had them.

To be honest, if he could only devour one Heavenly Flame, the Green Lotus Heart Flame wouldn't satisfy Wei Yang.

If he had other options, he would definitely choose a more powerful or suitable Heavenly Flame.

For now, he only considered the Green Lotus Heart Flame as a backup.

So currently, Wei Yang wasn't in a hurry to refine it.

He casually brushed his finger across the storage ring on his index finger.

Inside, there was a map he had obtained from the cliff cave, detailing a route deep into the Endless Desert.

Its final destination supposedly had another unknown Heavenly Flame.

Wei Yang shook his head, deciding not to think about it for now. He would explore it when he was stronger.

After all, venturing into the depths of the Endless Desert, an absolute death zone, required careful consideration.

He stretched his body and looked around. With the Green Lotus gone, the blue glow that had originally covered the area was gradually fading.

Wei Yang turned to see the Two-Headed Fire Spirit Serpent waiting nearby, a white-clad figure standing gracefully on it, smiling at him.

Wei Yang smiled and moved towards them.

In the silent world of magma.

Occasionally, a bubble would pop, releasing grey smoke.



A massive two-headed serpent emerged from the magma, with two figures, one in black and one in white, standing on one of its heads.

The serpent swam slowly to the shore, lifted itself, and its head stopped at the platform's edge.

Wei Yang, holding Ye Xian'er, lightly leaped onto the temporarily created platform.

«Congratulations, Brother Yang, for finally achieving your goal!» Xian'er said cheerfully.

«Haha.» Wei Yang also smiled, feeling very satisfied with the smooth progress of this mission.

In a joyful mood, he lowered his head and gently kissed Xian'er's rosy lips.

«Ah!» Surprised by the sudden kiss, Xian'er blushed and buried her face in his chest, a mix of shyness and happiness.

Wei Yang lovingly stroked her long hair, his eyes becoming a bit dazed. Unconsciously, Xian'er was almost fifteen years old now.

There was a sense of accomplishment in nurturing her.

Wei Yang smiled and looked at the Two-Headed Fire Spirit Serpent, which had an expectant look in its snake eyes.

«This time you've been helpful. Don't worry, I keep my promises.»

After all, it was just a fourth-tier magical beast. Wei Yang had no other intentions.

«Give me two of your sub-flames, and I will set you free.»

The fourth-tier peak beast flame was enough for him to practice with temporarily.

The Two-Headed Fire Spirit Serpent hesitated, clearly reluctant to separate two sub-flames from its original flame.

«What's the matter?» Wei Yang raised an eyebrow, «Unwilling?»

The loss of this bit of essence could be recovered by soaking in the magma for a year or so. Was it still unwilling?

Did it think he was too kind?

Xian'er also turned, her beautiful eyes glaring at it.

The serpent shivered, feeling its scales stand on end. Although it had no fur, the meaning was the same.

It felt like crying, very wronged. Ever since encountering these two humans, it had been extremely unlucky.

It had lived a carefree life in the underground magma lake, but since these two arrived…

It's hard to explain.

It was really unlucky.

Reluctantly, it wriggled its body and opened its two large mouths, slowly releasing two deep red flames the size of palms.

These were the sub-flames separated from its original beast flame.

After releasing these two sub-flames, its aura visibly weakened.

Already injured, it was now even worse off.

Wei Yang gave it a look of approval and stored the flames in two jade bottles.

Then he lifted his hand, removing the restriction he had placed on its soul.

This restriction was crudely forced in with Wei Yang's powerful soul force, so removing it was simple, just a matter of retracting his thoughts.

Ye Xian'er also raised her hand, extracting a greyish-white stream from the serpent's heart and storing it.

«Alright, you can go now,» Wei Yang said with a smile. «We might stay here for a while, feel free to visit us.»

The serpent quickly turned and dove into the magma, its massive body vanishing swiftly, its aura fading.

Clearly, it had burrowed deep into the magma, not wanting to see Wei Yang and Xian'er again.

«Ha ha.» Xian'er laughed, a mischievous gleam in her eyes, like a girl who had successfully played a prank.

Wei Yang also smiled, shaking his head. It seemed they had indeed tormented it enough.

He handed Xian'er a jade bottle containing one of the serpent's flames.

«This is a sub-flame from the serpent, the Lava Heart Flame. It should be useful for you, enhancing your combat abilities.»

«Mm.» Xian'er nodded, intrigued.

She never thought she, who played with poison, would one day play with fire.

Her Dou Qi had already transformed into Fire Poison Dou Qi, so now she had both fire and poison attributes.

Refining a fourth-tier peak beast flame was no problem.

«Don't be too happy yet, there's more.» Wei Yang said with a mysterious smile, taking out the jade bottle with the lotus seeds and handing one to her.

«Is this… a lotus seed from the Green Lotus?» Xian'er asked, feeling the pure and vast fire energy inside the fingernail-sized, jade-like seed.

«Yes. This seed contains immense energy. You can't swallow it directly yet. Hold it in your hand and absorb it slowly. Once its energy is less intense, you can refine it.»

Wei Yang smiled, «This is a rare treasure, a companion seed of the Green Lotus Heart Flame. You always dreamed of becoming an alchemist, right?»

«Now you have the fire attribute. If you add a bit of wood attribute… it might be possible.»

«Brother Yang, are you saying!» Xian'er trembled, clutching the seed, her eyes wide with disbelief.

«The Green Lotus Heart Flame… its name suggests it contains wood attributes.»

Wei Yang blinked, «This seed contains not only immense fire energy but also pure wood energy. If you refine it…»

(End of Chapter)

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