

Two blood brothers who had killed each other on Earth were reborn in a magical world from the same womb again. How will their story go this time? #Cute funny story

Leisco · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs


Fallen on Brian's hand, Bertrand is hugged so hard by Brian, "How have you been, my little doll~"

Brian fondle Bertrand sharp nose full of love, "Oh, you need to know. It's always hurt my heart. Every time I thought about you, my great-grandson. Why does the world need to separate us so far..."

Bertrand merely gives him an awkward smile to buy time, while at the same time, he struggles hard to escape from Brian grasp. 'I need to escape from him before his insane quirky idea kicks in!'

Sniff~ sniff

"Where is this stinky smell coming from?" Brian uses his left hand to pinch his nose when he smells something foul that's not coming from his own body, "Did anyone droll all over your body, Bertrand?"

"Arrgh!" Bertrand's face is so red, showing how hard he already exerts his strength.

Yet no matter how hard Bertrand struggles, he can't move Brian right hand. It was as if he was in the grasp of a giant. He can't even make Brian right arm budge.

"Relax~ my lovely doll~ You will only hurt yourself if you keep struggling. I know you must be wanting to wash but stopped by Martian, right?"

Brian grins at Bertrand and stretches his white wrinkly hand to Bertrand collar, "It's must be stuffy and sticky, right? Let, great-grandpa, help you!"

"No, No!" Bertrand stopped Brian left hand with his right hand, "N-No, Great-grandpa let me wash on my own! Please! Please!"

"No-no great-grandpa in here to help you! Wind swirl!"

"No geezer! No!"

Little green wind whirling around Bertrand for one turn, and in a blink of eyes, Bertrand's coat is already in pieces like puzzle pieces; they all fall to the ground.

"NOOO!!!" in desperation, Bertrand screams his soul out when he sees the green wind going down to his pants.


"Kyaaaa…" screams Maria and all women in the manor as they turn their heads away. Some women blushed, and some still kept looking back or seeing Bertrand with the corner of their eyes.

Liking what Brian did, Alfons, the caravan crew, and the male's servants all let out muffles laughs, "fufufufu~" liking.

Different from the adult men. Martian couldn't care less about his face and image. He keeps laughing out loud as he releases all his pent-up rage to Bertrand, "Hahaha, Go more harder, great-grandpa! You rock! You're awesome!"

Outside the manor, three middle-aged women who come for some juicy gossips had their faces turn pale when they heard Bertrand scream. But, their face turns normal again after hearing Martian laugh.

"Hahaha~ Seems the Mad Raven created a Party inside and not killing someone!"

"Phew~ Yes, I tough someone is killed when I hear a crazy scream before!"

"Yes, seems we have wronged the elderly, hahaha--"

"NO-NO!!! No great-grandpa! Don't!!!" Bertrand shrill of anguish stops the third woman laughs.

The three gossipy middle-aged women, looking at each other in the eyes, their face is all pale, and their eyes are shaky.

"Uh…Seems my undies, already dried…I need to go home!"

"Yes, my sleeping baby seems also waking up!"

"Well, I just want to run!" said the last woman. Her face is full of horror as she runs to the south, "The Mad Raven kill his great-grandson! Mad Raven slaughtering his own spawn!!!"

After hearing the woman scream. The influential people of Speer city who are all in the street to go to Douglas Manor losing all the guts they have been trying hard to musters.

"Should we just go, tomorrow grandpa?" a blond boy in a white robe asks the Patriarch of his family.

"uh…." the inquired Patriarch goes silent as sweat drenching his undershirt.

"NOOO!!!" Bertrand shrill that like the world ending sign, booming and piercing to all northern Speer city area.


The dark mist suddenly appears and covers the sky above the vast lawn of the Douglas Manor.

"Hahaha~" seeing the mist above Douglas Manor, the Patriarch laughs in joy at the mist and ignore the shrill he has heard, "Seems it will rain today! We will go to the Douglas manor tomorrow!!"

Before his spawn can answer, the Patriarch, already turning around and trekking his ways back like a lightning flash.


"Save yourself! The Mad raven goes on slaughter!"

Screams after screams sound loud and clear around Douglas Manor, as all the influential family convoy and the people living in northern areas. All run away to the city center and spread what they heard.

Inside the manor in front of the main door. Martian is holding his belly as he laughs his soul out, and tears have come out from his eyes long ago when Brian put Bertrand naked with nothing, "HAHAHAHA~"

"HAHAHA, look at his face! It's so red like my butts! HAHAHA~ how exhilarating it is." Martian laughs loudly at Bertrand, who tries all he can to cover his private part, yet nothing work.

"Hahaha! Hey, I still can see your hole! There is no use to lie flat, punk!"


Alfons knocks at Martian head, he tries hard to hold his laughs as he sternly scolds Martian for façade in front of his wife, "That's not how you should treat your brother!".

"Hahahaha, you can knock me all you want, old man! Today I want to just laugh to heaven of it! It's so damn stupid hilarious! Hahahaha~"

Seeing how hard Martian laughs, Alfons just can't help it anymore and let it all go, "HAHAHAHA~"

"Great, what an adult! I shouldn't have married to this family!" Maria stomps her feet and strides angrily into the manor, "All adults can go inside, don't play along with all of these idiots!"

When all the girls get inside the manor. All men in the Douglas lawn are laughing so hard that all people in the northern area of Speer city can hear them. "HAHAHAHA~"

"Peoples in the Douglas Manor all has gone insane!"

"It's so nuts! It's only the first day!"

"To hell, with it, I moving to the southeast tomorrow!"

And just like that, another gory rumour about Mad Raven Brian created after confirmed retirement from Answald kingdom magic association.

Above the round wagons, Bertrand is sitting cross-legged with his body lean as close as possible to the

Bertrand face is full of mucus and tears, "How you can do this to me, you crazy geezer!"

"Alright, alright, don't cry." amusedly, Brian caresses Bertrand's head, "You should have trained your spell casting better. If you have cast a more denser dark mist, this embarrassment of yours wouldn't happen, am I right?"

"Screw you, nuts geezer!" Bertrand lost his mind.

"Relax~ How about I make all those people who are laughing at you naked too?"

Without waiting for Bertrand's answer, Brian called all the wind mana in the air above Douglas Manor and created over a hundred blades of wind.


The laughing Martian and Alfons that, still laughing with their suddenly feel chilly after breezy winds blow to them

"OH NO!!!!" wails by wails keeps ringing, as all the males except Brian found out, now they are all naked to the core. Some even found their hair had been shaved.

"See…? You can laugh with me now, hahahahaha!"

"Hahahaha~ Yes, we can laugh!" madness showed in Bertrand's eyes as he eye Brian torn robe.

By using a single jolt to get up, Bertrand caught Brian off guard and tore the already torn dirty black robe worn by Brian.



Bertrand, who wanted to laugh after getting his revenge on Brian, covered his own mouth in shock.

What Bertrand sees is scaring him to the core. Brian muscly old body is full of scars. There wasn't even a speck of Brian's wrinkled skin that wasn't scarred. The marks also vary, from cut, burn, torn, and other unrecognizable marks.

'How painful would those scars be when magic can't fully heal them?! What in hell… happens in his life?!' Bertrand's face goes pale. He keeps walking backward and almost on the edge of the round wagons, "I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry…Sorry..."

"No, no, it's fine, my child. These marks are all marks of a real man. It may look horrible, but trust me, my enemy had it worse." Brian grabs Bertrand from the edge of the wagons and hugs him.

In silence a boy and his great-grandpa nakedly hugging each other.

"Quickly grew up strong, Bertrand. So no one can make you a laughing stock ever again. Because you need to know, I'm actually not the biggest mother fucker in our family."