
Brothers with systems in the DC universe

Three Brothers while drunk returning from a party get hit by a car and find themselves in a strange place with a set of odd machines. After being transported to the DC universe with a set of systems, they try to come up with a plan of action.They decide to use their newfound powers to try to deal with the challenges that come with living in such a dangerous reality and make a new home for themselves. Read on, as they use their newfound powers to survive, make a name for themselves, find new family and leave behind their own legacies. _________________ Helping out this novel by supporting it or suggesting any changes that make the novel better will be appreciated. I own no characters except my 3 OCs. Please feel free to comment on how terrible my writing skills are. Arnold gets a jjk system.

Sloth_Incarnate_BW · Tranh châm biếm
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63 Chs

It begins

[3rd person POV]

"Superman, you have to help me,The earth is in danger!"

Cyborg's statement instantly grabbed Superman's attention. He took Cyborg's words very seriously, instantly calling Batman before asking Victor, "What do you mean? I'll try my best to help you, just wait for a friend of mine to get here and then we'll hear you out."

Then Superman takes him to a room where they both sit down. In no time at all, Batman enters. "Now then, what are you talking about? How is the world in danger? More importantly, what happened to you?" Superman begins questioning Cyborg.

Cyborg started speaking "My name is Victor Stone. My father was experimenting on one of these rectangular boxes when a mistake led me to touch one of them, and it told me about its origin."

"As it turns out that box was called a father box. It's from an alien planet called apokolips and its leader Darkseid plans to invade earth. He's planning to use these-" said Cyborg as he used one of his hands to project a hologram of a mother box.

"These objects are called mother boxes.They can create portals that can allow him to send his armies to earth. Be plans on sending his armies to overpower Earth's forces before dealing the final blow himself. You must help me stop-"

Batman suddenly interrupted him, "Wait a minute, cyborg. When is this invasion of Earth?" He questioned in a grave tone.

"Today. Which is why it's even more important-" Cyborg began to speak but he was cut off again.

"SUPERMAN! THE RESEARCH WING!!" Batman screamed, but it was too late.


An explosion suddenly sounded through these halls, before a gutteral screech. Darkseid has begun his invasion.


Superman, Batman and Cyborg quickly make their way to the research wing. The rush through the halls of the building trying to access the source of the explosion. As they head to their destination, they suddenly hear more screeching coming from the direction they're headed towards.Soon many grotesque creatures fly in by the dozens.

"Parademons, these guys are the main force of Darkseid's army. But how are they here so soon?" Cyborg questioned.

"One of your mother boxes. It was in our custody. Seems like the invasion has begun." Superman explained.

A fight breaks out. Batman throws batarangs instantly killing three of the parademons without much issue before jumping on top of another, stabbing its neck with blade killing it.

Cyborg's hands morph into a sonic blaster and he starts gunning down hordes of parademons. He calls out to the other heroes, " Aim for the area between their wings and their eyes, they're their weaknesses."

Superman flies in crushing the head of one monster, splitting two in half, all while mowing down dozens with his heart vision. He doesn't stop there, ramming them into walls, ramming pillars into them, not caring for their superior strengthEventually the number of parademons in the room falls to zero.

"Batman to Justice league. This is code alpha. The earth is under attack. I repeat. The earth is under attack. The watchtower has been compromised. Everyone must assemble at Metropolis square." Batman contacted all justice league members.

"We need to assemble a fighting force before planning a counterattack. I've contacted everyone. Unfortunately Martian Manhunter, John Stewart green lantern and Hawkgirl are off-planet" Batman explains to his two companions.

Three heavy hitters of the league were not present. Martian Manhunter had gone to Mars, while John Stewart had a mission on another galaxy, and Hawkgirl accompanied him.

"Well what about the rest?" Superman questioned.

" They've been contacted. They'll get here shortly" Batman replied in a blunt manner.

"The invasion won't be limited to Metropolis. The entire earth will come under attack. They've put mother boxes in every major city on the planet" Cyborg stated.

'Gotham is safe. The motherbox there was bought here.' Batman thought.

Cyborg then told Superman and Batman of a plan, "I can deactivate the portals if I can get close to them, but it will take too much time to deactivate them one by one. Instead Darkseid also transported a control tower containing a special type of mother box called a 'Father box'. Its job is to control all the mother boxes and portals. Usually there's two of them during an invasion. One is merged with me. If we take control of the other one we can turn off the portals and kill all the invading parademons."

"Seems like a plan. Can you hack into this other Father box?" Superman asked Cyborg.

"Yes I can locate it and I can hack it" Cyborg told Superman.

"Then where is it kept?" Batman inquired.

"It's here in Metropolis." Cyborg answered.

"Good, then let's head outside, find the other league members and start our counterattack." Superman told his teammates and they all started to exit the building.

It wasn't easy however, as every time they got into a new room, more and more parademons attacked them. Superman and Cyborg quickly dispatched most of them in an instant, having no time to hold back due to the urgency of the situation.

Meanwhile Batman had an entirely different thought running through his brain 'He claims to be using the invaders' technology and knows so much about them. Yet he seems to be helping us. I need to make sure to have a plan in case he betrays us.

'However, he does seem to be telling the truth.' Batman futher thought. He had already hacked into the mother box and found out that it was connected to a greater network. He even knew the location of the father box before cyborg told him. He only found out about their use in the invasion plan from Cyborg earlier, but he already had plans to use the motherboxes as a way to make the league's transport easier.

Soon they are able to make their way outside the Hall of Justice only to see hell on earth. Thick clouds cover the sunny Metropolis skies, buildings are on fire, the wreckage of dozens of cars litters the roads. The crowd which was protesting earlier was now gone, and in its place lay the aftermath of a massacre. There were at least two dozen corpses mangled and strewn about on the ground.

As the heroes watched this, they felt a deep sense of sadness, and guilt at not being able to protect these people in time. But more than guilt, they feel anger at the invaders for targeting their world and hurting its residents.


A/N: so the invasion has begun.How do you think Arnold will fit into this new scenario.