
Brother IN-LOVE

Amanda is the beautiful and honest girl in an Island town called Cornwally She fell in love with her high school sweetheart and he insisted on Amanda marrying him when he was diagnosed with cancer. His death a month earlier destroyed Amanda's. Her world is now upside down. Walking around the beach area one morning she heard a fisherman shouting call 911! Call the coast guard! Taking a closer look Amanda saw an old wooden ship called the Blue Ivy dated 1818 berthing at the shores of Cornwally As she and others ran towards the shore they noticed people disembarking from an Old wooden ship Amanda saw a familiar figure. Shocked, scared and lost for words. she could not believe her eyes, She saw her late husband George walking towards her In 1838 some of the founding fathers of Cornwally were lost at sea, amongst them was Richard. Richard Cornwally Evergreen was George's late great grand father Richard was also the founder of Cornwally Unfortunately for Amanda, George's family ran her family out of town calling them unprintable names Richard had a magical pull that draws her towards him. He was the opposite of her George How can Amanda convince this handsome, mean, wicked man that she is nothing like her family What is it with Richard and his slaves? Why won't they leave? Even when the authorities told them they are as free as the birds. What is the connection between Richard and the beautiful slave girl call Rose Is it true that his slaves were from a powerful village in Africa and they are the 7 powerful witches that helped him build Cornwally

Umandini · Lịch sử
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14 Chs

Media Circus

When Amanda woke up it was like she was in a dark noisy market

She could see some piercing light from afar but the noise. Jeeees.....  was really loud.  It was Like Everyone was talking at the same time.

Her head was on fire. She had a terrible Headache,

Robbing between her eyes thinking it will reduce her headache and reduces the light hitting her eyes,

She tried to open her eyes and she notice she was in the hospital.

A familiar room that brought bad memories.

why am I here?

As if a mysterious person was reading her mind she heard.

You passed out sunshine

She was not surprised hearing that she passed out but was rather surprised at the voice that spoke.

Welcome back to the land of the living Amanda

Sitting beside her was Irene, her best friend

Thought I told you to call me when you needed anything today.

Irene said, looking rather worried

Well am very sure I called you telepathically.

Amanda smiled or how else did you get to know that I passed out?

Oooo I knew, She eyed her.

when the news filter into town, we all ran towards the shore that's when people saw you lying cold on the beach, 

Beach! Wooden ship. Arrival! George. Amanda thought. Turning towards her friend.

Did you see him? Amanda now remembered what she saw. How she hated herself for fainting when she saw George.

She tried to sit up. On getting up, ran towards the window where all the noise was coming from.

Irene pls tell me you saw George? As she looked down searching for George.

Sweetheart the town is in chaos.

Everyone has being running up and  down since the arrival of our special guests,

its like a circus outside.

Said Irene.

Looking down Amanda saw the biggest tent she has ever seen.

You could see the policemen, taking charge, Setting the perimeter fence

Fire fighters, running from one end to the other.

Traffic officers trying to make traffic flow, it really look like a difficult job cos you can still see traffic lining up from main street to the bridge.

In all of her 21yrs in Cornwally She has never seen this kind of crowd.

Reporters and their camera crew. Setting up and some going life. 

Doctors and Nurses attending to lots of people inside the tent and even on the field.

Popular media House's from the Island and mainland and their crew were all reporting the news.

Bigger media House's from America and the rest of the world were in their helicopter reporting the news too.

We need to get down there. Said Amanda

Amanda you need to rest. Irene insisted.

I can't Irene, I need to see George

I really need to see George.

She started running towards the stairs.

Irene pursuing her and shouting

I need to tell you something Amanda.. wait.....

When she did not stop, Irene shouted.

Wait for Heaven sake.  Amanda wait, really need to tell you something

Amanda ran like the wind. Ran out of the hospital and was running towards the car park

She work in this hospital so she knows that the way through the garden was the fastest way to the big tents.

  Ranning into the tent and  looking around the room she noticed  it was filled with people. What to do? how can she see him?

Amanda started shouting on top of her voice.

George! George! George! George and then she saw him. The love of her life sitting in a dark corner looking confused

She ran and embrace him,

Oooo he felt so warm. She had missed his embrace, kissing him, hugging him the way he likes it with her breast pressing his chest.

She could feel his heart beating fast. 

Looking into his eyes, she kissed him

The soft gentle kiss he likes. hugging him, kissing him and enjoying his respond to her needs.

His hunger for her was matched, she let out a low sound, 

Honey, honestly I missed you. With tear rolling down her eyes she started crying.

I have  missed you my love.

I knew you will comeback to me. I knew it.

My love I miss you. I love you, am so glad you are....

She felt a strong hand pulling her away.

The other hand pulling her hair. When she turned around she was staring at the most beautiful big brown eyes she has ever seen.

The lady was dark skin.

Well not too dark. She looked like dark coffee with a little milk to it.

Her unique polished skin and her full lips made her look really innocent so why was this beautiful lady trying to hurt her.

Her hair was not too straight she had some curls on it. Its unusual midnight, jet black, Afro will make her stand out any day

Too confused she looked at George. George had always protected her.

Why won't George protect her from this mad Jealous woman but looking at him all she got was an angry looking George walking towards her.

Have you no shame! The lady asked

Shame? Replied Amanda.

Yes shame?

Shame on you for throwing yourself at a married man.

Rose. That's enough. Replied George

When the lady stop talking, Amanda replied her.

Madam am shameless when it comes to my husband.

Husband they both Echoed

Yes husband

Well you look nothing like my wife replied George

What are you talking about

Sweetheart it's me. Your Amanda.

My sweetheart name is Elizabeth Echoed George

Have you no manners? Young lady!

How can a lady throw herself on a man she hardly knows and still calls herself his wife.

You look nothing like my wife.

Your wife? Amanda asked George.

She was so upset with George, as she was about to give him a piece of her mind, she heard her name.

Amanda. Irene shouted at her.

Confused from hearing  George scolding her and hearing Irene call her name. She realised that all eyes in the tent and the camera crew were on her

Amanda! That's not George! Irene added with a voice that makes you pay attention.

What are you talking about? Amanda Echoed

This way sunshine. Let's go and I will explain everything

As they walked out the tent. Reporters followed her asking her a million questions.

Who is George? a reporter asked.

How come you don't know your own husband? Another asked.

Why will your husband be in a ship from 1818?

And on and on they went.

Irene held her with one hand and use the other hand to clear the reporters asking questions.

She was protecting her from the reporters, their mic, light and camera.

Bravely she pushed thru the crowd. 

Irene pulled her and they started running towards the hospital and into Amanda's office.

They both locked the door and did not replied any questions from the Reporters.

When they found out they were not getting any answer from this two. They left them alone.

Amanda was shaking and crying

Irene I don't understand.

Well that man you kissed is not George.

He look like him. Sound like him but from Information reaching us He is Richard Cornwally Evergreen

The founder of our lsland

and your great, grand father inlaw