
Broken Lotus

E_L_4344 · Khoa huyễn
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In my culture a lotus can mean rebirth. I always wondered what that meant. How can one be rebirthed? I remember my mother reading a poem of a black lotus. I barely remember the poem itself because of it being so long ago in fact I barely remember my mother, but even then I remember thinking of how hard it is to believe of the existence of a lotus overall given the fact of the world seeming to be made out of metal never mind a black lotus, yet I relate to the black lotus. A black lotus is something impossible, an outcast, and ugly as when a plant turns black it becomes rotten. The total opposite of my siblings. Prodigies you would call them. I'm also technically a prodigy, but only because of blood unlike my siblings who have blood and talent. My father knows this. I remember a moment where I sparred my father. Usually this would be a honor to spar an elder, yet rather it was humbling…too humbling. By the end he told me something I'll never forget, "Your lucky to have my blood" he said. He'd never said anything close to this to my siblings. He always implied that they didn't need his blood to be powerful. Even with these thoughts, I still am able to close my eyes and rest till tommorow comes