
Bright Academy

School for gifted students is an understatement. Bright Academy was a school on an isolated island in the middle of the ocean. Felix Oppong was one of the over thirty students in the forty square kilometer sized college, for good reason...

Felix_Kunjan · Khoa huyễn
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285 Chs


I opened my eyes but my body still ached from being electrocuted.

I looked around to see I was in a sort of prison cell, the door was see through, but was still visible due to the reflections.

I worried about Alex, I had left him unguarded, what would they have done to him?

I stood up and touched the cell door, it was made of graphene.

I knew my light was dimmed as my water vision wasn't working. I wasn't used to visualizing things without a clearer blue layer on them and seeing their insides as well.

I heard footsteps at my side and wondered who it could be, then I saw a girl of about nineteen years of age, walking in my direction.

She looked me up and down then smirked and said,"Finally, a good-looking one."

I didn't know why that felt offensive but it did.

She looked into my eyes, showing her silver ones.

She then said,"You're pretty powerful for one your age."

' Wait? She doesn't know me? ' I wondered.

"Oh, so you're also dumb? And here I thought the two of us could hit it off."She said.

"What?! You're clearly older than me and have me locked in a prison cell and think I'll be into you? Besides, I have a far better looking girlfriend than you."

"Oh really? And what's her name?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"Because I asked."

"...well I won't."

"Huh, Anneliese is a pretty one."

I widened my eyes then yelled,"How do you know her name?!"

"Oh, I know a lot about her, a lot."

Then she walked away...

I hit the door as hard as I could, several times, just hoping for it to break, but rather, it felt like my knuckles were the ones which did all the breaking.

I massaged my aching knuckles, though this was the hardest material known to man, if my light was still working, I could have broken through it, even if it would have taken me some time.

I sat down with my legs crossed for about three hours. I didn't know how much light dimmer they had given me to disable it for so long, or what they wanted with me.

I then realized,' The light dimmer could have been made into an aerosol to be sprayed into the air I'm breathing, so that way I wouldn't receive a life threatening dose, yet it will work for longer... '

I then heard some more footsteps, of multiple people this time, and one was resisting and being dragged on the floor.

I hadn't realized how sensitive the water vision had made my ears.

They dragged the person in front of me and in that one second our eyes met, I said,"Jason?"

He was thrown into the cell right next to mine and I immediately went to the wall to try and communicate with him.

"Jason! Jason! Can you hear me?!"I yelled.

There was no response.

' Were the walls really that soundproof? ' I wondered.

I then heard someone beside me say,"He's deaf..."

I immediately got on alert and turned back, it was that same girl and she was smiling.

I didn't know how she got in my cell without me noticing, what she wanted with me or how she knew something about one of my best friends that I never knew, but I didn't care about the facts, I was raging mad and I lunged at her.

She just stood her ground then disappeared into thin air and appeared right behind me.

I tripped and was about to fall but she caught my collar then pulled me backwards and held me diagonally to the floor, clicked her tongue and winked at me.

I yelled and tried to punch her but an inch away from her annoying face, my fist stopped then went backwards and rested again.

I couldn't move my body, then she kissed my forehead and I immediately lost consciousness...


"I think Felix is in danger."Alex said, unbothered.

My dad's face turned dead serious and he held both of Alex's shoulders but he wriggled out of his grip.

My dad sighed then said,"What happened?"

"He was chasing me then some people used me as bait to get to him for some reason, then I left and you found me."He said.

"Wait, so you didn't even make an effort to help?"

"I was looking out for myself, besides, what could I have done without my light?"

My dad sighed then said,"You could have led the police to them, from what I heard the cops were nearby, he was looking out for you, why couldn't you return the favour?"

"Actually Andrew, I never asked for that favour."He said.

My dad placed his hands on his waist and placed his tongue in his lower lip while walking paces, he then said,"I'm going to get him back, you guys will have to get to safety."

Alex shrugged his shoulders, totally agreeing but Alexa yelled,"What?! No we...(Alex gave her a cold stare then she said) I want to help."

"I don't want any of you to get hurt, this would be too dangerous."He said.

He kissed her forehead then she hugged him and when she opened her eyes, she was in the safe room with Alex.

Alex leaned on the wall and started whistling to himself while Alexa banged the door futilely.

She looked at Alex and asked,"Could you please send a hand?"

He looked at her then rolled his eyes. She looked back at the steel door and continued knocking it then there was a mild scratching sound above them.

Alexa looked up then heard a quiet bark.

"Squeakers!"She yelled.

There was a barking sound with taps as it jumped.

She then said,"Squeakers, I need you to listen to me, there's a square with smaller squares in it."

It made a howling sound and Alex groaned then yelled,"Shut up you dumb animal!"

Alexa ignored him and said,"Square, remember square?"

There was a joyful and excited bark.

"Yes, square. I want you to make the water on it remember mom's thumbprint okay?"

Squeakers looked around then whimpered, it wanted Alexa back, what was she doing down there? Down!

It ran down the stairs and Alexa couldn't hear it anymore, she yelled,"Squeakers? Squeakers!"

Alex then said,"So I guess he's really dumb after all."

Alexa glared at him and he was surprised, she had never done that before, but she took a deep breath then continued calling Squeakers.

Squeakers' vision was very blurry due to its large pupils but its advanced water vision made up for that, even if that meant it saw mainly in one colour, blue.

It reached the place and saw the wall it was looking for. It could sense them inside.

It went and started scratching the wall and Alexa ran there and called it again.

It barked happily and jumped around.

She then said,"No no, I need you upstairs, go to the square... square?"

' What the heck is this square she keeps talking about? Oooh! Squirt! Wow, she has to make up her mind on the names of objects. ' Squeakers thought.

It ran back to the stairs but couldn't climb up so it made a layer of snow to prop itself up then ran to the next block and did the same thing till it got to the top.

Then it came back down with Alexa's squirt gun that she used to play with him.

It dropped it and barked.

Alexa looked up and the room wasn't opened so she said,"No, square."

Squeakers was confused, what was this square she kept talking about?

Alex groaned then shoved her back and yelled,"Yo stupid!"

Squeakers had already learned to fear Alex but now he was yelling, it was terrified.

Alexa yelled,"Don't call him that!"

He pushed her and she fell on her back then he continued,"Go up there and use water's memory to open this room how Felix has been doing it otherwise I will bake you again like I did last time and there will be no one to stop me."

He smirked at the thought.

Squeakers whimpered then ran away.

Alexa yelled,"Now he's gone! Why are you just so mean?!"

"It's my character, get used to it..."

There was a tremor as the room ascended then he continued,"...and it's effective."

Squeakers was shivering when the door opened and Alex kicked it backwards and it squeaked.

Alexa ran and hugged it as it whimpered then looked at Alex with pity in her eyes.

She lifted Squeakers off the floor as it shivered and petted him to comfort him, then Alex said,"Bye."

Then started to walk away.

"Wait! We have to help our dad and brother!"Alexa said, desperately.

He stopped walking then said without looking at her,"Your dad and brother, not ours."

Then he walked away.

Alexa burst into tears and fell on her knees.

Squeakers started to lick her tears tenderly then she looked at it with teary eyes, wiped her own tears then said,"I'm done crying, we're going to rescue them."

Squeakers tilted its head in confusion.

Alex looked out the window to see his sister running away with Squeakers in her hands and a bag on her back. He widened his eyes, he couldn't let her get hurt...