
BRENDA: My Shining Lover

"I Will Survive." ****** Zero heart. One missing Brother. Five Sisters. One Lover. One Stalker. Brenda Keys’ life turned upside down after Brandon, her brother went missing. With no heart to love, “caring for her sister” become the only purpose. With a reason to survive, she gave it all but was unaware of someone watching her. The stalker was being stalked. Ava Liam, a girl with fire. She wasn't looking for love, and with one look at Brenda, she swore to herself to make Brenda love herself and to love her, to make her walls come down even for a little bit for her. She became willing to do everything for her. As Brenda strives to be in control of her company and become a better sister while unaware of a stalker, where is her light? her brother, Brandon. *** OTHER WORKS: THE DROWNING ALPHA THE FATE OF THE CURSED ALPHA FEMALE ALPHA MARINA'S DYING MATE AND THEIR HUMAN BETA IN THE MIND OF CEO ARMANDO'S TEMPTRESS Photo not mine, will take down if the owner requests.

kerryn · Thành thị
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Magnetic Smile

"I hate this," Brenda swore to herself, as she looked out of the window and stared at the clouds, or was it the sky?

She wasn't sure, she preferred to be on land. That was a better place for her to do anything sinister, but no! what she was doing wasn't sinister.

Brenda Keys was sitting in a commercial airplane, and she hated it, especially since she was not sitting where she normally sat while she traveled, on first-class or sometimes she could ask to get herself a personal jet and run the errand she wanted to.

Her protecting her sisters came with a price and the price on that day was to take the airplane. Her purpose of that day was to protect Tesla Perry, her sister who was an air hostess.

She hoped she would see Tesla walking by each minute, but she hasn't seen her in like ten minutes and Brenda decided to stare out and watch the clouds or was it the sky?

"What is outside there?" wondering she imagined herself being on the clouds or out there flying.

"Flying?" She asked herself and shuddered. What in the hell was she thinking, flying to where? And how?

"Hi," a flight attendant called and Brenda didn't answer back and continued staring outside.

"Hi, me?" A man next to Brenda asked the flight attendant.

"No, I am speaking to her," the flight attendant said and the man touched Brenda's shoulder.

Brenda looked at the man and said, "yes," the man pointed at the flight attendant and Brenda's heart skipped. She was grateful the flight attendant was not the one flight she was there for because she wasn't sure how she would have behaved.

"Excuse me miss. I saw you shudder, are you okay? We have blankets maybe we can bring you one." The flight attendant said, giving Brenda a beautiful smile.

"I am okay, thank you."

The flight attendant asked Brenda if she was sure and Brenda reassured her two times that she was alright, and then the flight attendant left. It was the flight attendant's work to ensure the passengers had a good time and service while on air.

And from how Brenda was treated, she made sure to remember to give the airline a five-star rate when she finished her errands.

The guy next to Brenda stared at her, wondering who Brenda was, it was like in his head he was thinking how Brenda looked familiar.

Brenda seeing the guy was staring at her, turned and went back to stare at the clouds while hoping the guy wasn't thinking anything regarding asking her who she was with the overused line, "hey you look familiar."

She didn't want that, if anyone started telling her she looked familiar, many people would follow and tell her the same thing.

Looking at her watch¸ twenty minutes had passed, she looked behind and catch the guy next to her still staring. She looked at him, her eyes asking, "dude, what do you want?" but her mouth wasn't moving.

She wanted to excuse herself so she could go and ask the other flight attendants where the hell was Tesla Perry. The man stared at her and Brenda thought, enough was enough.

Enough was enough, yes, but she thought if she said hi to the guy or ask him why she was staring at her, the guy would think Brenda was inviting him for a conversation. And making a conversation with a stranger while on her mission to see her sister wasn't on her to-do list.

She wanted all of her focus to be on Tesla.

"Has she taken a parachute and flown away? maybe she is a superwoman?" Brenda questioned herself.

Call her crazy, but anything could have happened in those minutes she hadn't seen her.

But nothing had happened to Tesla Perry, Brenda started talking to herself and remaking the shawl she had on her head, anyone who saw it would think of it as an innocent act. But Brenda had to before she forgot why she was there.

She wasn't supposed to be seen, or even talked to.

If anyone talked to her it would mean she would have to entertain the people she didn't even care about.

She remade the shawl and looked behind again, and it was her lucky time. She saw her gorgeous sister walking towards them, she was mesmerizing and Brenda would only think of a bride walking down the aisle.

Brenda didn't make eye contact, and since it was an airplane, most of the passengers were looking at Tesla, some passengers were only staring while others wanted to ask for a meal to be brought to them.

TESLA PERRY looked absolutely stunning!

She went to a passenger who had called her, Tesla had beautiful and a killing smile which seemed to attract the passengers. Her smile was magnetic and she could see a woman who was busy talking to her son who was disturbing her, call Tesla with a smile too. It was not only magnetic but also contagious.

The clothes she wore were also breathtaking, she moved to the next person and almost near where Brenda was sitting. Tesla Perry had red lipstick, which most of the time Brenda hated seeing people because it made her remember blood, but on Tesla Perry, Brenda thought the red lipstick was made for her sister.

The make-up stylist had done an outstanding job.

Tesla Perry was almost to where Brenda was sitting, at that moment Brenda would have given everything anyone asked her if she would have been given the chance to talk to her sister. It was risky.

Brenda had a rule, while she was protecting her sister, she wanted zero chance of anyone recognizing her, and that meant to figure out all the risks and ensure she never did anything reckless.

After all, she didn't want to fail, she had prepared the plan for over a year. She was supposed to have no room for messing her plans up.

The plan was to run perfectly smoothly.