
BRENDA: My Shining Lover

"I Will Survive." ****** Zero heart. One missing Brother. Five Sisters. One Lover. One Stalker. Brenda Keys’ life turned upside down after Brandon, her brother went missing. With no heart to love, “caring for her sister” become the only purpose. With a reason to survive, she gave it all but was unaware of someone watching her. The stalker was being stalked. Ava Liam, a girl with fire. She wasn't looking for love, and with one look at Brenda, she swore to herself to make Brenda love herself and to love her, to make her walls come down even for a little bit for her. She became willing to do everything for her. As Brenda strives to be in control of her company and become a better sister while unaware of a stalker, where is her light? her brother, Brandon. *** OTHER WORKS: THE DROWNING ALPHA THE FATE OF THE CURSED ALPHA FEMALE ALPHA MARINA'S DYING MATE AND THEIR HUMAN BETA IN THE MIND OF CEO ARMANDO'S TEMPTRESS Photo not mine, will take down if the owner requests.

kerryn · Thành thị
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148 Chs

Pacing Night

We arrived home and my mother told me to go and take a shower, I wanted to ask her how will that help us know where Brandon was or if it will bring him back but I didn't want to start any arguments. I entered the house and went straight to Brandon's room hoping he could have come and sleep, nothing. I even checked under the bed believing he will scare me, I will scream, and then we can continue with our lives. Of all days, today is the day wish there was a hidden camera waiting for me.

Going to my room, I was walking like a zombie, ready to fall. The tears threatened to fall but all I could do is saying over and over in my head, "He is okay, he is coming later."

I entered the bathroom and the dam broke, tears falling down my face. I took my shower while crying and it didn't feel good after all the screams I had, I feel like my heart is breaking over and over, and maybe anyone would think I am overreacting, but trust me I am not.

I finished taking my shower, stood in my bathroom for a few minutes, and standing when you are stressed doesn't help at all. I was just staring myself at the mirror thinking of the steps I was going to take, thinking of what I was going to do.

It took me a moment there to realize that I haven't called his girlfriend to ask her, I went into my room and texted her, she didn't reply and I video call her. After asking her she said she hadn't seen him, and it wasn't like him at all. After the small talk, I ended the call and dress up then started looking through my phone for anything.

My mother came in, changed too and her eyes were red. I knew she has been crying and I wished I had ways to tell her that Brandon was going to come but she beat me into it. "Dear we will find him, okay? Maybe he is with his friends and busy enjoying himself he forgot his phone and forgot that you were with him."

Looking at her, I knew my mother didn't believe what she was saying, she was just talking. She knew Brandon never forgets me no matter what am like his twin, and whenever we are out, we are always together. They knew there was no way, no way at all Brandon would leave me.

My mother stopped patting my shoulder and looked up, it was my dad. He came and sit where I was sitting with my mother, I was in the middle and they were hugging me. Well, not hugging they were squeezing the hell out of me.

"So, the police have said we don't worry. It's still early, let's wait for twenty-four hours to finish then they can start a proper search. The investigators have also said the same thing," My dad signed. I didn't have my hearing aid, and lip-reading was off the table at the moment.

"Yes, we don't have to worry." My mother said. For her, it was like she was saying, but the question itself sounded like a question, even her whole facial expression. Both dad and I just stared at her.

We stayed silently for an hour. It was easy that way, and then they left. I didn't want to take any supper so I just stayed there on my bed, my mind wandering around thinking of where Brandon was.

I swear the night got longer and longer, I found myself checking my watch. The time wasn't moving, it was like instead of the minutes it was only going second by second, I don't think it was even going tick-tock, it was rather going tick-tick-tick.

Staring at the watch wasn't help and I had to pace, what is the way to make time go fast anyway? And my night because a pacing night and going to Brandon's room to check if he has come back. And then when I thought I was going crazy with the pacing and going to Brandon's room my alarm rang, it was 5 am.

I stayed awake the whole night, switching from pacing and going into Brandon's room to check if he was there.

I went to the kitchen and found our house to help to prepare breakfast.

"Good morning Ms. Brenda, oh you don't look so good." She said to me smiling.

"Yeah? How are you, Mrs. Kaden?" I ask her, I didn't know I would look that stressed up and tired. I picked my cup and pour myself some coffee.

"Where is Brandon? Am surprised he is not up." Mrs. Kaden asked me, well from her she went back to doing her things it means my day yesterday did a good job of keeping the media out of me screaming like crazy shouting my brother's name.

"He will come."

"Are you okay ma'am?" Mrs. Kaden asked me. She has been with us since I can remember, growing up she is always here for all of us. And from growing up with her as my nanny she knows me very well.

Mrs. Kaden used to be our nanny, and after that, my parents didn't want to let her go so they offered her a job. She has been with us for more than fifteen years. She has a daughter and a son who currently are in college.

"Don't call me ma'am Mrs. Kaden." I tease her.

"Don't call me Mrs. Kaden." She teased back.

That is how she is, so free and loving and caring. She has always asked us to call her by her name, but it won't be respectful and we are all grown up so nanny is not on the list anymore.

"Fine, but ma'am no. Brandon, oh wait a minute." I told her and left.

I headed into Brandon's room, I don't how I didn't go first to his room before going to the kitchen, but I was there like thirty minutes ago, but maybe he has come back.

"Brandon, Brandon," I was knocking while calling him, I was hoping to see the bulb flicker but nothing, so I entered the room and it was the same as it was thirty minutes before.

Well, at list I tried. Leaving the room, I found my parents standing at the door.

"Morning love." My dad said, kissing my forehead his arm holding my mother. My mother smiled at me with sleepy eyes, I guess I wasn't the only one who didn't sleep and had to come to check Brandon's room to see if he was back.

My dad looked like he didn't get any sleep, I greeted them back and went to my bedroom. After finishing my shower, I headed down to the kitchen, my coffee had gone cold already. I pour it on the sink and Mrs. Kaden smiled at me, I apologized for leaving her there and told her I had gone to check Brandon.

I didn't elaborate more, and she didn't ask. The goodness about Mrs. Kaden is that she doesn't push or dig deep into anything if you don't want to tell her and that's why I think my parents love her.

I help her slice some fruits, and she said she was thankful and I should have a talk with her son. I only smiled; she has been telling me that, and well a boy is a boy there was no way I was going to force him to listen to me or anything like that. I reassure her that I was going, and she went back to cook what I think was porridge.

I took the fruits to the dining table, my parents came and sat down. His phone rang and we all looked at him, surprised.

"No phone at the dining table."

That has always been the rule in the house, but I guess today is an exception. My dad showed us the caller id and it was the investigator, he put it on a loudspeaker and my mother signed for me what the person on phone said,

"Good morning, Mr. Keys. We have found something."