
Romance Ecstasy

She remembered the very first time she had seem that face. It was on the night of her tenth

birthday. It had come to her in her dream. She had seen the man lying down on a bed in a

hospital and she was nursing him back to life. She had seen her destiny.

She thought about him day and night. She talked about him to anyone who had listened. Her

sister and mother thought the was mad. They called her a lunatic. Her sister taunted her with it

all the time. Her sister's death.

She liked to remember it as an abortion they tried to commit. But the truth was that she had

murdered her sister when she was fourteen years old. Ann had sketched the face of her price

charming on a piece of paper and her sister come across it. As usual, she had started taunting

her with it. Ann did not mind the in suits on her but she could not stand her sister throwing

insults at the man of her life. She even went as far as burning down the paper. That was just too

much for Ann to bare. She went to get some detergent and mixed it up with Gammalin 20 and

stirred it up in a drink for her sister. Her sister died shortly after, she didn't miss her.

But her mother did. She, just like her sister, had believed that Ann WAS insane and she had

never hesitate to remind her. But one day, she too had the misfortune of making the mistake to

insult what she referred to as 'her imaginary lover.' That night, while her mother slept. She put a

lantern beside her and allowed the kerosene to leak out then struck the match into it and set her

ablaze. The she began living her life in peace. Without the criticism and condemnation of her

mother and sister. She was free to dream about him all day long. She felt his presence and they

enjoyed wonderful time together.

Ann decided to go to nursing school. She had first met the man of her dreams in her dream at

the hospital and she believed that it was going to become a reality. After all, it was her destiny.

She had come out of Nursing School with flying colors and had gotten a job at the Mainland

Hospital. The Medical Director had been kind to her and she was reporting directly to him at his

office everyday. It was during one of these days that when she reported to his office she saw

this Magazine lying on his desk. A face, a particular face had caught her attention on the cover

of the Magazine, and when she took a good look at it, she almost did a double take. It was a

face she knew all too well, the face of the man in her dreams, the face of her destiny. The

magazine had informed her that he was the president's first son. And when it also said he was

a Medical Doctor, she knew her dream was bound to come to true. She waited for days for him

to come to her but he didn't. she kept very close watch on any news and information about the

First Family, most importantly, the president's first son. It was an absolute impossible task to go

near him. Beside's, she was based in Lagos, while he was in the Federal Capital Territory,


She had believed that things were going to be easier when his father's reign was over but

unfortunately for her,, his father had chosen to run for re-election. He had eventually won and

that meant they would still be world apart.

An ordinary nurse had no pace going near the son of the president and she was prudent

enough to realized that even if he did fall ill and had to be hospitalized. The hospital she

worked for was the last place he would be brought to.

She started to plan how to make her dreams come true and she arrived at a concrete plan. She

began saving all her money from her salary. Sold off all the properties she had inherited from

her mother, and when she felt she had raised enough money, she went over to the military

barracks at the Ikeja cantonment and bought some armories from a Lieutenant she knew, who

dealt in selling arms illegally. She stored the arms in her house and waited for the perfect

opportunity to used them. It came when it was announced in the news that the senate

president's wife was going to be celebrating her fiftieth birthday in her home town, and that the

president was to be represented by his first son. She packed the A.K 47 semi automatic rifle

that she had bought, and armories of bombs she had been able to obtain from the dealer at the

cantonment, and boarded the next available bus down to her hometown. She knew that the

president son and his escorts would not come until the exact day, and that they were going to

leave again on that same day. So, she went a day earlier and waited for them. She knew exact

route they were going to take and she went and waited for them. After about a few hours, the

long convoy of cars started coming. Inexperienced as she was., single handedly she lunched

the attack on them and later moved in to shoot at each of the other persons in the vehicle. She

threw the bomb few meters away from each cars so that they wouldn't go up in flames, but just

vibrated by the ground and somersaulted. She then moved in and checked the vehicles for

money. Then she killed everyone except Alex. She dragged him into the bush and kept him

there until she had been able to use the money she had taking from the cars, to get a good car

which she now used to transport them both back to Lagos.

She dumped his body on the side of the road close to a Hospital, knowing that a good

Samaritan was bound to rush him to the nearest hospital. Things had worked well perfectly to

her plan and she had dedicated herself to nursing him. Even when he refused to come out of

coma, she still believed in her destiny that he was bound to get well and he did.

But this was not how she had wanted it to end, she thought as she stared and watched him get

into the car with his wife and children. This was not what she had sacrificed for, this was not

what she had killed for, and she was determined not to let all her dreams die away. She was

determined not to let her destiny be taken away from her. not even by Alex himself.

****** ****** *******

The security men at the gate were both chatting loudly. They were two in number. She took a

very good look at them through her binoculars from across the street. They were armed. One

was short and stocky. The other was tall and thin. It looked as if they had just gotten themselves

drunk from the way they were both behaving.

She smiled to herself, if they were drunk, it would be to her advantage, it would make her plan

easier. She put the binoculars in her bag and straightened her dress. She wore a very short

mini gown and very high-hill shoes. She checked the semi automatic 25 caliber pistol once

again. Made sure the cartridges were intact and crossed over to the gate.

She banged on it gently. They both looked up at her.

"Who you be?" the short stocky one asked her.

"My name is Dana and today is my birthday. I was wondering whether you two would like to

celebrate it with me," she said in a sexy tone, pushing forth her breast.

The two men stared at each other. They hesitated. "Today nay a birthday, you no see anybody

celebrate am with you,an us you come meet."

Ann had expected that. She shrugged. "I was only hoping you guys might want to have some

fun, but if you don't then I must be on my way. I am sure there are so many men out there who

would want to some fun," she said and made to go.

"Okay wait, wait," the tall one told her. "How much is it," he asked. Ann smiled. "Why don't you

open the gate and we can negotiate at your own convenience, after all today is my birthday and

I did promised you guys a treat," she said.

Both men stared at one another and smiled. Quickly, they opened the gate and allowed her to

come in. they led her into the security room by the entrance of the compound.

Ann put her bag on the table and leaned over it to block their view. Two men went on arguing

over who was going to be the first person to mount her. They disgusted her to the limits. She

pulled out the gun and blasted the short one first in the head. The bullet flung him up and

against the wall before he crashed to the floor. The tall one stood with his mouth opened. He

stared at her with surprise. He never got a chance to recover from the chock when Ann pumped

up two bullets into his chest. He too collapsed to the floor like a falling lizard. She spat at him

and left the house. She checked the time on her wrist watch, it was ten thirty. Good, she thought

to herself. Someone should still be awake in the house. She entered the house through the

kitchen window. The lights were off. She tried to get her eyes accustomed to the darkness so

that she would be able to tell where the door was, when the light suddenly came on.

A young man who was obviously the house maid had come into the kitchen to take something.

She was about to scream when she saw Ann, but she was cut quiet by the sight of automatic

pistol in her hands.

""Where is your Boss" Ann asked. "Is he in his room?" Ann asked again.

"Take me to him," Ann said still pointing the semi -automatic caliber at her. Slowly they both

moved out of the kitchen and into the corridor that led to the living room. There they climbed the

stairs and went to the upper part of their house, till they arrived at the boss bedroom.

"Open it," Ann command.

The girl hesitated.

" I said open it" she said again.

Suppressing her cries and with hands shaking badly, the housemaid opened the door, Ann

pushed her into the room and put on the light.

Alex was lying on the bed with his wife and they were both fast asleep, curled up in each

other's arms. The sight was annoying and disgusting to Ann. She fired two shots into the ceiling


Alex and Tolani woke up immediately, startled by the shorts. He stared at her with a surprise

look in his eyes.

"Do you remember me?

Do you know who I am?"

Ann asked him. She wasn't smiling.

"Nurse? You are the nurse from the hospital. Please, what is the meani ng of all these? What is

going on here?" Alex asked looking from his housemaid to Ann. Tolani quickly held unto her

husband and hurled herself up behind him. The housemaid began to cry out loudly.

"Please, Nurse," Alex said. "Whatever it is you want. It doesn't have to come to this, I'm sure we

can resolve it amicably. My wife and I have just agreed that we were going to send over some

substantial amount of money to you to express our profound gratitude and appreciation for


"Shut up," Ann barked, "look at him going on and on like a woman. You didn't talk so much

when you were in the hospital. Do you really think I am doing this for your money? I don't want

your money," she cried and in a softer voice she said, "I want you." She paused. "How could

you let her do this to us? Well, now she is going to have to pay with her life because I am

determined to have you back."

Ann pointed the gun at Tolani and pulled at the trigger.

"Noooo!" Alex screamed.

Then with a very swift movement, Ann turned and shot the housemaid instead. "Oh, my God,"

Alex said.

"Jesus Christ," Tolani said.

Ann laughed. "Now where are the children?" she asked. "Get up and take me to them, get up

the both of you," she commanded.

Then slowly, they all went out of the bedroom with Ann pointing the gun behind them. They

came into the room where the children were both sleeping soundly. The baby was in her cot

while the boy was on a small bed.

"Now move closer to your children the both of you."

They hurried did as they were told. The baby woke up and began to cry waking up her brother

in process. Ann pointed the gun at the baby.

"I am going to start with the youngest," she said "After everything Alex, we start that life that I

dream about always. You and I only." She nodded. Just then a deafening explosion went off in

wife screamed. They thought Ann had shot one of the kids. As Ann fell to the ground clutching

at her stomach, Alex saw one of the security men standing at the door. He looked at Ann. Her

eyes were on him he thought he saw a dreamy look in them. Gradually, her eyes closed as her

lips formed the words that he interpreted as 'I love you'.

The End

Golden Tears

Bright Mills

There were tears in three pairs of eyes when the movie came to an end. What

followed was a detailed analysis of the movie story by the three girls and a

resolution go to the hospital the next day to check their genotype so that they will avoid

marrying partners that will bring forth sickly children like the twins in

the movie.

The movie was about a mother of twin sickle cell anemic boys. She suffered as a

single parent to bring them up to the age of 18 years. Then she decided to get

them wives who would take care of them so that she could go on with her own

remaining life. After frantic search for the right partners for her sons, she finally

found girls of her son's age who were willing. They all got married.

Unfortunately, the girls were too immature for the responsibility they were

given. Few months into the marriage, one of them got careless, this led to the death of the

younger of the twins. Unable to bear the loss of his brother, the

surviving boy attempted suicide. The mother had to come back to the scene to

continue from where she stopped.

Kate and Tonia were known as the Siamese twins because of their resemblance

and closeness to each other. Kate's mum died while giving birth to her so it was

her aunt, Tonia's mother who took custody and brought her up. Kate and Tonia were both tall,

fair complexioned and slim. The major distinguishing features between them was the color of

their eyes. Kate had crystal clear hazel

eyes while Tonia had black eyes. Kate was eleven months older than Tonia but

the difference in their age was not visible. They attended the same schools. Had

common friends and stood by each other.

"Mother, I've told you to quit stressing me. I'm going to marry at my own time."

"Time? When will that be, I've been hearing that for the past two years. Don't

you want me to see my grand children before I die?"

"What! Mother, leave the guy alone. He has told you he will marry when it's convenient for him."

"What about you Teddy, you're not too young to marry, you know."

"Mama, please, don't even start that one on me. That's the last thing on my

mind of now."

The woman paused, then she turned to face them squarely and said. "I am tired

of arguing with you people. one will think I was asking for the impossible. Some

of your mates are already married with kids." She then burst into tears. "All I want is to see my

grand children before I join my husband."

Paschal was touched by her tears. He got up from his seat and went close to her

and pleaded.

"Please, mama, let's not go through this dream again. I really hate to see you

cry. I will get married soon. In fact, I'll do it this year. I just want to sort some

things out first."

When he had assured her enough, she stopped crying. He then asked her to

cheer up and go to bed. She obliged. Teddy made sure their mum had put off

the light in the guest room where she was staying before he went back to the sitting room to join

Paschal. They were tired of having their mum rave about their unseeming interest in getting

married. Their father had died when they

were in secondary school so it was their mum who single handedly trained them

through the remaining yeas in the school and through the university.

Paschal was 18 years, two years older than Teddy. The marriage issue had been

raised as soon as Pascal got his first job with an oil services company. Later than

night, after much discussion, they concluded that it was indeed time to oblige

her for all the love she had shown them. Pascal agreed to marry there and then,

there was no pint, Teddy reasoned, to keep postponing it since it was bound to happen

someday. Their discussion changed to who will be a most befitting wife

between Helen and an undergraduate who was his new girlfriend and Tonia,

who had always been. They finally settled for Tonia after comparing both

character and all.

The genotype test didn't last for more than one hour. When the result was

ready, the doctor asked to see them separately. Kate turned out to be luckier

with AA. Tonia's was AS. The doctor spent close to 30 minutes lecturing her on the implications

of being an AS. With a graphic chart, he showed her the

chances, that could make or mar her giving birth to a sickle cell anemic free


On their way home, Tonia voiced our her thought, she asked Kate.

"What if Pascal's genotype is AS too?"

Kate answered her. "You'll simply explain things to him and end the

relationship I'm sure he'll understand."

"Just like that?"

"How else?" "No way Kate. Anyway, I'm sure he is AA, the doctor said AA is more common.

Besides, there were one in four chances of both AS spouse having normal


"For me, I don't think there'll be need to take chances, not after watching last

night's movie."

"Well, let's wait and see Paschal first, he hasn't even proposed to me yet."

Kate and Tonia exchanged glances, Tonia decided to humor in by replying

him, "It is true, we would not mind the doctor, we have decided to do the test. They were both

amused at his ignorance but thought it best not to lecture him.

Pascal and Teddy admired the ring for the 100th time since buying it from the

goldsmith that morning. Pascal asked Teddy.

"What if Tonia turns down my proposal?"

"You'll keep the ring for Helen of course."

"Helen?" That immature girl? It's got to be Tonia."

"Just kidding, Tonia won't say no. no girl can resist marrying you because you've got all it

takes, good looks, height, good job and a car, moreover, you

guys have come a long way."

"I hope so. I really can't wait to get it over with now that I've decided."

"Well then, what are you waiting for? Run along."

Pascal entered his car, waved Teddy and drove off. When he got to her house

an hour and half later, he invited her to her house an hour and half later, he

invited her out for a ride. Luckily, Tonia and her parents lived in London , so it

was easier to drive around these less traffic and good scenario unlike Liverpool

where he lived. He was wanted to propose to her in a more romantic setting but he changed his

mind. He decided to do something different to thrill her. He drove her to the lagoon front. When

they found a good parking space, he pulled

into the lot and stopped his car. He came down, opened the passenger's side

and helped her out before locking the car doors. Then he held her hand and led

her towards the beautifully arranged seats in the park. As they were strolling.

Tonia casually asked him.

"What's your genotype?"

He was surprised at the question. He answered "Genotype, Why?"

"Nothing really, I'm just curious because I found out what mine is today." "Really, so what's


"AA," she had on impulse hoping to tell him the truth later.

"Oh yea! Ain't you lucky. I happened to be AS. I've never bothered about it


She withdrew her hand from his when he said AS. Visibly disturbed, she asked

"AS? How come you never told me?"

"You never asked. Besides, I just told you I've never bothered." "Why not?" she snapped and

instantly regretted her show of emotion.

"Hey, enough of genotype okay? That's not why I asked you out." Her mood

switched to normal behavior she didn't want to spoil his mood. When they

comfortably sat on one of the double park chair, he brought out the ring, pulled

her closerand kissed her. Then he popped the big question, "Will you marry

me, Tonia?"

dumbfounded, she shifted from him and starred at him. When she found her

voice, she said: "Pascal, I'm flattered but please let me think about it," it was his turn to stare. He

asked her. "Think? And you say think. Tonia for Christ sake, we've been

expecting this happen. What do you mean, think about it?" He pulled her closer

again and said gently. "Honey, I know that this is a bit of surprise but please

don't let us waste more time. I'm sure you've been expecting this. You won't

bother about personal details like my genotype if you were not. So let's face it."

He hit the right cord because Tonia just fell into his arms and whispered in

tears, "yes, oh, yes Pascal, I'll marry you, I thought you'd never ask."

Happy, he got up and pulled her up and gave her another long and passionate kiss. After that

they spent some more time talking. When they were both

satisfied, he drove her back home with the promise to call her the next day. He

asked her to tell her parents because he wanted the wedding in three months

time and wanted the preparations to start immediately.

As soon as his car was out of sight, Tonia ran into the room she shared with her

sister Meg and Kate. She switched on the light and woke them both up. She

insisted they should sit up to be sure they were fully awake before telling them the good news.

When she finished, she concluded with, "I wanted you to be the

first to know."

Kate sprang up and gave her a big hub, "Congratulations, I'm really happy for


Meg was excited too. She said, "At last, isn't it wonderful? Please tell us more.

Did he proposed kneeling down, sitting or standing?"

"I don't care Meg, he has proposed. That's all that matters, in fact, he has asked

me to choose a date and tell him tomorrow."

"Are you kidding?" Kate asked. "No, he said he wants the wedding to take place as soon as

possible." "Really. This calls for a celebration." Meg started singing and dancing and they

joined her. They were genuinely happy. They were that close as a family. All for

one and one for all.

Preparations for wedding started in earnest two weeks later. Her parents

particularly were happy that the illegal union of many years had finally seen the

light of the day, Kate noticed that Tonia was not as existed as she was earlier.

She confronted her but Tonia assured her that every thing was okay. When it continued two

weeks later, Kate asked her again.

"Nothing, I'm just scared of the future. Besides, I'm going to miss you. you

know, we've been together for as long as I can remember."

"I know, Tonia, I'll miss you too but since you'll be here in England nothing

will change. I'll always be there for you. just like old times."


"You know me better than that." They hugged each other and remained in that position till Kate

felt hot tears on

her shoulders. Tonia was crying uncontrollably by the time Kate led her to sit

on the bed.

"Tonia please, stop this. People marry all the time. The wedding is over six

weeks away, so don't work yourself up."

"I know Kate, but I'm not sure I want to go ahead with it anymore."

"What? Why not?" there was hesitation from Tonia so Kate's probe continued.

"There's more you're holding back, God, I can't believe you can keep anything

from m e." "There's nothing more." "There is and you know it. Why don't you spill it out and feel


Tonia looked at the door, Kate got the message, she got up and locked the door

and came back to sit beside her.

"I'm waiting."

Tonia then, amidst tears confessed that she had lied to Pascal about her

genotype being AA and that when he said his was AS, she couldn't tell him the

truth because it was the same night he proposed marriage to her. Kate told her

it was a good thing she confided in her. She advised her to tell Pascal the truth when he came

calling that night for subsequent cancellation of the wedding.

Tonia rejected the advice. She said she couldn't imagine being married to

another man but Pascal. She also said she was confident that nothing bad will

befall them. Kate tried, but she was unable to make her see reason. Rather,

Tonia extracted a promise from her never to tell anybody else. Not even her

parents and certainly not her flippant sister, Meg. Kate wanted the best for

Tonia so if Pascal meant that to her, she wasn't going to get on her way. Being the only

custodian to that secret made her uneasy but she loved Tonia enough

to keep her secrets.

The officiating minister paused to ask the usual question to the congregation,

"Is there anybody in this congregation who knows why these two people should

not be joined in holy matrimony? Let him speak or forever hold his peace."

Tonia couldn't help stealing a glance at Kate, who was sitting close to her as her

maid of honor. Kate's eyes assured her it was okay and she silently thanked her

for understanding. Later that night, Kate couldn't sleep. She was wondering how long it'll take

before their little secret backfired. Meg, who was sleeping on the second bed in the room

interrupted her thoughts when she said, "thank

God everything went smoothly."

"I thought you were sleeping."

"I can't sleep. I've been going through events of the day on my mind and

wondering if my wedding will be this beautiful."

"It will be in Jesus name."

"Tonia really looked ravishing in that wedding dress. But I think she was a bit

cold, I would have been more excited." "Wait till then, it's really scary when it dawns on you that

you're signing your

freedom away."

"I hope it's just that because I want her to be happy."

"Meg, Tonia is happy, in fact, she couldn't be happier. She's lucky she has

married the love of her life. I'm sure going to miss having her around."

"You've got me."

"Of course, we have each other." "For now."

"For a long time to come. At least till I find my own Mr. Right."

"Don't tell me you're looking for Mr. Right."

"Why not, after all, I'm older than Tonia and she has just gotten married."

"Maybe you should consider Teddy, that way you and Tonia will resume being


"Teddy, what makes you think I'll want to consider marrying him?"

"He kept staring at you at the ceremony. You're probably the only person that

didn't notice." "Really, well tell me about it tomorrow because I need to catch some sleep now."

Kate faked a yawn to discourage her from further conversation.

"Well, then good night."

"Night, sweet dreams."

They both enjoyed the quietness that followed, though they both didn't fall

asleep till the wee hours of the morning.

"We're going to have two lovely girls just like you."

"No, we'll have two boys that look like you." "Okay, two girls like you, two boys like me."

"Four kids? Are you kidding? This is year 2000, remember? Four is a house full!

"Really? Well, why don't we start first, we'll decide later."

Pascal pulled her close to him, kissed her and carried her off her feet to the wall

laid bed in the hotel suit they were spending their honey moon. She simply

abandoned herself to the sweet feelings. Glad that she hadn't let genotype come

between them. Long after he slept off, she was awake. She drifted in thoughts to years earlier

when she met him and vivid pictures of those times came

flooding back to her. He had come into her life at the right time. Like a night in

shining armour, he had rescued her from what would have been a terrible

experience in her entire life. She was in her second year in the university while

he was in his final year. He supposed boyfriend who took her out to a party out

of school that night had unknowingly to her planned for her to be gang raped.

When they got to the venue of house the party was supposed to be held, all she

saw was three guys, smoking and drinking. He offered her a drink and then

called her into the room. When she raised an eyebrow, he convinced her that other people

were yet to come for the party. He then left her in the room to join his friends in the sitting room.

Twenty minutes later another guy came into the

room and locked the door behind him. That was when she knew that there was

something wrong. The guy told her without mincing words that they were going

to rape her in turn for denying their friend her body since the agreed to date

him way back in her first year. she was shocked and visibly scared. She pleaded

with the guy who for some reasons didn't look as hard as he sounded. Minutes

later, when others were asking him to hurry up, he agreed to help the girl. He

went out to his friends and managed to convince them to forgive her. It took sometime to

achieve but they did leave her alone. He then escorted her back to

campus. On their way, he introduced himself as Pascal a final year Geology

student. She thanked him and that was the beginning of their friendship. Their

friendship blossomed even when the graduated that same year because they

both lived in England . Her parents liked him even before meeting him after she

narrated that encounter to them. Charles, the first guy had come crawling back

to her after that incident but she refused to bulge. She couldn't even compare him with Pascal

because there was absolutely no basis. once she made up her

mind to date Pascal, she remained faithful and loyal till it finally led to marriage.

She certainly wouldn't have anything come between them. He stirred, turned

and reached for her. This brought an end to her reverie. She moved close to

him, kissed him lightly on the lips before failing into a keep contended sleep.

Much as Tonia tried, scenes from that sickle cell film kept re-occurring on her

mind. She had constant nightmares about having abnormal children. She was so

conscious of that fact that she deliberately abstained from making love with her husband

whenever she was ovulating. Her mother-in-law had asked her several times earlier about what

she was waiting for before giving birth and she had told

her. "God's time." When she eventually told Kate about her nightmares, she

couldn't do anything.

"Tonia, this is what I foresaw when I asked you to call off the wedding but you

refused to listen to me."

"Please Kate, the last thing I expect from you now is to blame me, it has

happened and I'm looking for a way forward."

"The only way Tonia, is take a chance, pray to God and you'll have normal children since the

doctor said there were 1 in 4 chances of having normal


"I wish it was that easy, honestly."

"It is just believe God, there's nothing impossible with him."

"I guess I have no choice."

"Excerpt you want to give up on your marriage which I'm sure you don't."

Kate went back home that day feeling uneasy. She wished they had not gone for that test

because like Meg rightly told them before embarking on that visit to

the doctor, what one doesn't know can't hurt the person. A thousand times, she

had felt like telling their mum but she couldn't bring herself to betray Tonia. So,

like Tonia, carrying that load was part of her life.

Teddy retreated further into the bathroom and silently prayed that Tonia won't

see him. He had gone into their bathroom to take a shaving stick from Pascal's

pack. Tonia and Kate were in the kitchen then and because he was tying just his

towel round his waist, he couldn't ask for Tonia's permission before going into

their private toilet and bathroom. He had taken the shaving stick and was about to come out

when the ladies entered into the room. He was thinking of how to come out without

embarrassing them when he heard Tonia say, "Kate I still

have those nightmares I told you about. I'm tempted to confess to Pascal and

be free."

"Tonia, this is what I foresaw when I asked you to call off the wedding but…"

and they went on and on. When Tonia saw Kate off, Teddy quietly came out

and rushed into his room, wondering what it was all about.

Much later that day, alone in his room, he was still thinking about the

conversation between Kate and Tonia when his friend, Ken came calling with a problem of his

own. Kenneth confessed that he was having an affair with his

brother's wife, she was pregnant and the doctor had advised them against an

abortion for medical reasons. Ken was at a loss because his brother was out of

the country so there was even no way to shift the paternity to him. He had been

asked to help take care of the girl's traveling arrangements to join her husband

abroad which turned out to last for months on end. One thing led to another and an affair


"Talk about keeping a dog and a bone," was Teddy's first contribution after

Kenneth finished narrating his ordeal.

"Please, this is serious matter, don't joke about it," Kenneth cautioned.

"It's difficult, believe me. It would have been better or easier if she could have

an abortion."

"I won't even be here if that option was possible. Boy. I'm in a deep mess."

"The harm has been done, so let us think of a way out. Have you considered

marrying her? You know tell your brother the truth and take over." "Not much, considering what

they will say if they find out what has just happened."

"I don't think so."

"Well, for now, I can't think of anything else. Let's give it more thought okay?

So that you won't rush into a decision that will cause more harm."

"Better, God! I already feel relieved to have shared this with you."

"Anytime. That's why we're friends."

Later that night, Teddy wondered what he would have done in the

circumstance. He thought having an affair with Tonia would have been a nice experience,

because she was pretty and he had always admired her and even

secretly lust for her. When Pascal travelled out of town on an official duty, he

decided to talk with her. She was watching a late night move when Teddy came

to sit beside her in the living room.

"Is the movie interesting?"

"For me, yes, but I'm not sure that it will be so for you."

"Why not?" "Because, I can't remember any move you didn't call piece of crap."

"That's not true, there are few good ones. Anyway, when it ends, I'll like us to


"I hope everything is okay?"

"I hope so."

Undecided, she turned the volume of the TV off, then on, then she switched it

off and told him she was all ears. At first, he hesitated, not knowing how to

strike. He went to the fridge, got orange juice, two glasses and poured the drink for both of

them. He took a sip from his glass before confronting her. He told her now he needed shaving

stick, entered their bathroom that day and heard her

and Kate discussing something about her nightmare. Unable to cope with

another lie, Tonia told him that truth with no reservation. She was crying as she

was telling the story. By the time she finished, he was caressing her hair and

telling her it was okay. He told her that he had imagined it was something worse

than that.

"What more can be worse? Anyway, now that I've told you, I'm going to let

him know as soon as he comes back. I actually feel better now." "Don't rush into anything. I

won't tell him if it's what you're afraid of."

"But, I have to because he's been talking about us starting a family."

"You said there are chances of having normal children."

"Yes, one in four, however, I don't want to take changes it won't be wroth it if

we're unlucky."

"So, what do you intend to do? Break the marriage?"

"It'll depend on him, I'll rather adopt than break up but it's up to him." "Adoption? I don't approve

of that at all."

"Why not, a lot of children out there are motherless and need to be loved."

"It's true but it's risky to adopt, someone you don't know their roots, what if

there's madness or a kind of terminal illness in that child, you won't know till it

starts to manifest later in life."

"I guess the only option will be to end the marriage. God willing we'll both get

over it with time and get suitable partners."

"What if I had another option."

"Like what?" "Like me and you, my own genotype happens to be AA." Tonia stood up abruptly,

shocked, "You and me? Are you out of your mind?

Are you suggesting I leave Pascal to marry you?"

"Well, I don't need this kind of help! I've made up my mind to tell him."

"You have not even heard me out."

"Maybe, I shouldn't."

"I'll still say it anyway, the choice is yours to accept or not."

He got up and came close to where she was standing and lowering his voice, he

told her.

"Divorce will shatter Pascal because I know how much he loves you. my mum

too might die of shock. What I think is that we, me and you could solve this

problem by helping the situation. Let's start an affair strictly to make babies.

Pascal and I are brothers, so we are the same blood, we also look alike. No one

but the two of us will know about it. I know it's an indecent proposal. You

don't have to love me or anything. Just plan it in such a way that we meet only when you're

ovulating or ready. Believe me, it's a better option than dragging

both families into the pains of your lies. Think about it before your rush into a

decision that probably will shatter your own life too."

She just stood there staring at him in disbelief. She didn't utter one word. He

left her in that state and went to his room. She sat down on the couch and cried

some more before drifting to sleep.

She reluctantly stood up to open the door when the ringing persisted. Tonia was

surprise to see Meg because she rarely come to her house and more so, she

came only on weekends. "Meg, I hope all is well at home?" "Can't I visit my own sister again?"

"Please, cut it out, what's the matter?"

meg smiled, her sister knew her well.

"Okay, Kate is in a hospital, she was rushed to the hospital late last night."

"Kate? How can? What is wrong with her?"

"Stomach pain, I've not been there though, I came so that we can go together."

"Please fix something for yourself while I rush my bath."

"It's okay, I' waiting." 30 minutes later, they arrived at the hospital. Kate told them the doctor had

diagnosed fibroid.

"Fibroids? I thought they said it only happened to older women and revered

sisters," asked Meg.

None of them had an answer to her question so they ignored her.

"What'll happen now, are you okay?" asked Tonia.

"Surgery," the doctor said. That's their only good choice but I have to marry soon after,so that I'll

get pregnant. If not, the fibroid will grow back."

"Maybe, you shouldn't do the surgery till a husband comes along." Tonia


"That pain was unbearable, till I got treated. The doctor says it'll keep coming

back unless it's cut off.

"Why is it only women who suffer all kinds of problems, fibroids, blocked

tubes, ovaries cyst, breast cancer?" Meg asked no one in particular but Tonia

answered her. "Are you through." "With?"

"Calling women sickness! Sometimes you ask the most stupid questions."

They all laughed at the remarks. Few minutes later, Meg left them, she said she

had lectures to attend. They were happy to let her go so that they could talk

some more.

Tonia was in a dilemma for telling that single lie before her marriage, whereas

Kate was being forced to marry soon because of her fibroid. And, she wasn't

even dating anyone. The baby came after a very prolonged labor so she just drifted to sleep.


later when she woke up, she turned to behold a very ugly, sickly looking baby.

She shifted as far away as possible from the baby and started screaming for the

nurse to take away the baby. Her screams woke Pascal up. He shook her

violently to stop her screams. She woke up and was happy that it was only a

dream. She cried more as she narrated her nightmares. He cuddled her, assure

her it was okay and made her go back to sleep. Then he got out of the bed to get drink from the

fridge in the kitchen. When Teddy heard the kitchen door

open, he came out from his room to inquire about the screams. Pascal asked

him: "Why are you awake so early. It's just 3 a.m."

"I heard Tonia scream, is she okay?"

"Yes, she's asleep now. Something about a nightmare."

"Again? She seems to always have nightmares."

"Yes and they are all related to child bearing."

Pascal pulled out a seat and asked Teddy to do the same. When they both sat

down, he continued by saying, "I'm beginning to suspect there's something wrong with Tonia."

"What makes you think so?"

"The nightmares of course, Werethey all related to child bearing? It's been

more than eight months we got married and she's' yet to conceive."

"Eight months is not a long time for you to jump into any negative conclusion.

Why don't you ask her if there's something wrong."

"Then give her sometimes. If it continues you can ask her again."

"I'm not in a hurry for children, in fact if not for the nightmare, I won't be


"Do you mind me talking to her about this?"

"Please, don't. She's too sensitive, she might not understand your concern."

"Then let's wait and see."

Teddy yawned, got up and stretched, "I'm going back to bed, I suggest you do

the same."

"Go ahead. I'm right behind you." she woke up and stretched, then looked at the table clock

which showed it was

past 9 a.m. She quickly got up from the bed, entered into the bathroom,

brushed her teeth and combed her hair, then she came out to the living room.

Teddy was eating alone. She greeted him.

"Good morning, what about Pascal?"

"I hope he had breakfast too?"

"No, I just finished cooking. Why don't you join me?"

"Thanks, I'll eat later. I want to clean up first."

"Suit yourself." "Kate will be discharged from the hospital this morning. Once I'm through, I'm

going over to see her."

"I hope she's feeling better."

"Yes, she is, why don't you come with me since Pascal hadn't had time to see


"No problems. I don't have much to do today anyway."

"Okay then, let me quickly clean up the house so that we can go."

On their way to the hospital later, Teddy brought up the subject of her

nightmares. "How do you know I always have nightmares."

"Because I live with your, plus the fact that you're married to my brother."

"So, he tells you everything about me?"

"Not at all, just the ones that bother him."

"Really? Like what else."

"Like he's beginning to suspect there's something wrong with you."

"Are you serious?" "very. He confided in me after last night's episode."

She stayed quiet for a long while before she talked again. She said, "Then it's

time I tell him the truth after all, it's not the end of the world."

She didn't say another world to him till they got to the hospital. She waited for

him to park and put off the ignition before she turned to face him. She quietly

asked him. "Why do you want to sleep with me at all cost?"

Looking into her eyes, he answered her equally quietly. "Do you want the

truth?" "Nothing but the truth." "I love my brother so much I don't want anything to affect him. I

also love

both of you as a couple. You must be the happiest married couple on earth.

And finally, I'm attracted to you. I have always been. It'll be a pleasure to do

what I want to do."

She couldn't find words to answer him back so she just kept quite. After an

awkward silence of about five minutes, she got down from the car and headed

to the hospital entranced. He got down, locked his car and followed her.

Inside Kate's room, they pretended everything was okay. They chatted and even took some

oranges while waiting for the doctor to finish the discharge

formalities. However, when the doctor was through, Tonia asked. Teddy not to

bother about taking he home. He knew better to argue with her, so he left them

with the promise to see Kate at a later date at home.

When he left, Kate asked Tonia.

"What did you do that for?"

"For us to talk." "Can't the talk have waited till we got home?"

"Not at all, I can't wait to tell you what I have to say."

Tonia made arrangement with the hospital gateman to go and get them a cab

then she went straight to business. She told Kate she was going to work Teddy

to marry her. Kate refused to have any of it. According to her, she had no

emotional feelings for him and had never thought about him that way. Tonia

told her, emotions will come later. She told her that she needed her around her

always and that marriage between she and Teddy will keep them inseparable.

Kate protested that it was unheard of for two sisters to marry two brothers. Tonia quickly

reminded her that they were cousins and not sisters. Besides, someone had to break that

record. It's not as if Kate had more choice because

she was not into any relationship at the moment. Her boyfriend Austin had

gone to study in America , a year earlier and had not written her one single letter

or contacted her in anyway. After hours of arguments that spanned from

hospital, to taxi, to the house, Kate relaxed. Once she did, Tonia changed the

topic of discussion to the strategy they''' use to get Teddy to marry her.

"Why don't you advice Teddy to get married?"