
Chapter 31 - Setting Off

Gren woke up and felt some pain in his hips when he sat up. The AI hadn't bothered him in his sleep since he turned off the daily reports--he wasn't even using the Advanced Arsenal lately except for when he bought the socks. His clothes were still on the ground so he was completely naked. Jasmine was still sleeping but he didn't know where Jessica was since she wasn't on the bed. He definitely pushed his body to its limits.

Yesterday he acted strange and ended up having sex with two people on the same day that they met. He couldn't deny that it felt great but he was out of control last night. Still, everything had already happened so it wasn't like he wouldn't take responsibility.

Gren figured that this unnatural behavior was a result of the change that he noticed in his mind. It took a week but the old Gren's memories had finally felt like his own and it no longer felt unnatural to be called Gren by the people around him. This, however, wasn't all good. When he was just Thomas he felt separated from the events that happened shortly before his resurrection.

Gren hadn't been able to process his emotions yet. Tears fell from his eyes as he thought of his mother and his home. "Gren, are you okay?" It seemed like his crying was noticed by the now-awake Jasmine.

Gren wiped away his tears and tried to pretend that he was okay. "Yeah. It's just dust in my eyes." Jasmine wasn't convinced since there were more tears falling and he was sniffling. She reached out and hugged him before stroking his back.

Jasmine then rubbed her cheek against his. "You know, if you're sad about something then you can tell me. We swore to share both the good times and the bad, right?" Thomas thanked her before telling her about what he was thinking about.

He talked about the attack on the village and how he saw his mother die trying to protect him; he even mentioned what the bandits said about his mother's corpse before throwing it into the flames. He left out his resurrection, the treasure, and the Advanced Arsenal but talked about the journey he took and brought up the two women that he had taken it with.

Jasmine stopped rubbing his back and unconsciously put more strength into her hug when he got to the part where he had sex with Estella. "I was so caught up in the mood and forgot about that. At dinner last night mom said 'another woman'. So you had sex with three different people yesterday." Jasmine seemed to be thinking about something.

"Hey, Gren, do you still plan on taking in more women?" He didn't know how to answer that question but it distracted him from his sadness. He wasn't sure if he was planning on taking Annie in and he liked the idea of being surrounded by women. Gren's lack of a response still gave Jasmine an answer to her question so she sighed. "There's not enough room for that many more people even in the underground. Too many of the passages are blocked off and the rooms are cluttered. There's still my brother's room but I think we should plan ahead for the future."

Gren wasn't sure what she was trying to say but thankfully she didn't leave him guessing. "Come on, after our bath we'll go get some people to help clear out some rooms." Jasmine was a bit excited and grabbed Gren's hand while running off to the bath. Gren's hips were already hurting and her stride was much longer than his so she practically pulled him the entire way.

Jasmine's actions today seemed adorable when compared to yesterday. When turning the valves she was humming and her hips were swaying along with her tail. Usually that would be sexy to Gren's eyes but her silly grin and the fluttering wings on her back were just cute. After the bath was ready, Jasmine pulled Gren in and placed him on her lap. The water was a bit deeper than it was yesterday so perhaps this was the only way to prevent him from drowning.

Jasmine did all of the work and cleaned him thoroughly. She seemed to enjoy touching him all over. "Ah. I didn't notice this last night."

"What are you talking about?" Jasmine was in the middle of rinsing him off when she stopped and touched his back.

"It's almost the same color as your skin but there's a weird mark on your back. A birthmark, maybe? I'm not really sure but it's some sort of pattern." Gren wasn't aware of anything like that. His mother never mentioned it and it's not like he could see his own back. Jasmine finished rinsing him before towelling him off.

"We don't have any clothes that would fit you so we've got no choice." Jasmine dressed up Gren in his red robe. He wanted to put them on by himself but she seemed happy to do it so he let her. When it got to the boots Jasmine struggled and couldn't put them on him so she went to get her clothes while he put them on by himself.

Jasmine returned as he was tying his laces with nothing but a shirt on and a skirt in her arms. The shirt seemed completely different to the one she wore the other day since it had long sleeves and a turtle neck. Jasmine pulled the skirt up in front of him and then turned around. "Can you tie the back for me?"

The skirt had a hole where her tail was and needed to be tied at the base of her tail. Jasmine then crouched down and pointed to the straps on her shirt that wasn't tied yet. The first strap tied in the center of her back, between the two sets of wings. The other strap was tied at the very bottom of the sweater.

After Gren helped her with her clothes she stood up and gave him a twirl, almost hitting him with her tail. She looked cute and it seemed like whenever she was really happy her wings and tail would get a lot of exercise. Jasmine put on her knit hat that hid her horns, grabbed her coin pouch, put it in a side bag that she put on, and the two of them went upstairs.

"Mooom, Gren and I are going out for a bit. We're going to borrow the carriage." Jasmine couldn't fit through the doorway leading to the store so she called out from the hallway. Gren decided to check on her in person before they left.

"Good morning, Jessica." Gren was expecting her to look a bit haggard from last night since she was the first to pass out but she looked quite the opposite. Her skin looked smoother than it did yesterday and she seemed to be glowing. There was a customer in the shop so Gren decided not to talk about anything private. "Jasmine and I are heading out for a bit. She said something about getting some help to clear things out so we're bringing the carriage."

Jessica gave him a peck on the cheek. "Okay, but be back by dark. I don't think that anybody could give Jasmine trouble but I don't want dinner getting cold." Jessica handed him two pieces of bread. "You two haven't eaten anything, right? Take these and make sure that Jasmine eats. That girl always gets so focused when doing something that she'll even forget to eat." Gren ran back towards the side entrance and went to the courtyard.

Jasmine was pulling the carriage to the gate and Gren was impressed by how easily she moved it. Gren ran to catch up and handed her the bread, keeping one half of one of the small loaves for himself to eat. After he finished eating he pulled out a canteen from his pocket dimension while making it look like he had it hidden in his robe's sleeve. After a few gulps he was satisfied so he handed the rest to Jasmine. She downed the rest of it and put the empty canteen in her side bag.

Gren was going to climb up on to the carriage but Jasmine picked him up and placed him on the driver's seat. Of course, there were no whips or reins since the carriage didn't use a horse. After Jasmine pulled the carriage into the alley and locked the gate they were ready to go. Gren was pulled along as they set off to find help... even if Gren wasn't sure where they were headed.