
Brutal CEO

"Sweet little Ari," He said with a dark chuckle, his fingers brushed her cheek lightly. Ariana wished for nothing more than to disappear from this intimidating man. "I don't think this can work." she blurted, shutting her eyes, she could not hold his gaze. Ariana Delaney, a middle-class girl who went about her daily life with little or no excitement to it. This, all that was about to change when she finds out that she has been arranged to marry into the most famous and richest family in the state. Damien, a young billionaire and a force to reckon with in the cold world of business needs a simp for a wife just to keep up appearances and Ariana seems to fit, but he sure is in for a surprise. Would she over look the obstacles and give herself to him or it was the other way round?

DaoistpaI7jP · Thành thị
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31 Chs

Chapter 19

Ariana's POV;

I was up early the next morning. I had barely four hours of sleep throughout the night and I wanted nothing more than to stay in bed. I stretched out and yawned, I picked up my phone and checked the time. It was then it hit me. It was thirtieth of August I saw it on the calendar, it was my wedding day!

I sat up quickly as the bedroom door burst open.

Stella came in with a huge grin, she reached out and hugged me, placing a kick on my forehead too.

"It's the big day." She said with her chin placed on my forehead head.

"It is." I sighed.

She ushered me into the bathroom, urging me to take a bath quickly because the beauticians were already on their way.

I had my bath in a few minutes, applied lotion and put on my underwear. I picked up a robe and wrapped myself in it before stepping out.

"Hold it right there!" I froze and smiled at Fiona's voice.

"Yes, yes I know, it's the big day, yay!" I said, in sarcasm, rolling my eyes in the process.

"Don't be such a party pooper!" She whined.

Lucy walked in just then.

"Good morning beautiful bride!" She exclaimed with her hands up in the air.

"Fiona, have you given her our gift?" Lucy asked. Fiona shook her head in the negative, it was then I noticed her hiding something behind her.

My eyes darted between the both of them.

"What are you two up to?"

These two were always up to mischief ever since they met few days back, so I had to be worried.

"Oh nothing. First, what are you wearing underneath that to robe?" Lucy asked curiously.

"Uhm why are you...?" I was saying before Lucy swiftly loosened my robe. I gasped in horror, they did same.

"No, Ariana do not tell me you planned on wearing this for your wedding night?" Lucy said with wide eyes and gasped again. She turned to Fiona.

"Fiona shut your ears."

"But I already know about these things." She argued.

"You're still a kid." Lucy countered


The bantered back and forth for a while until I couldn't take it anymore.

"Hellooooo!" I hollered.

"Okay right, back to you. It's almost as if I knew this was going to be the case. Thank goodness, we bought it."

"I know right." Fiona concurred.

Oh Dios! I truly hoped it was not what I was thinking.

Fiona handed the small gift bag over to me, I slowly opened it just as they anticipated my reaction.

I blushed crimson when I saw the content of the box. It was a Victoria's Secret Lingerie. I could not even imagine putting it on, it was way too sexy. I blushed at the thought of having it on in front of Damien, fully aware how impossible it was.

"I don't think I can wear this, it's way too revealing." I bit on my lip, still trying to hide my blush.

"That's the point silly! It's for your wedding night not wedding day!" Fiona said casually, palming her forehead.

"Ariana, the beauticians are here! Are you ready?" Stella's voice called from the other side of the door.

"Uhmm, give us a second mum, we're trying to get her to try on the gift." Fiona yelled back.

"Oh okay." Stella said knowingly.

My jaw dropped, even she was in on this, these people never ceased to surprise me.

"Now, try it on, you're delaying your wedding day and you know what that means." Lucy reminded.

I gave in and grudgingly tried on the lingerie. As expected, it was way too sexy but these girls would not let me hear the last of it if I refused to wear it.

I put robe back on and had had the beauticians come in to get their job done, the camera men followed suit, setting up their equipment to capture every moment.

The hairstyling and makeup took close to three hours. It did not want to end and I was exhausted even when the day had just started. Everyone else was getting ready so there was really not anyone to keep me company.

My dress and shoes stood at one end of the room. I smiled as I got into the white shimmering princess ball gown, it had a corset bodice that wasn't at all uncomfortable to move in. The arms weren't exactly off the shoulder but they seemed like it, the dres had a detachable train. The veil turned out to be lengthier than I thought but I loved it. My head piece was a stunning well sculpted piece of raw white gold. The studs I wore made my face stand out well with the natural bridal makeup I had on, it also complimented my hairdo greatly. My shimmering silver shoes we're left out of the parade. In summary I looked like a princess. My white bouquet, had a touch of gold to bring out the wedding theme.

I smiled and posed for the camera, trying my best to enjoy the moment.

The ladies came in, looking just as stunning. They all complimented how good I looked, even Tracy did, surprisingly.

My father soon came in with Nolan. They both froze when they saw me, I laughed.

"You look amazing, just like a princess." My father said. I smiled just as tears formed in my eyes.

I got emotional for a while and hugged him close, while everyone else excused us during our father-daughter moment.

He held me in his arms, saying soothing words in Spanish. He gave me some fatherly advice on how to go about my married life. I nodded to everything he said.

"I love you." He said, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too." I said softly.

Miguel came and informed us that it was time to leave for the church. I let out a shaky breath as I nodded. Everyone else had left, it was just me and my father left in the penthouse suite expect the cameramen.

I was soon escorted down. I held hands with my father all the way down. We were met with lots of security shielding my father and I as soon as we got to the ground floor.

They shielded us until I got into the Limo that was specifically for the bride and her crew. It was just Lucy, Fiona and I. My father was led to another vehicle.

The ride to church was fun, we sang along to different songs, making lots of videos while at it.

The church was not far away so we arrived in about fifteen minutes. The girls got out while I stayed in, contemplating an escape. It only crossed mind for a minute.

I was beginning to panic again now that I was alone. I took deep breaths to steady myself but nothing seemed to be working at that point.

Suddenly the door was pulled open by Miguel who gave me a comforting smile. I tried my utmost best to smile back but it was not forth coming.

"It's time." He announced. My heart raced. He helped me out of the vehicle and handed my bouquet to me while I stood next to my father in front of the huge cathedral. The huge doors came open and I heard the sound of the orchestra.

With arms intertwined with my father, we marched in slowly. The looked around and saw that the hall was filled with people I did not even know. Most of them were Damien's business associates and celebrity friends.

I looked up and spotted Damien looking suave in his white tux paired with black pants, that enhanced his looks greatly. He had a gold coloured boutonniere in his jacket pocket. His new haircut gave a him a firmer and more attractive look. I looked down the moment I saw him stare in my direction.

I climbed the podium carefully, my father placed my hand in his, I did not look up at him. No I did not feel any sparks, I just wanted to run out of there.

The priest started his exhortation and my eyes still stayed glued to the ground.

Soon it was time for the vows.

"Do you Damien Kingston, take Ariana Delaney to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold till death, do you part?"

I held my breath, waiting for his answer.

"I do." He deep voice echoed across the hall.

It was my turn now.

"Do you Ariana Delaney, take Damien Kingston to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold till death, do you part?"

I finally raised my head up.

My breath hitched the moment our eyes met and I was tonguetied for a few seconds. I could not say anything. Should I have said no, created a scene and run away? I thought. It was not as easy as it was when I thought about it.

"Ariana?" Damien hissed lowly, jolting me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, I do." I said quickly.

The vows went on and I answered monotonously. We soon exchanged rings. The platinum gold bands shined brightly and when I looked closely, I saw both our names engraved on them. Typical of Damien Kingston to want to show off in every little thing.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The crowd erupted in applause.

I froze as soon as I heard the last statement. How on earth did it escape my mind? My legs shook underneath my gown as soon as I saw him smirk and draw closer to me.

He slowly removed the veil and leaned in closely. I shut my eyes as soon as he placed his lips on mine, I expected it to be brief but it lasted longer than I expect and I unknowingly kissed back, I felt him smirk against my lips. That was obviously what he wanted.

When he was done, I he leaned back for a second, eyed me while at then whispered in my ear.

"Hello, Mrs Kingston."

Oh Lord save me! I prayed in my heart.

He held my hand and led me down the aisle amid the celebratory shouts that filled the room especially from his groomsmen. Cameras flashed from different ends as we trudged outside to take pictures.

The picture session took a long while. It was understandable because I was going to change out of the outfit soon anyway.

It was time to leave for the reception, Damien held my hand and led me into his Limousine and we sat next to each other in silence. I sighed tiredly, I could not wait for the day to be over already.