
BTTH: Emperor Yang

A transmigrator into the universe of «Battle Through the Heavens.» Without a system or overpowered cheats, but with good talent, steadily achieving their goals. Continue reading 300+ chapters for free at the link: https://ficcult.com/category/battle-through-the-heavens/battle-through-the-heavens-emperor-yang/

noslnosl00 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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50 Chs

Chapter 29: Fire Poison!

This was a vast and expansive underground world of magma.

The red-hot magma continuously bubbled and rolled, occasionally bursting a bubble with a «pop» sound.

Heat was the eternal theme here.

This was the first impression Wei Yang and Xian'er had when they arrived.

The abundant fire elemental energy completely dominated this place, repelling all other elemental energies, leaving only a dense concentration of fire energy that filled every corner.

Wei Yang held Xian'er in his arms, his black wings flapping gently behind him, keeping them suspended above the magma world.

Looking at the constantly surging magma below, he grinned. «This should be it. After all this time, we've finally found it.»

A red Dou Qi shield appeared on his body, isolating him from the terrifying heat.

Even though he was already at the Dou Ling level and had a fire attribute, he dared not be careless in the face of such terrifying natural power.

He looked down at the person in his arms.

Xian'er's small face was serious. Although protected by Wei Yang's Dou Qi, her own Dou Qi instinctively circulated, forming another layer of protection to resist the harsh environment.

Noticing this, Wei Yang felt more at ease and scanned the surroundings.

With a flap of his black wings, he shot across the void like a black and red lightning bolt, landing on a protruding rock wall not far away.

Putting Xian'er down, allowing her to leave his Dou Qi protection, Wei Yang asked, «Xian'er, how do you feel?»

«Well…» Xian'er tilted her head, closed her eyes to sense carefully, then opened her beautiful eyes in surprise. «Although this place feels uncomfortable, it also has energy suitable for me to absorb.»

«And this energy is very pure and of high quality. It seems very beneficial to me. Although it carries heat, I can not only absorb it but also convert it efficiently.»

«This energy is poisonous!»

«Oh?» Wei Yang was surprised.

How could this be? He quickly realized, looking at the magma lake below.

The red magma rolled, occasionally a bubble burst with a 'puff,' releasing a cloud of grayish-white poisonous smoke, which made one shudder just looking at it.

«Fire poison!»

Wei Yang and Xian'er spoke almost simultaneously.

«So that's it, I should have thought of this earlier…» Wei Yang slapped his forehead.

The magma contained not only heat but also fire poison!

He couldn't help but marvel at nature's wonders.

Fire attribute generally restrained poison, especially exotic fire, which was a nemesis to poison.

But here, due to the special environment, the fearsome fire poison was born.

Only in such an extraordinary place formed by nature, a forbidden zone for living beings, could extraordinary items like exotic fire be conceived.

«Since that's the case, I'm relieved.»

Wei Yang rubbed Xian'er's head and smiled. «Since this place benefits you, we can stay here for a while.»

«This fire poison is not only a great supplement for you but also has another significant advantage.»

«Another advantage?» Xian'er asked, puzzled.

«Poison Dou Qi is restrained by fire attributes, especially exotic fire. But if you absorb these fire poisons long-term, transforming your poison Dou Qi into a special fire poison Dou Qi, wouldn't that solve the problem?» Wei Yang explained with a smile.

«You've just begun to awaken your poison body, and your level is still low. Your poison Dou Qi should convert smoothly. Over time, you might even gain both fire and poison attributes!»

«This way, you'll be more at ease in desert or magma regions like this, even thriving instead of being suppressed by the environment.»

Wei Yang's analysis made even himself feel the potential.

An unrestrained poison master, immune to fire attributes and exotic fire, with the Eerie Poison Body, would be incredibly formidable! A true invincible existence!

Of course, perhaps only a constitution as unique as the Eerie Poison Body could absorb fire poison, treating it as a tonic.

In the original story, the Burning Flame Valley in Zhongzhou, a sect that played with fire, suffered long-term from fire poison.

Even their three-star or multi-star Dou Sheng ancestor was troubled by fire poison, retreating into seclusion.

So, fire poison was indeed one of the most terrifying poisons in the world! It could even affect a Dou Sheng, and their twelfth-ranked exotic fire, Nine Dragon Thunder Flame, couldn't solve it.

Absorbing fire poison had another benefit Wei Yang didn't mention.

It could make it easier for Xian'er to absorb Netherworld Poison Fire in the future.

Xian'er listened to Wei Yang's analysis, her eyes shining with excitement.

She had deeply felt the suppression of her poison Dou Qi in the desert environment over the past month.

If this weakness could be resolved, she would have a much easier time against enemies with fire attribute cultivation, no longer fearing suppression.

«But remember, fire poison, though beneficial, must be absorbed gradually. Never absorb too much at once!» Wei Yang sternly warned. «Each absorption must be within your control. Better to slow down your cultivation than to be greedy.»

Wei Yang recalled another deadly aspect of fire poison: its potential to erode one's mind if absorbed excessively.

Like the students in the Canaan Academy's Inner Academy, who used Fallen Heart Flame for training and became irritable and aggressive due to fire poison.

The Eerie Poison Body might not be easily affected.

But don't forget, this constitution has a risk of losing control in the later stages. Absorbing too much fire poison could bring that danger forward.

So Wei Yang explained these hidden dangers to Xian'er, sternly warning her to slow her cultivation rather than over-absorb fire poison.

«You don't want to be eroded by fire poison, forgetting me and even trying to kill me, right?» Wei Yang said deliberately.

He wanted her to understand the seriousness, fearing she might be tempted by power and recklessly absorb fire poison.

Xian'er nodded earnestly, promising, «Brother Yang, don't worry. I'll remember and won't be greedy.»

«Good.» Wei Yang nodded. «I only ask that each time you absorb fire poison, you ensure you can fully absorb it without letting the excess erode your mind.»

«Also, you must control every bit of your power, at least as well as you do now.»

«I understand.» Xian'er nodded, pouting. «Brother Yang, you're so naggy today.»

«It's all for you,» Wei Yang said exasperatedly.

«I started cultivating at six, over eleven years to reach Dou Ling. Every bit of my power was earned through hard work and accumulation.»

«And you? How long have you been cultivating?»

«Just over two years, and you're already a Da Dou Shi! Too fast!»

«So you haven't had time to settle and get familiar with your power. It's not accumulated bit by bit but suddenly surged in!»

«Do you know why the Eerie Poison Body eventually loses control? That's a big reason!»

«And now there's the fire poison risk! Can I not worry?»

«Brother Yang, don't be mad.» Xian'er shook his arm, sincerely promising, «I promise I'll listen to you and won't absorb too much.»

(End of chapter)

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