
BRENDA: My Shining Lover

"I Will Survive." ****** Zero heart. One missing Brother. Five Sisters. One Lover. One Stalker. Brenda Keys’ life turned upside down after Brandon, her brother went missing. With no heart to love, “caring for her sister” become the only purpose. With a reason to survive, she gave it all but was unaware of someone watching her. The stalker was being stalked. Ava Liam, a girl with fire. She wasn't looking for love, and with one look at Brenda, she swore to herself to make Brenda love herself and to love her, to make her walls come down even for a little bit for her. She became willing to do everything for her. As Brenda strives to be in control of her company and become a better sister while unaware of a stalker, where is her light? her brother, Brandon. *** OTHER WORKS: THE DROWNING ALPHA THE FATE OF THE CURSED ALPHA FEMALE ALPHA MARINA'S DYING MATE AND THEIR HUMAN BETA IN THE MIND OF CEO ARMANDO'S TEMPTRESS Photo not mine, will take down if the owner requests.

kerryn · Thành thị
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148 Chs

Where are You Brandon?

Find something, like what? I wish when anyone would call, they will tell you directly, "Hello, Brandon is here." The call could have gone in many different ways.

I wish the investigator could start explaining. My dad just stared at us, I knew what he was thinking. We were all thinking the same thing.

"Something" could be a body, and not anyone's body but that of my brother.

The phone showed that the call continues and we were all quiet, the respect the investigator had. I am sure he was waiting for my father to talk, I touched his hand and he looked at me.

Did my father just forget he was on a call?

It is bad, my dad talked to my mother and I could feel my heartbeat increasing.

I wanted to scream at my dad and ask him to stop talking to my mother and ask the investigator what it was they had found, it was not like we had to wait and meet so that he can tell us what he found.

I looked at my mother then my dad, and before I could ask them to stop talking and ask why he wasn't talking to the investigator Mrs. Kaden came.

"Is everything okay? None of you are taking breakfast."

Oh yes the breakfast, we had forgotten it was even on the table and that Mrs. Kaden wasn't at the table because we normally eat together. She is family.

"No Mrs. Kaden, everything is okay. Thanks." My mother answered her.

Everything wasn't okay, my mother was just saying that to avoid telling Mrs. Kaden what was going on, she didn't want her to worry.

"Okay." Mrs. Kaden said and went back to the kitchen. I asked my dad to continue with the phone because very soon I scream or take the phone and stump on it.

"Oh yes, darling sorry about that."

My father continued speaking with the investigator and ended the call.

My father stared at the both of us as if we knew what was going on, the investigator had just asked him to go to and meet him a Sean Corner Centre. We rarely go to that place, when I take a walk with Brandon that is when we normally use that road. And now in less than 24 hours, we were going to go there twice.

I didn't want to go back there because it meant people will stare, and the rumors will start and then it will spread. For the people, it won't matter what the rumor will be about so long as they speak and tell others.

There were a lot of possibilities, "Have the Keys gone poor?"

Well, not that there was any big relationship between my screaming yesterday and us going bankrupt but rumors are rumors and they can be anything.

We were not going to sit here and take breakfast while we were unsure of why the investigator wanted us to go and meet him.

What could the investigator want?

I did my rounds there yesterday and they also went there. But maybe it would be something useful.

My mum's face was calm, the sleep she had in her eyes was not there anymore. My mother was the head now, if not all I and my father were going to panic.

"Any other day, we would be chatting happily while taking our breakfast." I thought sadly.

My mother left and came back with my cap and a shawl, if there is one thing my mother knows about me is I don't like people's eyes on me. It is a habit I had grown to love whenever I go out with my parents. The paparazzi were always there and the last thing I ever wanted was to find my face on papers saying something like, "The Keys' daughter new hairstyle."

After thanking my mother, I took the shawl from her and the calm. My dad was just looking at us as if he wanted to tell us to be slower.

Mrs. Kaden came in and looked from my dad to my mother then and me and ask again, "Is everything okay?"

She was beginning to get worried too. It was worse she didn't even know what was going on, and I could imagine how that felt, to feel bad over something you have no idea of.

"Yes, Mrs. Kaden. I will tell you everything when I get back." I told her.

"Mrs. Kaden please take your breakfast, we are stepping out. We will tell you when we come back." My mother said to her too. My dad only smiled at him.

With that, we left the house, quietly. There was nothing to talk about, I was busy asking the heavens for what the investigators had found to be something small and not like maybe a body, or his t-shirt with blood.

My father was driving slowly, as he always did. We didn't ask the driver to drive us today, we didn't want any of the people who worked for us to start worrying about Brandon before we were even sure what has happened or where he was.

We arrived at the Sean Corner Center and my dad parked on the exact spot as yesterday and I could feel my tears threatening to fall, for the second time in less than twenty-four hours. It was bad.

"Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Keys, ma'am." The investigator greeted us.

"We got a call from one of the people who saw Brenda yesterday, screaming. Sorry crying. And he said he has something to tell us." The investigator went straight to the point, we have known him for a long period and he is always a man of few words.

"Where is he?" My father asked him.

Looking around the investigator's facial expression changed, the man isn't anywhere to be found.

"He was standing right there." He pointed to the direction I and Brandon were walking yesterday.

The man had just disappeared, and I am sure whatever he was going to tell us was going to be very helpful.

"As I told you the man had something to tell you, he was minding his own business in the morning at that corner, and then he found this phone there and gave it to me as I had just arrived there and I think it might be Brandon's phone, maybe he left his phone down." The investigator explained, truly the phone looked like Brandon's.

He gave my mother and my mother gave it to me so I could unlock the phone, putting in my birthday as the password. Nothing, I tried my father's, mother's, and Brandon's phone. And still nothing.

I tried every password I could think of. And still nothing, the phone gave me a warning it was going to lock me out completely.

I stopped trying and looked at the phone again wondering if it was Brandon's phone and if it is why is every password I could think of wrong?

"Follow me." The investigator said, and we walked to the corner where I had seen Brandon walk into yesterday.

"Is it a body, oh my God Brandon's body, the body?" I was screaming inside my head.

My mother could see that I was thinking of the worst and she took my hand into hers. As we arrived at the corner, I felt a relief rush through my body there was no body. I was just overthinking.

"Here, this is the spot where the man found the phone."

That is what he had called us for? Seriously a phone to which I can't input the password? We returned to where our car was my father took my hand, I was going to fall.

The police came, and I was happy thinking maybe they have found something. "Good morning, the investigator called saying you found something?"

"Yes, a phone." My father replied.

"It is your son's phone Mr. Keys?

"Yes, but her sister can't open it. It is protected."

"Then that means it is not his, why are you this worried, it's not like he is ten years old. Maybe he is somewhere enjoying his life." The police said.

"How could the police say that? wasn't he trained in police school or something like that? He isn't supposed to say that." As I thought this my mother was busy typing on her phone for me, I looked back and could see my dad angry as hell.

I looked at my mother and she left me standing alone and went to stand next to my father.

Continued the police, "you will have to wait for twenty-four hours to pass then make an official report."

I stared at the police, wishing I could tell him how that was stupid, the police then said goodbye and left us standing there, heartbroken.

"This is going to be the longest twenty-four hours of our life," my father said as we drove back home.