

Two blood brothers who had killed each other on Earth were reborn in a magical world from the same womb again. How will their story go this time? #Cute funny story

Leisco · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs



"I'm back" a red-haired boy around one meter twenty in height swung open the door and entered it. There are two small paper bags on his both hands.

Inside the room, a grey-haired sickly-looking boy, who is in meditation, opens his eyes and then smiles at the red-haired boy, "Welcome back. How is the city, Martian?"

The red-haired boy is Martian, three years has passed by, and now Martian is five years old and almost six years old in another 2 months.

Though, different from how he appeared cute and handsome three years ago. The current appearance of Martian can only hold cute and lovely since his cheeks are puffed up like two big white mochis, and some fat has built up in his belly.

"Don't get me started. The old man had taken me going around for a week again, to only meeting his acquaintance and saying that I was his heir and bla, bla. They just can't shut up! It's already a year, and that old man has yet met all his acquaintances! Can you believe it?!"

Martian took off his shoes at the door and then got into bed. His face shows how pent up he was with his life. "I need to accompany those oldies talking bullshit while what I can do is merely eat in silence! Can you believe it?! They made me like a damn mannequin! Fuck those wankers, asshole circle!"

Did not know how he should respond to Martian grumbles. The grey-haired boy just smiles, "Still, isn't it good to see the world outside the manor?" though there is a smile and high tone in his voice, the grey-haired boy voice was trembling with hint of sadness.

"Really? Acting like a dementia child every second?! Did you ever know how damn mentally exhausting that is?!" Martian throws one of the paper bags to the grey-haired boy, "And it's all because of you, Bertrand!! You and your damn scheme!"

The grey-haired boy is the seven years old Bertrand. His heart ailment and other ailments, he had from birth, have begun to take all his body had. His hairs, already greying entirely while his body has become skinny no matter how much he ate.

"How is it my fault? They have decided to never make me inherit the Douglas family after they found out about my illness" Bertrand smiles to hide his pains. "What I do is merely make their decision firmer by making them find you as a genius. Heh heh…" Bertrand chuckles at his own words, "Genius that I created, right my cute little doll~?"

"Don't push your luck too much! Just shut it and eat those pastries before I snap!" Martian takes a croissant from the paper bag and eat it while sitting beside Bertrand.

Bertrand also takes a croissant from the paper bag and eats it like Martian.

Crunch~ Crunch~

Silently the brothers gulped down their crunchy buttery croissant and made the room smell nutty.

"It's been a long time, since we eaten pastry side by side like this…" in Martian's mind, what had happened three years ago till today keeps passing by.

"My life has always been in the study room with those books like a nerd. Eurgh…!" Martian showed his sour face to show how many tormenting days he has been through, "I detest whoever has invented that bats voice talismans! Whoever this fucker is, needs to get endless whips in the deepest hell!"

"Hahaha… I think that is a genius invention. Someone can use it to talk right into someone mind. You should be glad to find it; how crazy would those AI geeks would be if they can find that bats voice talisman."

"Huh...?" Martian face change to crazy, showing that he has many things he wants to say. "Why don't you try to hear the preaching from the old man and old hag for 24/7 about ABC, and you need to act like you know nothing! Screw you, Bertrand!" many crumbs from the croissant in Martian mouth flying at Bertrand's face.

"Bloody hell! Can't you talk like normal people!" Bertrand quickly brushes away those pastry crumbs that have been contaminated by Martian saliva.

"Good Heaven! I haven't even started my nagging to you! If it was not because of your sickly body, I would have already whacked the heaven out of you from years ago!"

Hearing Martian want to get physical, Bertrand quickly put his guard up. He slides to the side a meter away from Martian. He shows his palm as the sign for Martian to take rational ways, "Easy, easy. Don't get physical, or it will be hard to heal all those wounds from this useless body."

"Tch!" Martian hold in his rage, and back to eating his croissant while looking at the door as a sign he will not get physical, "So when are you going to get yourself healed?"

"Mmhmm… dunno." still putting his guard up, Bertrand answers with uncertainty.

"Don't give me that crap, Bertrand!" Martian glares menacingly at Bertrand.

"Easy~ easy~ No physical." with a smile, Bertrand tries to make Martian at ease.

"Tell me when you will make yourself get well? Don't answer me with crap! You and I know that you also had the same ailments on Earth, yet you still survive and get your body back to normal!"

"Easy~ easy~" Bertrand pick two pillows and pile them up as buffer, "First, this place is not Earth. On Earth, there is a specialist who will help me to recover and outstanding studies of medici—"

"Stop the fucking crap!" croissant crumbs mixed saliva once again flying at Bertrand.

Already predicting it, Bertrand picks up one of the pillows and uses it as a shield, "Fuuuh… safe."

Martian face changed after seeing Bertrand still have the mood to goof around. Many veins bulged at his chubby face while his mouth full of another round of crispy-wet ammunition.

"Wait, wait! Don't sprout them! I will say it, I will say it." though Bertrand said so, he still has his guard up by using a pillow to block Martian sight.

"Spill it!" Martian gulped the ammunition down and brushed away the pillow used by Bertrand as a shield.

"As the way it is…" Bertrand mind works hard to analyse when is the longest time. He can delay curing his body using magic. "At least I need another three years to find a cure and get my body recovering bit by bit as my healing spell study get better."

"Why so long?! Wait..." an idea suddenly come out to Martian mind.

"You may can't cure your body in the fastest way possible. But it shouldn't be a matter to you to act like your ailment get worse right?!" Martian took a step forward and looked at Bertrand face as close as possible. "You need to take away the attention of the old hag and the old man; in every damn way possible!"

Seeing how crazy looking Martian face is, Bertrand can only agree. Another bargaining will only spell doom to himself, "Yes, yes. I will do anything to do that."

Bertrand smiled at Martian while picking his fallen croissant, "Now can we eat in peace? I will take some attention from them, so don't worry, all right?" Bertrand, take a bite at his croissant as a sign it was an easy peasy job.

"You better do it!" Martian yell his word while pointing his finger at Bertrand.

"Yes, yes." Bertrand is all smiles like he was talking to a drunkard. "Can we eat?"

"Fine, but if you did not do your end of the bargain, you would get a big chunk of my mind!" after saying his words, Martian sat back at the bed and ate his croissant.

'Bah! Do you think you can fool me away with a simple lie?! Humph! Let's see how you will act after that crazy geezer back today! Hehehe!'