

I never knew video games could be so irritating. right now I'm competing with Jin we keep getting tied each time we play. I've never seen anyone turn red as a tomato in my life. after the 24th tie Jin is at the point of ripping my head off. he starts screaming. "how are you tied with me each time" after this statement is followed with his hands on my shoulders with a strong grip. after he realizes he is holding my shoulders he glides one of his hands down to my hips and his other hand goes up to my face caressing my cheeks then a soft touch on my lips. I pull away from him and try to walk away but he pulls me back falling into his lap. I'm only a few centimeters away from his face. as he gets closer to my face and kisses me softly and me giving into temptations I kissed him back. he slowly goes to my neck licking and sucking on my neck and going lower down until I let out a tiny noise. he stops and looks up at me in shock and says. "someone is coming. let's continue later" I get up quickly just before v was entering the room.

that was a bit short😔