
chapter 1

I was alone, very alone and I couldn't see a thing, it was very dark. My vision became blurry and I lost my balance and I could remember me falling backwards to the ground, It was very painful.

"That's all you remember in your dream". Milly said while accessing me. "Yeah, I can't really recall much about last night". "Brie you really need to seek medical help urgently before matters get out of hand". I laughed obviously Milly was just joking, I should seek medical attention for a nightmare who does that. "It ain't funny brie, you really should". We were in my apartment, it's a little small, very small to be precise. We were at the table, where I do all my video editing and take my pictures. Yes I'm a photographer.

Milly and I have been friends since college, we both graduated with the same degree in different fields. She's a chef, she cooks for celebrities like Kim Kardashian and all those doll looking IG stars with verified accounts.

"I still think you should see a doctor, just to be extra sure". I nodded like I agreed with her. "Let's grab some coffee". She said and we left my house.