

I AM ALSO POSTING THIS ON ROYAL ROAD at 7:47 PM, 12-09-2023, Go to Patreon/CRIMSON EMPEROR, For better word style]] In this new. . .Earth-like world which seems to be changed for better or maybe WORSE. There exists a job HERO.......Simply a job Given by the government to those who use these supernatural power for them.....Those who do evil are villains?? OR? Those who oppose them and Don't use this power for them are the ones know as criminals later changed to villains. What is my perspective on it (MC) Should they free the use of power?? NO! Mantra is the manifestation of someone's Will, ideology, and Soul. But that doesn't mean what they do is right, even if they have the will of a saint. Justice??? It's dead the day they compromised. So what shall we do if we live in a CHAOTIC TIME YOU SAY? CHAOS??? When in the history of any HUMANKIND has there not been CHAOS, only those who can rise with a iron will in these Chaotic time, can shape the SOCIETY into a worse or maybe something better, for the upcoming Generation can or should be know AS HERO. Doing the right thing and a CHANGE is 2 VERY different things friend. Funny right??? How the title of such a MAGNITUDE is now given to some WANA BE and Attention h*es. What a CHAOTIC TIME. A hero is a beacon of hope, a god like being, who brings hope like morning newspaper. But do you really think everyone is a hero?? Or does the Society EVEN DESERVES ONE??? Don't Think you are innocent as you didn't commit a crime, Their is a large amount of blank history right?? Don't take the society ever so lightly Because you don't know, what they wanted to be blank is already blank. So here i am Telling you a story of a Man Who was born in these chaotic time. And learned that RIGHT thing and change for the right thing are 2 different dimensions. THE ONE FORGOTTEN BY THE WORLD. Who stood on the STAGE OF WORLD ALONG SIDE. The leader of criminals who wants the world to user in a age of pure interest, loans paid by people's soul. and Chikara Minamoto. A fools who didn't understood his mother's ideals but worry not Now that the hero have been betrayed the very Society he wanted to Change, betrayed by the people he wanted to help. It wouldn't hurt so much if it was your companion who betrayed you but the people??!! who i wanted to help, people whose lives i wanted to improve, are the one who brought my END. Well here i am reborn again The first but now a {{{{{BROKEN HERO}}}}} but worry not i will not wake up, as i know my anger will destroy my DREAMS, but i'll pass these sharp fangs to the one who truly knows how to change the world but is powerless. SO worry and worry not. Now there is no HERO. But a broken one.

THII_EXTERNAL · Khoa học viễn tưởng
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
9 Chs



Override author choice in READER PREFERENCE IN ROYAL ROAD



Sorry FOR THE DELAY but now the exams are over . . . I probably failed my Math and physics exams.....DAMN! 




The world doesn't revolve around the MC IT'S MY STORY WHICH DOES. 

I just wanted to do things differently. SO made the world, main character, and other characters quite different LIKE the REAL WORLD they move at their own pace.

"Nothing goes according to our plans in this cursed world" Do you get what I am trying to say? 


(like using dice for a story progression then Odd and even system. Odd=bad,hard,loss and Even=good,normal,gains) 

MeanS only your perspective of the story revolves around the MC, I have another character who had history and all I made 2 revolving around other people MOVIE type? MAYBE.) 

So be warned what they do will affect this world and...MC too. (he's not the only one, we are more like a watcher just watching him unfold nothing more nothing less) 




THE BROKEN ARC (Last of Mike's story) 



( Cringe but. . . can't be helped. I wanted to write Chinese dragon arc or something but it's tasteless so ya this one is also very interesting so don't worry and i also decided that every CHAPTER WOULD be 2000 words after chapter 8) 

Nothing great comes from those short chapters. 


(sorry for all the delay that I will cause in future but I will not give up the novel.

It's not gonna work give up, it doesn't have any scope leave it be(scope is made by you, you think the internet had a scope?, you thought the electric bulb had a scope? NOPE THEY DIDN'T) so I will write this until I can make a scope. 

6x  or 10x?(scope) 10 will be difficult to carry in pants? 

I JUST CHANGE HOW I OPERATE AND THEN IT WILL WORK. and if it's not then change and adapt for the betterment until it shows the result I want to see. 


"And then again. . . don't give up just because it's hard and now seems less enjoyable, give up if it's easy and yet not enjoybale" 

"AT THE END OF YOUR life you regret what you didn't rather than what you did." 


take it a positive way or negative this quote. . will create the best of the villain and the heroes i will write. 

'abc...' means thinking 

"abc..." talking out loud 







Suddenly the little remaining roof also fell.


"MIKEEE" Horrified that something happened to Mike his mother screams at him "Haaa" but in the end moment he jumps sideways


WITH a HORRIFYING flesh-burning sound, Mike's left hand burns alongside his hair.





"I am not and will not leave"






A little while ago before the disaster.

While watching the fireworks go we also see the moon lit up and



Like the most beautiful firecracker, it blows up in the sky, shining all around, pure gold-like.

It's mesmerising I thought.




'Shit shit shit shit no wayyy'


Only those who can get out of this breathtaking beauty will know that it will soon take hundreds if not millions of breaths away from people because today is the day my wish for MOON TO BE LIKE A FIRECRAKER comes true.


But like any firecracker, it also scatters but doesn't disappear It rains and burns and here it comes.




While still confused as to why the half of the moon vanished like a firecracker‎.

(smaller the words=smaller the explo. and longer the dist.)



Thooo Spssss(distant splash sound)

(I could write the font in a smaller or bigger size in roayl road depending on noise, go read it there it's more intresting)


The distant yet very familiar sound of water splashing jolts me up.



'Wait water? th-the moon brokeee?(⊙﹏⊙) it-it's raining METROIDSSS!"




"HAhh!- yes?" seeing her regaining clarity in her eyes, I look straight into those horrified brown and the only thing we utter.

"Runnn" X2


We run straight toward the empty storage room located at the end roof. (A mini cylindrical bunker-like storage with ladder and bulb quite small, 1.2 meters deep and a little more than half a meter wide. )


Rebbeca in front of me confusion and horror written on her otherwise smug face 'Quite funny waiT! what am I even thinking, the freaking MOON how did it blow up like a fire-.


I got zoned out for a second thinking isn't this my


"MIKKEE! Help me open this it's rusted!"



"On itttttt"


I sit on the opposite side of this somewhat curved metal cover if you might call it one.


Zigg zigg zigg

(sfx for rusted lock, quite accurate or not?)


'What kind of maintenance is this shi-'


"Quick quick quick hurry up MIKEE"


'Shut the fuck up bitch'

(╬▔皿 ▔)


"I am tryiNGGGG"


"Agh open open opeNN"


Zig Zigg zig ziggg!




I used every ounce of energy my body could bring OUT and pulled the handle as hard as I can


*CREAKKK*(metallic door opening sfx)







because of the sudden opening of the door and the excessive force I fell back.



"quick quick Mike lets go"


Without wasting any time she starts going into the pit. . . energetic as always I get up and go to the other side to climb down, while curiously taking a glimpse of the NIGHT sky.





Woosh woosh WOOSHH

That was something I regret and don't regret at the same time complicated to explain and understand.


In the beautiful night sky flowing with red, blue and white stars and the now half moon whose one side can be seen falling. . . crumbling and seem to close for our good. There's something that makes it apocalyptic, yes, those shards/pieces of moon tearing through the atmosphere burning with that orange-red glow.


OH wonders the humans, can the end of our world be so beautiful?


Boom BOOM boom boom(try my novel in royal road)

(This novel is free so don't read it anywhere except royal road and webnovel)


"Mike hurry up Oh and-and my MOM!, bring my mom"



"Yes my mom"






" shit shit shit"

'I-I wha-what do I do what do I" thinking about my mother who's currently in the house right in the middle where matroids are falling, I broke in a cold sweat, My thoughts, my tongue, my feet shaking with pure fright this is just like the dream where I couldn't do anything, want to stop but can't want to move but won't'




As if something clicked in my soul, Suddenly I remembered Shiv's line from my nightmare.


"Don't shake, don't panic and then don't think your actions let them overcome fear by controlled instinct"

Unknowingly I started moving slowly







And then I started running while muttering.



Tang tang tan(sfx for climbing metal bars)


'Yes yes, I need to stay calm go look for Mom while checking if any Metroid would land near!

Stairs yes run run run I need to go to mom




Just as Mike was reaching for the stairs Rebecca crawled out of the bunker









A small Metroid just fell right into the house in front of Rebbeca's everything goes white the dust, the splinter and the world seem white to Mike


ahhh where am I?"


the whole world is white and everything seems to be distorted and jumping crashing and spinning.'




'I died. . .TIK!. . . NO my mom, sky, DAD and everyone I STILL HAVE TO SEE THEM.'

(Is there an SFX for opening your eyes?)

Blink blink


FUFF FUFF Tuff (sfx for plastic and other garbage)


"Agghh" Mike slowly opens, trying to adjust with his spinning mind because of the shockway and sudden surprise he feels from the stairs right onto the pile of garbage.


"Cough cough"


"Blaargh Uggh Blaargh" Cluthing his stomach he bends to the side while emptying his stomach on the garbage alongside with blood and pieces of his stomach.

*Zing Not-...dead zing* (take it as an aftereffect of flashbang)


*Zing Arch it-cough cough Zing*


*hurts. . my head arghhh*



falling from the garbage he holds his head and rolls up on the solid mud road and starts to lose his conscious

Tik tik tik


Suddenly his body jolts up and he greedily sucked all the air he could


'I have to go or-or-OR I might not-'



*Don't shake, don't panic and then don't think, your actions. . . let them overcome fear by controlled instinct.*

"Aghh you don't need to tell me" He stood up with all his might and started running.

While climbing down the little hill where Rebecca's house was located he started to see real horror.




"Huff huff just-just a little and I!. . .might meet"


His face grimaces at the sound, only to see one of the many houses crash down.



  (Read it on Royal Road for better and more customizing experience)




It was not until every house collapsed as if welcoming Mike like a cursed one


"Is-it really because of my wish" he looks towards his rough bloodied palms while muturing this again and again with each word his lips going paler and eyes bloodier.


"Hel-help someone"


"Ahhhh my feet my feet someone help"


"Aghhhh hel-help"


He drags his body FORWARD only to find more collapsed houses, only to see so many acquaintances buried under rubble some dead some screaming for help, some silently weeping near their dead ones.




"waah mo-momy wake up Mommy"


"SOB! Son. . .Sob"

  "SOB! my..my wife SOB"

The cries ranged from toddlers to kids of his age, to the adults


'What-what should I do, this everyone!'


"Aghh is there someone"


Mike's whole mind was spinning with all these drastic changes, yet he still remembered the voice of the old woman who owned a sweet shop and her son who used to play with him and Rebeca.

Mike used every ounce of his willpower to drag his body from the hill only to despair at the ashes of creaking wood, collapsing houses, and the bloody half-burned corpse,


"Ughh" the smell of blood, the creaking of burning wood, the howls of pain from women and children.


"Blarghh Cough Cough"


Looking at the kind Spanish woman who used to give him free sweets and always smiling at them, now under the rubbles of her shop with her intestines spread out her left body was severely burned.

"Aunty!" Mike walks toward her with fear etched on his face and tears and snot

"Mik-e kun?" Even when half of her body was burned she gently called towards Mike, while trying to maintain a smile on her bloodied face.


"Aunty Dolores"

"Waah Mommy!"

As if by instinct Mike walks toward the voice

"Mi-Cough kun" with the sweet yet pained and fleeting voice of Dolores


"Waah Waah wah"


He walks towards Dolores son who was just a year smaller than him picks him up and tries and quiet him down.


"ah. . . " yet no words escape his mouth he tries to walk back to Dolores but pauses for a moment and goes in the opposite direction and pats Bruce's little head

While shaking him gently and trying to calm him down yet his heart was beating faster every second thinking about his own family too.

He then finds a half-burned blanket and lays Bruce gently on it he makes his way toward Dolores only to find her dead.


"SOB sob shit! why! WHY! Is this even happening" he collapses on his feet and bangs his head on the broken table.


"Sniff!" he lifts his head only to see some Spanish words written in blood


"GRaciAs cu..i..da. . . de. . . jaCKey.... MI---KE" with a ring in front of her hand


Although he didn't know much except gracias(thank you) he bent a little and picked the shining golden ring the only thing that seemed to glow in this ominous yet beautiful night, with symbol 風 now dark blood in colour the blood had stained it IN DARK.


"SNIFF! I-I promise that I will take care bru...JACKEY just like my family" he bows at a 90-degree angle with tears running like rivers.


He runs back to Bruce or rather Jackey picks him up quietly and moves toward his house slowly yet steadily, while walking he sees many people he knows yet he doesn't stop rather he can't most of them are dead, or injured beyond any help.


While walking past the guard's office he saw a group of many people sitting on the ground getting bandaged and helped by the guards.


One of the middle-aged guards saw Mike and rushed toward him.

"Ohh Mike Cough cough are you alright" his clothes look dirty, burned and turned from many places

"Ye-yes I am. . . ." when the silence started to become a little awkward he took Bruce off his back " The guard's eyes filled with pity and sadness looked towards Bruce in Mike's hand.


"How old is he?" he asks with a low voice.

"Just turned. . . 4 on last month"

"And his bastard father never came to see him? right?" he asks angrily yet his face shows pity that counters his words.


"Well forget that give him to me, and come with me I'll get you treated by Madam Hitu"

(*゜ー゜*)Doctor Hitu is also here."


"Yes? do you know her"

"Well I first met her after meeting Mr.Bikram"


'Bikram?. . . ."


(⊙_◎) he meant KINGG! Tribhuvan Bir Bikram Shah!'

"Ohh sometimes I forget who you are. .are--where did he GO!"



"Gaurds gaurds!"

"Shit I am also working as a guard"


He runs towards Madam Hitu while glancing at the blanket Bruce had previously held.

'Something in it!' but it was a fleeting thought in a second he reached the centre of the crowd.


"Hmm excuse me. . ."


"Ah, just a little space. . ."


"Sorry sorry. . ."


"Can you give me a little space I am a guard. . .yes it's an emergency"


"Haahaa about your family we are trying to help everyone up please go toward the last station people who are not injured might be there"


While all this seems much it didn't take more than a few minutes.


"Ma-huff madam HITU!"


"Hmm" Doctor Hitu raised her eyebrows as she remembered telling everyone to not disturb her until matter of grave importance. "Guard Captain Sang? ohh"


Doctor Hitu looks toward Bruce in the guard hand her face grimaces a little, and then she exhales tiredly, yet she regains her posture the next second and walks toward Mr. Sang

"Is the child injured gravely"

"No that...but he seems to have inhaled a little smoke and he looks tired" his words getting quieter toward the end of the sentence as he said something wrong.


"Well tonight . . . isn't easy on anyone" She takes the child in her hand and wipes his face with a towel


"Madam that hmm . . . " he looks toward the ground and says shakingly


"Hmm? Anything amiss"


"Well, Mike was there. . .and he just disappeared so I was asking-"



she screams breaking out of her character


"Cough cough" Looking at the whole crowd which seemed to stop because of her scream she fake coughed to regain her composure.

(/// ̄  ̄///)

"Everyone continue your work the night isn't over yet, those who were part of the first batch take a rest of 15 minutes"

With her remark, the crowd functions again, and she pulls Mr. Sang toward a corner of the shift tents.


(╬ Ò﹏Ó)

Do you even have any idea how important they are? I'll tell you this the reason the king deploved so many personal guards INcluding you was because of them not because of my safety!


"SH*t I totally forgot that they were here to go find him and Haruka ALIVE no matter what they are people of grave importance"



"But then who will help all"


"Agh just take the 2 best guards with you and be quick"

"Yes madam" he says while running out of the crowd without bumping into anyone while also showing extreme acrobatics

"Shit shit I just thought they were some minor nobles dammit kid why are you killing me I am not even paid for this much trouble"

C= C= C= C=┌( `ー´)┘(fast as fuck boiiii)



"Edd, you go check Rebecaas house"


"On it cap"



" and Jin you go check other camps I'll go towards his house."


"I'm not paid enough for this captain, fuck you I just took a damn break!"

凸( ̄ヘ ̄)





"Do as you are told or I'll blast your rest uPP your aSS"



The two shake their heads like chickens in fear of being slaughtered.


'The captain seems to be angry.'

\(º □ º l|l)/


'Looks like fucker lost his marble this time'






Back to Mike at his house

"Please Sob Mike please goo"

"Awoo woff khee akhee"(sfx for animal cough)



Mike goes toward his dog whose black fur is now burnt and whose hind legs seem to be broken.




He holds the burnt wood and throws it toward the side while grunting his teeth as hard as he can, while barely staying conscious.




"Mikkeee Sob Sob please cough PLEASE someONE take my cough cough" Miss Haruka broke down while seeing her son's burnt hair and forehead, the hands and legs which were cracked and clothes that had started to catch on fire the half-burnt shirt and blood oozing out of his cracked skin.




Someone caught Mike's collar and pulled him back




"MIKE" Miss Haruka screams with worry as the whole structure is nearly going to fall any


"Madam Haruka"


"Mr Sang. . .thank..you" Seeing Mike in the hand of the king's special guard Haruka was beyond relived and started to close her eyes



The whole house or the remaining of it started to crumble down visible to the naked eye.




"Ladyy Haruka, SHIT this might hurt a little kid!"


While grabbing mikes collar he throws him back as far as he can





Thoof thoss


The already broken skin got thorned as his body rolled on the ground while some splitters entered his back.


"HAAAA" Being a trained guard sang took the burnt woods that fell on Haruka.


"Mr Sang pleas-easee go it's no use"






"Agh" he pulls the piece of Metroid which has fallen and crushes her legs.




"Ahhgg" Even after feeling pain in her legs she refrained from screaming, she refrained from screaming in front of her son who even after suffering so much pain didn't back off.


He pulls her up with his arms and places her on his back with his charcoal hands.





"Skyy" Madam Haruka screams but she also knows it's useless as more and more burning wood is falling.




Sang looks toward their pet with pity.


"I am sorry..." were the only words he could think before leaping from the burning wood.




something just grabbed my collar.

"MR Sang"


I hear Mom saying Mr.Sang, it relieves me now...now I can save Mom I didn't fail or run this time.


HHAHAHAA I didn't run this time Shiv. . .I hope he's okay and not affected by this . . this nightmare? haha, irony it is.

But before I could think anything I was thrown back.





It seems some pieces of wood entered my back.


I hear some Cracking, as I weakly look towards my house I see Mr Sang carrying my mother on his back and liming towards me, I can see some big piece of wood torn through his foot yet he's still walking without making a face.

"Hehehe, you see I'm not such a normal guard kid"

He shows his white teeth to me.

"Sky! where IS....."


I knew the answer yet it was not very hard to understand seeing my mother guilt filled face. . . How do I know it's guilt??


I watch them coming toward me while Mr. Sang shows a thumbs up to me.


Just as I was about to reply


A sense of dread filled my up

A sound that I have listened to more than required, A sound that rang like a temple bell on this night.




*BUZZ .....my mind goes all buzz after seeing the hazy figure of my mother and guard sung, disappear and be replaced by the burning wood and rubbles my mind goes numb and I can't hear anything*


I can see Doctor Hitu coming toward me with 5 to 8 people but... BUZZ*


I still couldn't hear anything and the last thing I remember was




'This. . . can't be'... I faint from the shock that I couldn't see my mother and sang or maybe from the noise of the collapsing house.



Maybe from the ticking sound of this familiar silver. . . Necklace watch. . . yes the watch that Shiv gave me that day.


Reality can be a dream for all we know, and a dream might also be our reality so it's better to live free, who knows maybe it's all a dream.⁓ DREAMER.