
Broken is beautiful

Yvonne DelaRose,lawyer,assassin and single mum craves something. Something she tries to find...No not love, anything but that. She craves Peace from all the darkness and brokenness she feels within. Abused by her dad,abandoned by mum,betrayed by siblings,tormented by demons.Will she find what she craves ? or will she find something more?something she spent her entire life avoiding..Love .. in the man Nero Andresque Patel ....who definitely wants her dead by all cost. Can they ever rebuild the Broken?

Hannah_Akanbi_7202 · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Butterflies or Bubbles

'  Come back here sweetie'he smiling at me

' Don't enter the woods' he warned. He always said that. Why didn't I listen.

' oh come on, it's not like anything would jump out at me' I replied still running towards the woods. It's calling out to me. It always calls out to me. My soul yearns for the grass,the trees,the creatures in there,but I don't know why. Ignored him,and kept running till I reached the forest. It was calm,birds chirping here and there, a slow running stream,the air was clean. Why did he always warn me? It was safe, I felt it. I'd come here during the day,I'd come I convinced myself. I started walking out of it, but I felt the air shift. Something was here,I felt it's heartbeat. I wanted to see it,but I was scared.

' Sweetie,come I told you not to go in there' I heard him say'

Running quickly I went to him

' Sorry' I said,but I was not. He quickly grabbed my small hands,and we started back home. He turned back to look and when he faced forward he tightened his grip on me.' Don't look back' he said,and so we walked faster,till we got to the door, while he opened it, I turned back and looked, eyes were staring at me, creepy eyes and I quickly faced my front. We got into the house,with relief washing through me. We're safe or so I taught.'

  I woke up sweating,it's been long since I last saw him in my dreams. I stood up from the bed and went to the kitchen. I could hear voices in the living room,this early? I went there to find Les,her boyfriend and  Electricity? What's he doing here. What if he recognizes me? I kept thinking,till Les walked up to me

' How are you?' she asked smiling,I just scowled at her in return,I hate talking in the morning, especially after I wake up.

' Not a morning person I see'  Damien replied and I scowled at him too.

' Leave her alone you guys' Electricity said, why am I still calling him that.

' Oh shut up bro, it's only fair that I rile her up,she's always in my business' he replied scowling back at me. I just ignored them and started going back upstairs,not before noticing electricity looking me up and down. Does he recognize me? It doesn't seem so. Even Damien doesn't. I have to thread carefully, since Les has already brought them into my life. They can't know I killed Patel. Thank heavens Les doesn't know either,cause I can't trust her mouth,when Damien is around. He's her mate for crying out loud. I got to my room, showered and brushed my teeth. I started wearing my clothes, black all of it. Is it bad that I love the color. It defines me, especially my soul. Though I've grown out of my goth stage. It still holds meaning to me. I dressed quickly,I didn't do  make-up,I can't even do it. Call me tomboy I don't care.

I went downstairs,to see they've all gone out. Good,now I can think. I need to check on Jotham,I pick my phone, calling Rose,she didn't pick,well I'll try later. I hope things are well, even though I felt real uneasy.

' Excuse me' I heard beside me,I jumped swinging my fist towards the voice, luckily he caught me hand and I felt it again. The jolts that went through me.

'  Ohhh, sorry,what are you doing here?' I asked raising my brows at him. He was still holding my hand I remember. I wanted pulling my hand away but he refused to let go. My wolf was squealing with happiness. I felt butterflies in my stomach or should I say bubbles,cause I was also hungry,my stomach was protesting. I guess he heard it also,cause he smirked. Idiot.

' You're hungry' he pointed out, captain obvious.

' I know,but what brought you back?' I ask.

' Damien forgot his phone,I came back to pick it' he said leaving my hands to point at it. I missed his warmth. I thought. Just then he grabbed my hand again,did he hear me?

' Yes I heard you and don't mind I love your hand' he smiled at me. My heart was racing,I quickly removed my hand from his.   He just went to the couch and picked up the phone, turning to me he said,' Let's go get breakfast' I just looked at him blankly

' Don't Tell me you don't understand English' he said raising questioning brows at me.

' Am not going anywhere with you' I stated with finality in my voice.

' Its  not like I could kidnap you or something,when you could punch like that' he said but looking at my face he just sighs in defeat. He then left closing the door behind him. I sigh. I don't like this feeling,but my wolf surely seems to enjoy it. Mate. That word surfaced to mind, no,no it can't be, we are sworn enemies. We can't be mate, thank heavens he can't sniff my scent due to the fact that an assassin is always covered. But what if my mission is finished,he would then know,but then I wouldn't be here anymore. We just entered the second week of the fest. I need the rib,it's the last thing I need to find. I still don't know my charm, why is my life so upside down. Am the only one that feels this way.

' I have coffee and some delicious buns here' he said. Why is he back?

Before I could speak he thrust the bags to my arm, walked to the kitchen, sat down on a stool and stared at me.

' I thought you left' I asked.

' No I didn't,or well I did,I returned the phone and I brought breakfast' he answered, smiling. His smile was beautiful,and he had a cute little dimple on his left cheek. Deep green eyes stared at me with amusement. Why? I was checking him out,I felt embarrassed.

Shrugging to my self, I made myself comfortable in the kitchen and pulling out the food,I started eating. I won't tell him to join me,I don't share my food,free or not. He was still watching me, what is he thinking.

' You're beautiful' he said. And then I felt them again, more forcefully this time. What you may ask. The bubbles,not butterfly, bubbles. And with this thought I smile at him.