
BTTH: Emperor Yang

A transmigrator into the universe of «Battle Through the Heavens.» Without a system or overpowered cheats, but with good talent, steadily achieving their goals. Continue reading 300+ chapters for free at the link: https://ficcult.com/category/battle-through-the-heavens/battle-through-the-heavens-emperor-yang/

noslnosl00 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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50 Chs

Chapter 11: A New Encounter

That night, Wei Yang had a well-deserved rest.

The next day, he slept until noon before finally waking up.

He stretched comfortably.

He hadn't slept this well in nearly ten years since arriving in this world. Perhaps it was the sense of security he felt now, which even affected his mindset, making him feel slightly different.

After waking up, he went through his usual training routine, washed up, and had lunch.

After lunch, Wei Yang decided to go out for a walk, to explore and handle some of the low-grade herbs and first-tier magic cores he had gathered from the Magical Beast Mountain Range. He didn't want them taking up space. He also hoped to get lucky and find something valuable.

Although the chance of stumbling upon something valuable was slim, it was worth a try.

Wei Yang walked leisurely through the streets, looking around and asking questions here and there. He enjoyed this rare moment of relaxation. After nearly ten years of hard work, he finally had some strength and confidence and felt he deserved to enjoy it.

Before he knew it, he found himself near the Wan Yao Zhai. The town wasn't very big, with only a few bustling streets.

Up ahead, a delicate figure dressed in white caught his eye.

Hmm? Wei Yang paused.

Could it be her again?

At that moment, Xiao Yi Xian was in a difficult situation, surrounded by three burly mercenaries with lecherous smiles, teasing her.

«What a pretty little beauty.»

«Hehe, little beauty, where are you going? Come home with me, big brother likes you.»

«No, don't go with him. Come with me, I'll take good care of you.»

«Come with big brother…»

«Sweetheart, you can choose any of the three of us, or take all three, haha.»

The three mercenaries formed a circle around Xiao Yi Xian, their faces leering, their words vulgar.

Xiao Yi Xian, having washed away the dust from the previous day, wore a simple white dress. A light green belt accentuated her slim waist, her long hair reaching her waist. She stood there, fresh and ethereal, catching anyone's eye.

Faced with the mercenaries' teasing, she looked panicked, her face pale, hands clutching her dress tightly, silent but with a hint of stubbornness.

Her pitiful and delicate appearance only made her more alluring, making people want to protect her.

The three mercenaries were naturally excited, their eyes growing even hotter and more brazen.

«This is too much, bullying a little girl.»

«Hmph, they're from the Wolf Head Mercenary Group, always so arrogant.»

Around them, some onlookers showed disapproval, but most were just there for the spectacle, not wanting to get involved.

No one stepped in to help.

Seeing this, the three mercenaries became even more reckless, their faces smug.

The Wolf Head Mercenary Group was a significant force in Qingshan Town, known for their arrogance.

Wei Yang frowned, feeling increasingly uncomfortable.


Damn it, this was his unresolved issue from years ago! How dare these small fries harass her?

Even if he wasn't deeply invested, he wouldn't let these minor characters bully her.

«The classic hero saves the beauty scenario,» Wei Yang shook his head and stepped forward.

«Little girl, let big brother take you… Ah~»

Bang! Wei Yang raised his hand and slapped one of the mercenaries from behind, knocking him to the ground, unconscious.

Wei Yang didn't use his Dou Qi, but with his strong physique, these two or three-star fighters couldn't withstand his blow.

The surrounding people were stunned, then erupted in an uproar.

«Who is this boy, daring to provoke the Wolf Head Mercenary Group?»

«Being a hero is fine, but you have to know your enemy.»

«This is trouble. Offending the Wolf Head Mercenary Group, no one in Qingshan Town will protect him.»

Xiao Yi Xian was also shocked, looking up at Wei Yang, feeling a warmth in her heart.

Out of everyone present, he was the only one who helped her.

«Come here,» Wei Yang beckoned.

«Ah?» Xiao Yi Xian was startled, then quickly ran to hide behind Wei Yang.

«Kid, who are you? How dare you meddle in our affairs? Don't you know we're from the Wolf Head Mercenary Group?» one mercenary shouted, his face dark.

«You're not afraid of death, offending the Wolf Head Mercenary Group?» another mercenary yelled angrily.

«Annoying,» Wei Yang's face turned cold. He stepped forward and kicked each of them, sending them flying several meters.

The two previously arrogant mercenaries now lay on the ground, curled up in pain, their faces pale and sweaty, unable to speak.

This scene silenced the onlookers.

«I'm staying at the inn. If your leader has the guts, he can come find me. But it will come at a high price,» Wei Yang said calmly.

Turning around, he saw Xiao Yi Xian, who looked as startled as a deer. «Let's go,» he said gently.

With that, he walked towards the inn, having lost interest in exploring the town after the incident.

Xiao Yi Xian quickly followed.

As they walked, she occasionally glanced up at Wei Yang's back, her face turning red.

At that moment, Xiao Yi Xian was only twelve years old. Having recently experienced a major upheaval, losing her family and being all alone, she was in her most vulnerable, helpless, and neediest state.

She was not yet the well-known Xiao Yi Xian of Qingshan Town, revered by many mercenaries as a goddess, as she would be four years later in the original story.

«What should I do?» Wei Yang thought as he walked.

Finally, he made a decision.

He couldn't let her go! Since they had met.

Now that they were here, how could he push her away?

It was just the Woeful Poison Body, after all.

Troublesome, yes, but not unsolvable.

With this resolve, Wei Yang took a deep breath, his decision made.

«What's your name?» he asked, turning his head slightly.

He was genuinely curious about this question.

In the original story, she was always referred to as Xiao Yi Xian.

«Ah?» Xiao Yi Xian, lost in thought, looked up, her face slightly red.

Hearing Wei Yang's question, she looked up, dazed, clearly not understanding right away.

«Hmm?» Wei Yang turned back, seeing her bewildered look, couldn't help but find it amusing. He reached out and patted her head.

Her dazed expression was quite cute.

He felt a surge of tenderness. This was a strong girl.

Gentle, kind, yet strong and independent.

Thinking of her experiences in the original story, Wei Yang's expression softened further, his eyes showing a hint of pity.

Before, he had a casual attitude towards her, seeing Xiao Yi Xian as just a character in his imagination.

But now, facing her in reality, alive and breathing, his mindset had subtly changed.

Xiao Yi Xian felt the warmth from the hand on her head, standing there stiffly.

She looked up, meeting Wei Yang's gaze, seeing his handsome face, gentle smile, and the pity in his eyes.

At that moment, she felt her heart, which had almost turned cold, begin to melt. The barrier she had built crumbled, and her eyes welled up with tears.

(End of Chapter)

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