
Bride Of Fate

It was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, but when the groom decided to make a last-minute exit at the wedding altar, she didn't break into tears. Instead, she mustered the courage to utter the boldest words she'd ever spoken: "I'll marry anyone here, right now!" In a surprising twist of fate, an unexpected voice from the crowd broke the stunned silence, responding with a resounding, "I'll marry you." To her astonishment, the man who stood up to accept her impromptu proposal was none other than her fiance's own brother. What began as a desperate and unconventional union quickly transformed into something neither of them had anticipated. From the very start, he made it clear that their relationship was built on convenience and mutual benefit, and she reluctantly agreed. She believed she could keep her emotions in check, taking it all in stride. However, life had a wicked sense of humor, and it had no intentions of following their carefully laid plans. As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the lines between convenience and genuine affection blurred. Unforeseen circumstances, shared experiences, and undeniable chemistry threw them into a whirlwind of passion, confusion, and heartache. Their journey became a rollercoaster ride of unexpected twists, challenging their notions of love, loyalty, and destiny. In this gripping tale of love, fate, and the unpredictability of the heart, they would discover that sometimes the most courageous words spoken in the heat of the moment could change the course of their lives forever.

Divine_Mist · Kỳ huyễn
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64 Chs

A Delicate Dance Of Words

Xie Jianchen expressed his opinion. He believed it wouldn't be wise for Gu Antong to decline at this moment.

It appeared that Gu Antong was unaware of Si Zhenxuan's business trip when he decided to visit the teahouse.

Gu Antong first encountered Xie Jianchen in a teahouse in Chengdu. Xie Jianchen's commanding presence almost sent Si Yueyun and Jiang Nuan fleeing.

The establishment was just a teahouse, not a bar. When Xie Jianchen engaged in such activities, he exercised more caution than Si Zhenxuan.

"Why, Anton, do you even need to contemplate this?" Xie Jianchen wore a warm smile, "At the very least, we're still partners, and Team Leader Gu is being a bit ungracious."

Gu Antong understood what Xie Jianchen implied. To her, he represented not just a friend of Si Zhenxuan but also her partner and boss. If she refused him twice, she couldn't predict how Xie Jianchen would treat their project.

It was Xie Jianchen who initially assigned her to this project.

She whispered, "Alright, I get it. I'll be there shortly."

After ending the call, Gu Antong turned to Gu Nianguang, "Brother, take me to the teahouse in Yongxiang."

"To meet with the client?"

"I believe so," Gu Antong replied, her head aching.

In reality, she didn't enjoy socializing, but she understood that in the professional world, socializing was essential.

If Si Zhenxuan were present, she would have asked for his assistance, but he wasn't available, so she had to handle it on her own.

"Brother, I've come to realize that I'm not suited for this line of work."

"What do you mean?" Gu Nianguang inquired as he drove to Yongxiang. He was interested in his sister's thoughts.

"You see, I dislike interacting with people at all. If I could, I'd rather stay at home alone than go out. I've also heard what people say about me in the outside world. They think I'm too aloof. In truth, I draw a boundary. I don't want outsiders to disrupt my life, but I'm willing to be genuinely sincere with those on the inside."

Gu Nianguang looked at Gu Antong, who seemed somewhat perplexed, but he remained silent.

"At first, Zhenxuan misunderstood me greatly. Fortunately, I spent a lot of time with him, and over time, he realized I'm not like that..."

Perhaps during her conversation with Si Zhenxuan the previous night, about Jiang Nuan's misconceptions and how people perceived her, Gu Antong could only attribute it to her personality.

It was quite exasperating.

She was attractive but didn't make a big show of her attire. When attending events, she conversed with other beautiful women and avoided getting lost in the crowd. Even if someone approached her, she typically dealt with them in a distant manner.

As time passed, people in her social circle started saying that Gu's daughter was a chilly beauty. She heard it frequently and sometimes not in a complimentary manner. Gu Antong couldn't count how many times she overheard people talking about her in such a manner.

Those offspring of wealthy families in the circle were envious of her looks. They even questioned whether she was too distant.

Gu Antong hung her head, "You see, it's evident that the client has specific requests, but I'm resisting them. What company would dare to employ someone like me...?"

Gu Nianguang suddenly held his sister's hand with his free one and said, "Antong, you're the family's daughter. If it weren't for our family's incompetence, you wouldn't have to endure such injustices. It's my fault that you've had to consider a marriage for our family's sake..."

Certainly, I'll rewrite the provided text to be more readable and extended:

"No, no," Gu Antong reassured his brother. He knew that his brother always carried a sense of guilt, and he quickly put on a smile. "Let's not talk about marriage, brother. I'm genuinely happy, and I don't feel wronged at all. I'm not a child anymore, and I need to face the world. If I want to make my way in society, I can't stay sheltered forever."

Gu Nianguang's eyes were warm and gentle as he responded, "I'd be more than willing to let you stay sheltered your whole life." Gu Antong couldn't help but smile. He wondered who his brother might eventually fall in love with. Perhaps she would be as happy as he described.

Gu Nianguang parked his car outside Yongxiang Lane. He wanted to accompany Gu Antong, but his brother stopped him. "It's fine, Zhenxuan can go with me. It's like having my brother along for protection. Mr. Xie is a very refined gentleman."

"Alright," Gu Nianguang agreed. He had been involved in the antique business for years and knew that the Xie family was one of Chengdu's most prominent aristocratic families. Their interests often overlapped, especially with Xie Jianchen's involvement in auctions.


Yongxiang Tea House was renowned in Fengcheng, known for its Zen-inspired design. The bamboo structures, white sands, and every detail of the decor had a calming effect as soon as one entered.

Xie Jianchen was seated by a low table beside a bamboo forest. He had removed his shoes and sat comfortably.

"Wei Jin style, this teahouse has a truly artistic atmosphere," Xie Jianchen remarked, waving for Gu Antong to join him. "Antong, come over."

The last five words were spoken as if they were the words of a close lover, gentle and beautiful. Gu Antong hesitated for a moment and then reluctantly made his way over.

Today, he wore a pair of silver low-heeled sandals. To sit across from Xie Jianchen, he would need to remove his shoes. After an awkward moment of standing, he finally lowered his head and unbuttoned his shoes. He took them off and placed them to the side before kneeling by the lower table.

His dark green dress concealed his soft, pale feet, and the exposed part of the outer side of his feet had a delicate touch of pale pink nail polish, giving them a pearl-like beauty.

Feeling Xie Jianchen's gaze on his feet, Gu Antong gracefully adjusted his skirt. He then straightened up and poured the warm tea from the red clay stove into Xie Jianchen's delicate porcelain cup.

Xie Jianchen observed her hands closely, noting their pure whiteness and slender shape. Using an ancient saying, they were like ten fingers untouched by any impurities, resembling delicate Yang spring water.

Gu Antong's hand was trembling, and a few drops of water splashed around.

"Relax, Anton," Xie Jianchen sensed Gu An Tong's unease and withdrew his gaze. He folded his hands and said, "I appreciate everything you've done. It's all about respect. You see, there's a kind of respect that men should have for women in this world. It's about admiring from a distance and not crossing boundaries."

"Mr. Xie..." Gu An Tong sat in her chair, unsure how to respond.

"If I had met you a few years earlier, I would have married you at any cost. I would keep you by my side day and night," Xie Jianchen expressed his thoughts openly. "But now you're Zhenxuan's wife, and all I hope is that he treats you well and doesn't let you down."

Gu An Tong's emotions were complex. In many aspects, Xie Jianchen was better than Si Zhenxuan, except for his fondness for bars. They even shared a passion for traditional culture.

She sat up straight, offering an awkward smile. "Thank you for your kind words."

"Don't be so reserved, or there's no point in having you here," Xie Jianchen waved his hand. "The design of this teahouse is quite nice."

"Yes, it's excellent. I think the owner must be a quiet person for the teahouse's design to be so elegant and peaceful," Gu An Tong commented as she looked around.

"Indeed, it's owned by a friend of mine. He's a cultured person who studied abroad and came up with this concept teahouse. It's all about blending the refined with the elegant," Xie Jianchen casually explained while pouring tea for Gu An Tong. A beautiful server brought in several dishes of tea.

Gu Antong marveled, "It's not just about the design; the teahouse staff are exceptional too."

"True. The teahouse designer is quite talented," Xie Jianchen remarked. Gu An Tong felt a pang of regret. If she had known the designer, she could have entrusted the design of her new home to them.

"If you're interested, I can introduce you to them later," Xie Jianchen offered.

"That would be great."

Gu An Tong felt more comfortable as Xie Jianchen's words about the teahouse resonated with her. She sipped her tea thoughtfully, then decided to bring up a question, "Mr. Xie, may I ask why you want to introduce Meng Mei into our group?"

This question created a brief silence in the room. Xie Jianchen's initial noble intentions clashed with his inner thoughts.

His deep, slanted eyes narrowed slightly, as if assessing a deal in the market. Xie Jianchen took out