

The intertwined lives of Reina and Justin, two individuals grappling with shattered dreams, broken promises, and the daunting challenge of rebuilding their lives. Reina, once a beacon of hope, now struggles with the aftermath of a devastating personal loss. Her journey toward healing takes an unexpected turn when she crosses paths with Justin, a man desperately trying to escape the clutches of a tumultuous past. As fate weaves their destinies together, Reina and Justin discover that their scars may be deep, but the possibility of redemption lies within each other. Justin, haunted by the consequences of his choices, is determined to break free from a life marked by shadows. However, an unexpected phone call thrusts him back into a world he thought he had left behind. As he grapples with his own demons, Justin finds an unlikely ally in Reina, a woman fighting her own battles but harbouring a strength that might just be the catalyst for his own transformation. Amidst the wreckage of their pasts, Reina and Justin embark on a journey of self-discovery, confronting painful truths and forging an unexpected connection. Together, they navigate a landscape of challenges, deceit, and the murky waters of redemption. As their stories unfold, "Broken: Beyond Repair" explores the resilience of the human spirit and the possibility of finding solace and strength in the most unexpected places. Will Reina and Justin find the courage to confront their brokenness and build a future together, or will the weight of their pasts prove too much to bear?

Sylvia_E_Kay · Thanh xuân
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19 Chs

#19. Rising


"Reina's fine. He's just trying to mess with you or probably threaten you," Chris breaks the news to me as soon as he gets off the phone with Jade, who was at Reina's.

Relief surged through me like a tidal wave, sweeping away the suffocating weight of worry that had gripped my chest. Chris's words were a lifeline, a balm to the anxiety that had threatened to consume me.

"She's fine?" I asked, my voice betraying a mix of gratitude and disbelief.

Chris nodded, a reassuring smile on his face. "Yeah, Jade said everything's okay. Miles was just trying to play mind games."

A genuine smile spread across my face, a stark contrast to the tense lines that had etched themselves moments ago. The mere knowledge that Reina was safe, that she was out of harm's way, filled me with an indescribable sense of happiness.

"Thank you, Chris. I can't believe how worried I was," I admitted, the weight of the world lifting from my shoulders.

Chris clapped a hand on my back, offering both support and camaraderie. "It's what friends are for, man. We'll deal with Miles together and make sure he can't pull this stunt again."

As the initial shock of relief settled, a renewed determination ignited within me. The threat Miles posed was real, but so was the strength of the bonds I shared with Reina and my friends. We would face this challenge head-on, dismantling the dangerous game he was playing.

With newfound hope, I took a deep breath, ready to navigate the storm that lay ahead. The echoes of worry were replaced by the resolve to protect those I cared about, and together with Chris and the support of our friends, we would confront the shadows that lurked in the corners of my past.


"Justin," I pause, staring at him intensely. "You have to tell me what's going on. You've not been yourself these past few weeks, and I know something's wrong."

He had come over to my house to make sure I was doing fine after the recent incident that unfolded, and now we were in my room, sitting on my bed.

Justin's gaze meets mine, a complex mixture of emotions flickering in his eyes. The weight of the unspoken burden he carried was evident, and I couldn't bear to see him struggle in silence any longer.

"Reina," he begins, his voice carrying a raw honesty, "there are things in my past, things I thought were buried. But they've resurfaced, and it's putting you in danger."

The gravity of his words hangs in the air, and I feel a knot tighten in my stomach. The past few weeks suddenly make sense—the late nights, the moments of distant contemplation, the unspoken tension.

"Justin, I need to know the truth. I can handle it," I say, reaching out to gently touch his arm. "We promised to face things together, remember?"

"I never wanted you to be a part of this, Reina," Justin confessed, his voice heavy with regret. "But Miles has made it clear that he's willing to use you to get to me. That's why I've been distant, trying to find a way to protect you from the mess I've created."

Miles—his name resonated in my mind like a sinister echo. The mere mention of him brought forth memories I had buried deep, wounds I thought were healing. I felt a surge of anger, not just for Justin's predicament but for the scars Miles had inflicted on me in the past.

Dread settles over me, but I steel myself against the rising fear. "We'll face this together, Justin. Tell me everything. I need to know what we're up against."

As Justin continued, his words were a sober melody recounting the echoes of a past that had returned to haunt him. We sat on my bed, the room bathed in a soft glow, but the shadows of his confession cast a heavy pall over the atmosphere.

"A few years ago," he continued, his eyes fixed on a distant point, "I was involved in some...illegal activities. Things that I thought were behind me. But Miles, he's resurfaced, threatening to expose everything if I don't comply with his demands."

I took a moment to absorb his words, the weight of the revelation settling in my chest. The room seemed to close in on us, the air thick with tension. But in that moment, I found a strength within myself—a determination to face the looming darkness head-on.

"Justin," I said, my voice steady, "we can't change the past, but we can shape our future. We'll face this together, and Miles won't break us. Tell me everything so we can find a way out of this mess. We owe it to ourselves and to the love we've built."

His eyes met mine, and in that shared gaze, I saw a mutual understanding—a commitment to confront the demons that threatened to unravel us. The journey ahead was uncertain, but with our bond unbroken, I felt a resilience that surpassed the fear that lingered in the shadows.


The tension in the cafeteria became palpable as Justin and Jade's argument unfolded, their voices cutting through the usual hum of conversation. The sudden silence that followed their heated exchange drew the attention of every student present, curious eyes fixating on our table.

"Maybe we should talk to the adults about it," Jade suggested, her concern evident in her voice.

"What? No!" Justin's response was swift and filled with resistance.

"Yes! Why not? I don't think this is something we can handle by ourselves," Jade insisted, her tone reflecting a mix of frustration and worry.

"Ourselves?! This has nothing to do with you!" Justin retorted, his frustration escalating.

The atmosphere in the cafeteria felt charged, a collective hush settling over the onlookers. Whispers and curious glances passed between students, the unusual spectacle of conflict among friends grabbing everyone's attention.

I exchanged a glance with Chris, who was sitting next to me, and he mirrored the same mixture of concern and confusion that I felt. The cafeteria, once a bustling social hub, transformed into a stage for a confrontation that seemed to transcend the personal boundaries of those involved.

Jade's attempt to reach a resolution clashed with Justin's evident desire to shield her from the dangers he faced. The clash of perspectives left the air heavy with unresolved tension, and the gaze of the cafeteria remained fixed on our table, awaiting the outcome of a conflict that had spilled into the public eye.

As I observed the unfolding drama, a realization dawned—a reminder that the challenges we faced were not confined to the shadows. The repercussions of Justin's past had breached the walls of our private struggles, and the journey ahead promised to be more tumultuous than any of us could have anticipated.