
Bride of the Dark

In the kingdom of Dawn the Roix family reigns, in the happy and vibrant kingdom, the course of their lives will change when the prophecy is given to Alina Roix, the youngest child of six siblings in the Roix family. A prophecy that will eat up darkness throughout the kingdom, but this will only change in case they give the light to Dawn and Alina is what the prophecy refers to. If they don't follow it, Dawn may be wiped out of the world, and Aline must be married in darkness to Halston, the king who rules the world of death.

KhioneNyx · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

The Beginning

Chapter 1

She was wearing a black dress while wearing a black veil over her face and holding black flowers. The strong wind blows his veil but it still does not come off, behind that veil is her emotionless face as she stands at the end of the precipice.

'What am I doing here?' The girl asked in her mind.

He was unable to move or even get out of there. She sees the whole kingdom of Dawn, the thriving kingdom in the west---their kingdom.

'It's just a dream, isn't it?' she asked again in his mind. She couldn't open his mouth, she knew she was scared in her mind but she couldn't feel it.

A strong gust of wind knocked him out of balance until she finally fell off the cliff.


Alina woke up from a bad dream that woke her up because she thought it was true. She could feel the pounding of her chest and inexplicable fear as the cold made her sweat.

Surprisingly, her body seemed to ache from sleep, she did nothing and she was lying down well. She slowly got up and just ignored her dream. Fortunately, she woke up early when she could see the sun coming out of the sky from her window.

She glanced at the door when there was a knock from outside.

"Princess Alina, everything is ready," said the woman's voice outside.

"You can come in now," she ordered.

One by one, the palace maid entered, supported by two servants to remove the blanket that covered her and then Alina left the bed. She was escorted to the bathroom and then removed her clothes, she was given hot tea for a while before she dipped in the warm water like a stream bath with leaves and flowers mixed.

Someone was reading her hair and someone was carefully wiping her arm. As the sixth princess of the Roix in the kingdom of Dawn, she has to be served even if she doesn't want to.

An important occasion will take place that day so it is necessary to prepare, it has also been considered for almost a year---the marriage of his sister Celestia to the prince of the Dauntless in the eastern kingdom. Alina is the sixth and youngest child, because they are all girls, the girls have to go with their fiancé because they have to follow the agreement and culture of Dawn.

Briana is the eldest, Freya is the second, Vasilka is the third who almost has a family and a wife as well. Celestia is the fourth and there is a wedding to take place, four more children leaving the palace. Regina is the fifth and Alina is the youngest. Of the six siblings, he is the most unnoticed, especially since he is the quietest and does not want to be surrounded by people.

She is far away from his father but she is their mother's favorite. Regina is more often noticed than all the siblings and is also often compared to her especially since Regina has a unique talent and beauty. They say it looks like Regina will continue the good start of her father especially Reyna or powerful as her name means.

"It's over," the leader said to the waiter who was arranging for him to take a shower.

Gently wiped her body with a clean white towel with some stripes made of gold. Alina just followed everything the waiters did to her, from wearing her dress to be worn to the wedding, a green dress that hid her legs in its length and thickness, with sleeves as long as an elbow.

She just stared at her own reflection in the mirror as she adjusted her black and curly elbow -length hair that matched her pale skin color. This is another reason why he is far away from his father, because he thinks he is his mother's son on the outside. All the sisters have red hair and curls. They were also alive in color except for him with black curly hair and pale skin.

All of their names have a deep reason or meaning while Alina means 'light'. But Alina believes that she is the child of her parents because she is the only one who got the beauty of her mother with her same black hair, Reyna Amirah.

"Thank you very much," as she said to the waiter as she finished arranging.

When she came out of her room, the soldiers were ready to guard and take her to the hall. She walked carefully as commanded to them as a princess to act in accordance with the state, sometimes Alina gets tired of this life, obeyed the command but she could do nothing.

As they entered the hall of the palace one by one paid homage to their bow when she arrived, all dressed in their pompous attire and dress. The personalities are also from all over the kingdom, especially the family that will marry his sister Celestia.

When she got to her seat, Regina immediately took her arm with a smile on her face, despite everything, Regina was her closest sister to everyone, especially since they were the ones to follow the siblings.

"You're really beautiful," Regina whispered to her.

Alina smiled shyly. "Thank you."

Regina was about to speak when some guests glanced at the glass ceiling so they could see the sky outside, and they were surprised when they noticed that the sky was darkening when the moon covered the sun.

"It's unlucky."

"Oh my god, what's going on?"

The guests began to get scared and murmur. Even the king and queen were shocked by what they did not expect. When the darkness of the moon finally covered the sun suddenly shone from there towards them, some cried out as if the wind had fallen on them. Alina finally held her tightly to Regina.

As she opened her eyes, the guests shouted even more as souls were scattered around, white, with disheveled hair and no eyes, as if they were like smoke dancing in the air.

"A prophecy," announced one.

The soldiers moved quickly as they intercepted and surrounded those souls to protect them all in the hall. Everyone is also alert to what is happening.

"After this feast darkness will envelop the whole kingdom that was once lively and happy, darkness from the conqueror, you can do nothing but follow and do the prophecy to save the majority. Light is the only weapon to get rid of the darkness, the light must marry and swallow the darkness. "

A soldier recoiled in fear when the soul come a little closer but it quickly stopped in Alina's direction then slowly raised one hand and pointed at her.