
BRENDA: My Shining Lover

"I Will Survive." ****** Zero heart. One missing Brother. Five Sisters. One Lover. One Stalker. Brenda Keys’ life turned upside down after Brandon, her brother went missing. With no heart to love, “caring for her sister” become the only purpose. With a reason to survive, she gave it all but was unaware of someone watching her. The stalker was being stalked. Ava Liam, a girl with fire. She wasn't looking for love, and with one look at Brenda, she swore to herself to make Brenda love herself and to love her, to make her walls come down even for a little bit for her. She became willing to do everything for her. As Brenda strives to be in control of her company and become a better sister while unaware of a stalker, where is her light? her brother, Brandon. *** OTHER WORKS: THE DROWNING ALPHA THE FATE OF THE CURSED ALPHA FEMALE ALPHA MARINA'S DYING MATE AND THEIR HUMAN BETA IN THE MIND OF CEO ARMANDO'S TEMPTRESS Photo not mine, will take down if the owner requests.

kerryn · Thành thị
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148 Chs

The Beginning

"Announcement, please. Charles Charlie, your medical has been found here at the pharmacy wing please come and pick it or anyone who knows him. Please ensure the safety of... "

Brenda Keys watched as the sign language interpreter signed on the tv next to what looked like a stereo. The hospital was a fancy one as it kept changing the interpreters since she had arrived at the hospital, and from how they dressed Brenda concluded that some of them were doctors and nurses.

Most of the announcements were concerning lost things and Brenda was happy it didn't take that long because the last thing the hospital needed was someone shouting at their ears every minute. But it was brilliant as the patients kept losing their valuables like an ID, or wallets and even one of them lost a kid and the kid was announced.

Well, that's how the kids were. Maybe they wandered off while their parents were busy wiping their tears or doing something else which people do while they were in the hospital.

Charles Charlie?

Brenda wondered who in the world would name themselves like that, it was like if she named herself, Brenda Bree. How could it sound?

Watching the interpreter, something else was being announced and she lost her interest and looked at the receptionist.

Brenda was sitting at the waiting bay as it seemed less suspicious. She hadn't stayed for that long and she knew no one was going to come and ask her who she was, after all, patients normally sit at the waiting bay to wait and be called by their doctors.

It was brilliant.

And even though she didn't look that sick she was ready for an answer if anyone asked her why she was at the hospital and she didn't look sick, her first answer was; she was asymptomatic and her second one was she was waiting for someone.

The latter wasn't better.

If she said that it was possible to make the hospital ask her to go wait outside for whoever she was waiting for, that was the last thing she needed.

If one of the nurses asked her more about her asymptomatic she was ready to cough her guts out till they get the idea of how asymptomatic she was.

It was her first day to come this close as a stalker.



For Brenda Keys, she wasn't doing any stalking but rather watching.

It was her first time to come this close to one of her sisters, and she had a reason to choose Stephanie first.

Brenda Keys had planned everything well over the past year and she didn't want any confusion with her work. She had five sisters and most of the time in her head she referred to them as STAR, it was easy that way to keep up with her busy life.

S is for Stephanie.

T is for Tesla.

A is for Angeline.

R is for Regina.

That's how she use to repeat to herself until it stuck in her head.

She was cautious and if anyone figured out what she was doing she could say it was just a game she was playing.

From the past year and past few months, she kept watching them from a distance and now she was ready to see them with her eyes and not behind some binoculars.

It was way much better as she got to come in contact with the people her sister was working with, she wanted to know them all, even if it was the janitor. She had to, after all, who said janitors can't harm people?

The person she was watching now had another work but she preferred to watch in the hospital first, as she always kept her reasons open it was the best place to start.

Other than the two reasons; being sick and waiting for someone. She knew if anyone got suspicious of her she would scream and tell them someone was trying to murder her and then they will take her to a psych ward while she continued screaming bloody murder.

Brenda smiled at herself and imagined what the scene would look like. Pleasant?

She looked at the nurses passing by and looked down, she wasn't going to make eye contact with any of them. Eye contact meant evidence, and she didn't want that.

After the nurses passed by Brenda shook her head, some of the nurses dressed in their cute little white short dresses.

What was it, Halloween?

And the way the patients were looking at them Brenda thought maybe if a patient looked at them would heal miraculously.

"Silly me." Brenda thought.

The doctors were different as they walked past Brenda wearing coats and dressed elegantly.

Brenda Keys looked at her watch and looked at the receptionist. Brenda had been sitting at the waiting bay for almost half an hour and she was beginning to think her first day of close stalking wasn't going to turn as she had planned.

Calculating in her head the possibility of whether the nurse could figure out her resemblance with the sister she had come to see, she decided to stay put for a little longer, and if she didn't see her sister she was then going to ask the receptionist where in the world was Stephanie while pretending to be one of Stephanie's sister.

Yes, she could. Three years of watching and stalking them were working as she knew each detail about them even if it was small.

The hospital's floor looked so clean Brenda wondered how the floor stayed like that as she hadn't seen a cleaner passing by to mop since she entered, it wasn't even smelling like a hospital.

Or maybe it was because she was sitting at the waiting bay?

From how the receptionist dressed to the way the floors and the seats looked squeaky clean, it surprised Brenda.

"Bravo Brenda, this is perfect," Brenda told herself after she looked at the person next to her who was looking down, she felt like clapping to herself. The hospital was the best first place to watch someone.

Everyone was busy consoling their loved ones.

Or looking down with pained looks.

Among the patients, no one was looking at her wondering why she was sitting there. It was perfect.

She looked at the receptionist and then the door and she felt happy to see who she had been waiting for, and she said to herself.

"Hello, Doctor Stephanie Perry."

Hello there,

Hope you have enjoyed reading Brenda's beginning of 'watching' one of her sisters.

During stalking activities, be it from Brenda's part or 'the man.' The author will be using THIRD-PERSON NARRATION instead of first-person point of view.


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