
BRENDA: My Shining Lover

"I Will Survive." ****** Zero heart. One missing Brother. Five Sisters. One Lover. One Stalker. Brenda Keys’ life turned upside down after Brandon, her brother went missing. With no heart to love, “caring for her sister” become the only purpose. With a reason to survive, she gave it all but was unaware of someone watching her. The stalker was being stalked. Ava Liam, a girl with fire. She wasn't looking for love, and with one look at Brenda, she swore to herself to make Brenda love herself and to love her, to make her walls come down even for a little bit for her. She became willing to do everything for her. As Brenda strives to be in control of her company and become a better sister while unaware of a stalker, where is her light? her brother, Brandon. *** OTHER WORKS: THE DROWNING ALPHA THE FATE OF THE CURSED ALPHA FEMALE ALPHA MARINA'S DYING MATE AND THEIR HUMAN BETA IN THE MIND OF CEO ARMANDO'S TEMPTRESS Photo not mine, will take down if the owner requests.

kerryn · Thành thị
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"The Craig, Room 302." I read the words on the door

I arrive at the 'room' where the event is going to be. I am surprised they call this a room, it's way too big, they should have named it, hall 302 or hall A. Anyway it is none of my business.

I look at the people inside there and I look at what I am wearing and truthfully I don't belong in this place. But the previous C.E.O of Keys had decided to schedule me on a meeting without asking. "Good job dear dad."

I didn't want to stand at the door, as to how other people normally do, it would bring unnecessary attention. I walked to the middle of the room and seat down. There are around fifty straight tables, each containing around ten chairs.

There is also a bottle of water on top of the table and fancy glasses.

I smile at that, at least there won't be direct attention as it would have been if there were only four or five chairs. And I am also in the middle because most people focus on the people in front and the ones behind.

I am a genius, right?

Yeah, I know.

People in the room are dressed in suits, most of the men are in navy blue and black suits and the ladies are in the same color pantsuits.

I don't understand why people have to wear black or navy blue suits for a meeting, they should color it up.

I grin at that.

But seriously, most of the events I have attended are like that. But I guess you can't come to a meeting where there is pink, red, yellow. The meeting will be like a rainbow and you would realize someone from a distance very easily.

Some of the women had flowery tops inside though, I guess that is okay.

"Hi," a lady in front of me says, I smile at her and nod. She hands me a paper and after saying thank you she leaves and moves to the next person.

I look at the paper and read it, "Companies Dissemination Forum." I smile and when I want to turn it over I feel my phone vibrate.

"Hi Bree, how is the forum going?" is a text from my father.

I type, "dad it is Brenda and this thing hasn't yet begun, thanks." I send and turn over the paper. Oh, no! There is day two, meaning I will be in this town for two days.

Great! Just great! Now, what will happen when I tell my employees that I won't make it to the meeting because I will have to cancel it for a second time.

"She is a bad C.E.O." I can imagine a hater saying at work, I wouldn't care but since I have control over the company I have to make sure that everyone is comfortable with everything and everyone but they will understand it is not like I am doing something not related to the company.

I put the paper down and ignore a text from Belinda, what does she want now?

I open my work Gmail and formulate a message to my assistant, "Good morning. Kindy cancel tomorrow's meeting. I am held up."

"Ok, I will do that. Have a good day." I read the text from my assistant.

What the? That was a bit faster, right? Is that person working?

I shook my head and send him a good day too, I didn't ask him to reschedule because from how things are maybe this week I will be helping up. When I am sure I am free, I will call them for an impromptu meeting.

"Oh, you used to like that. Breeeee. Ps. Your mother says hi." I read a text from my dad and wondered if he was twenty-something, I almost smile and I look around if I keep smiling they will think I am crazy.

I type, "dad okay, why don't you enjoy your date, let me mingle."

"You mingle? With who?" My dad sends fast, how do people do this?

"Dad, bye! Love you." Sent.

"Hi," someone said, I master my favorite smile and reply back, "hi."

I read the program the lady had given me and the smile I had, dropped, there is a section for the introduction. I have to get out of here as soon as possible and come back when the part is over, do you know people who hate introducing themselves?

Yeap. that is me.

I walk out of the room cursing in my head and nodded back at someone who nodded at me. Someone recognizes me and I smile, I feel like I have been smiling so many times for the last two days. Like so much.

I don't want this, I wanted to enter into the room once and leave once and go back home.

I look at the lift and the stairs and at the program, I have in my hand and since I have like twenty minutes I decide to use the stairs I have time to spare. I look up and down and I go up.

The stairs are empty. I guess it is because the people in this building use the lifts only. I take the stair two by two and when I feel like I need to take a break I stand. Ten minutes have passed, I lean on the handrail and get my phone out.

I open my Gmail and join the meeting, it has begun and the host was introducing the people at the meeting. The room was full now, how the hell did it get full in like what, ten minutes? The introduction began from the front. Yeah, told you, it is always from the front.

The first person introduced himself well and I felt grateful, he only said his name, his designation, and the company. And then the next and then the next. And from number twenty they began to add other unuseful info.

I wanted to comment on the next part in my phone telling them, 'we are not in politics or church. no offense, but keep moving." from how they began to prolong the introduction, I had to sit on the stairs.

I sat there and stood and started climbing the stairs, and then I came back. I was getting agitated and impatient, I almost text my dad to threaten him and that is when the hose said, 'kindly keep it short.'

It was my time to go down now and join the meeting

"Oh, what was I thinking?" I ask myself as I stand at the door. The room is packed. I look at the show I was wearing and thank God it wasn't heels, I can't imagine all room listening to 'click-clack'

I inhale and exhale. And with a smile, with my head held high, I walk into the room.