
Chapter 109 - Investigation: Preparations

The guild was currently closed from accepting new requests unless they were meant for the independent mercenaries. Gren didn't want anybody from the guild outside when the fighting began. Even his mother had to be moved downstairs which meant hiding her away in his workshop. The hiding spot he had been using was under his bed but now she would be kept in an armored structure that couldn't be opened or moved by anybody but him.

The stretch of hallway just before Jasmine's room now had a large steel door installed on it with a polycarbonate window and openable slots for a gun's barrel to poke out of. If anybody tried to attack them through that entrance then it would be easy to defend against. While Gren and the rest of his team were making their move on the criminal guilds, their guild would be more vulnerable than usual. The knights from the Church wouldn't provide backup since they were currently preparing for the war in the west so Gren needed to build more defenses. The inactive guild members would need to be armed which meant that he'd need to talk to Judy again.

Judy was in a meeting with Inari(Fox beastman), Eliza(Lizardperson), and Dhalra(Dark elf) so Gren called out from a distance. "Hey, Judy. Sorry to bother you but this is important." Gren could see that she was annoyed at being interrupted but she still gave him her attention. "I'm going to be making some weapons so that the women in the guild can defend themselves. I need you to talk with them about what kinds of weapons that they want to use."

"Why don't you just ask them yourself?" Inari chose to be snarky towards Gren. "There's no reason why it needs to be Judy mediating between you and those of us that don't fight for you."

"She speaks with everybody down here and there's nobody that dislikes her." Gren didn't know how the other women felt about him but he was sure that Inari wasn't the only woman that hated him. "Besides, she's great at her job and I trust that she'd complete it without missing anybody capable of speaking our language." There was Livi(the living statue), the woman with no face, the kobolds, the woman with pale white skin and red claws, and the vampire that were unable to talk their language. The vampire seemed to speak a different language but Gren didn't know it; Layla(the elderly centaur) had been trying to teach her it but for now she could only say the word for blood.

"It's fine, Inari. I don't mind helping out in the guild." Gren was glad that Judy was reasonable, unlike Inari. "Just let me know when it needs to be finished by."

"Thanks as always, Judy. I'd say that it would be best to complete it by the end of tomorrow so that I can give them the weapons sooner but, if that's too difficult, three days at the latest." Gren remembered something that would help prevent her from wasting her time. "You don't have to worry about the people that live outside of the guild. I'll go talk to them."

"Alright. If that's it then I'll finish my chat with my friends before getting started." Gren was about to leave when Judy asked him a question. "Do you have more paper and ink? I'm almost out."

"Yeah, I can get you some. Do you want the ink in a vial or pen?" Gren already had a pen to show her, he was planning to introduce the felt tip pens into his store but didn't know what to price them at yet. Having someone from this world give their opinion on them might help him figure out their value.

"I'm not familiar with the pen. Is this another one of your inventions? Can I have both?" Gren didn't call them inventions on his own but didn't know who the inventor was so he didn't correct her.

"If you want to fill the pen later on, I've got a kit for it as well. I'll bring it by after I'm done writing down the instructions." Gren handed over the pen while making a vial of ink and pad of paper for her. "We're going to be setting up the office in Jasmine's room for now so you can find me or Jessica in there for when you've got any requests."

"Alright, I'll make sure to remember that. If I don't finish the list by tonight then I'll bring it around tomorrow." Judy seemed happy to get the paper, ink, and pen.

After saying goodbye, Gren left Judy to be alone with her friends. He still had more to do to prepare the defenses. It was impossible to tell if there were any other entrances that led to the other side of the piles of rubble so Gren set up large metal walls in front of them. The walls had the slots for guns and the polycarbonate windows but had no door to open up since nobody was supposed to go that way anyways.

The slow bolt action rifles wouldn't be able to take out a large number of enemies at the same time. The others were already using a specific type of ammo so Gren decided to keep using that type while making a machine gun. The PKM would be wielded by Tahloh and she'd be in charge of watching the underground's main entrance while Gren and the others went out. Gren needed to spend some time teaching her how to use it since there was a drastic difference between it and her Mosin-Nagant. By the time that she knew how to use it properly, it was much later in the day. Thinking about the defenses, Gren returned to the main entrance.

The magic lights weren't that strong so Gren set up a few floodlights at the main entrance and powered them with large batteries. When the switch was flipped, the lights would blind whoever was on the other side and give the shooters a clear target. To prevent others from abusing the switch and draining the batteries, Gren made it where it required a key to turn on and gave one key to Tahloh and the other to Jessica; if he needed a key then he could just make one. The defenses were mostly finished at that point since Gren didn't want to add anything that would harm the members of the guild by accident. Gren just had to wait for Judy to deliver that list and he'd be able to get started on arming the final line of defense.

I'm going to be going back to three chapters each week for a while. This four chapter schedule is not viable with how long the chapters are becoming and I've been too busy to write 2k words per day. I'm going to go back to the old schedule; Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday releases. Side chapters will be released on Sundays instead of Fridays when available.

Maybe if I can clone myself then I'll be able to crank out daily releases.

Darth_Gizmocreators' thoughts